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Why it might be better if the truth does not come out.

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posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Why is It actually better that the truth does not come out?
I know the US did it no doubts at all 0%.
I am all for the truth but I honestly feel blessed to be one of the few (yes few one) to know the truth .I tried to explain it to a few Americans but they did not want to listen (by the way debunkers are right its impossible that 70%of the ppl do not believe the official story lets get real).
I actually changed the way I think about life just because of 911 and in a certain way I am glad this happened (I am very sorry for the families).
But on a personal base I feel much much better.
I am much calmer, I live in a paradise, I don't care much about material things anymore I don't watch TV and I am sure no one can poison me anymore.
911 was the last thing to understand what I always felt was wrong with the world.
PPL Are to numb and if they are so numbed they do not deserve the truth.
I am still posting hoping to open up a few minds but I might actually become a debunker if the truth was going to spread to much (it would kind of take e back to a sheep).
So far I am quite sure the truth will never come out.
I hate corporate medias, Big companies, Govts, Zionists (NOT JEWS) but I hate even more ppl that do not think.
They need dictators and medias to tell them what to do because they are zombies, I have no feelings for them they are simply (NWO tought) disposable.
As far as debunkers I totally respect them if they have an agenda but if they are plain stupid and blind they truly disgust me. and deserve 911 style attacks martial laws concentration camps and more.
Maybe the elite is right.
Just feel blessed that you know something that many ppl don't.
Still spread the truth its fair that everyone as a chance in understanding it but its a one time shot
Don't get upset if they will not understand actually feel better about it.
They are blind and stupid so let them live in their dream world made of Paris Hilton, reality shows big SUV's (hammer style).
One day the judgment will come feel good because you are one of the few that fought for it.
The rest well lets chip them and let them live their life, who are we to try to change the world?.
See you in Paradise.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 05:03 PM
A post with just thoughts and no video lin? Amazing! props!

I am all for the truth but I honestly feel blessed to be one of the few (yes few one) to know the truth .I tried to explain it to a few Americans but they did not want to listen (by the way debunkers are right its impossible that 70%of the ppl do not believe the official story lets get real).

I'm there with you. Hard awareness over ignorant bliss any day. No luck? People are more septical than you think - Depends how you approach them. Also consider what you consider the "official story." I think as much as like 85% reject the complete off. story, but prob. 2/3 or 3/4 of those would reject demolitions, Pgon missile, etc. It includes people who feel anything - lie even worse "incompertence" than was reported, so it don't say much.
More response later...

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:03 PM
The evidence are just overwhelmingly out there. I cannot believe ppl are so blind its against my logic.
In ATS we are simply having fun (as well as the debunkers) but in real life its a different matter.
I spoke with engineers that had no logical answer but it seemed like their brain totally shotted off when confronted with real evidence.
Just to much.
If you try to spread the truth in real world you must be a saint or plain stupid.
I admire whoever does it but I cant be one of them sorry.
Took me 6 months to convince my father but he later on summarized like that.
I believe that you are right but it goes against my brain that people would be that evil, I am sorry but I cannot confront the truth.
I let him go I lost him...

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:20 PM
"Truth" is elusive. i contend even neither of us REALLY knows it. We have good guesses, and even these sometimes change. And reason/logic/evidence does little against the defenses people erect. Faith. Don't wanna see it. It's wise to let people go sometimes. But don't go becoming a debunker just to vent your frustrations. Debun what's worth it, but not what you believe.
It really might be better of the truth doesn't come out en masse. Total chaos, etc, could ensue. It prob. won't anyway. I'm on the record, plan to eep my sites up, but maybe about done myself. it's exhausting and unhealthy to keep drilling away like I have been.
Instead we'd do better to try and locate the source of the problems that led to 9/11, all the wars, and to the next "catastrophic event." There will be one. and find those sources and work towards solutions. If we could only agree what the source and solution is... it's tricky.

(broen eyboard sorry)

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 06:38 PM
I don't if people are "blind" to the truth so much as they are lazy and don't care because it would interfere with their daily lives. I'm the only one in my family who thinks the government did it, they all call me an idiot because I believe so, and then I look inside and realize that I know the truth and it makes it somewhat better.

[edit on 17-3-2007 by ChrisJr03]

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