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From Anonymous Posts: Life on Mars

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posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 01:29 PM

Original Anonymous Post By: anon_103885
I believe so. I also believe the govt is afraid of it because of the wrongs the govt commits intentionally. The govt was warned a long time ago about the advanced technology of; I guess we would call them Martians. I'm going way in right field with this one so hang on. The Honorable Elijah Mohamed forewarned our leaders of life on Mars before it became an issue. Since truth is truth no matter what, the truth will not repeat itself, but forever remain truth. What I mean by this is Elijah said before it was confirmed that the beings lived under the ground on Mars. Now years later its been confirmed by the glass tunnels. Please do not jump on my back. All I'm suggesting is that all knowledge be considered before making an assumption. One does not have to be Muslim to read the Koran, and one needs not be Christian to read the Bible. The truth is right before our eyes people, that it why it is called truth, because no matter how great the lie the truth will forever shine bright. Check out Message to the Black Man by Elijah, and Moorish American History by Hakim Bey. Elijah only taught knowledge not racism. I say this to say pick up the book and read. The Book will amaze those that have not read it. Especially with the preciseness of the whole Mars issue. He was taught the size of all the planet's, their distance from each other, how fast they orbit the sun, and so much more about the long before our govt knew. Now the govt may act as its always acted and lie especially because the knowledge came from my beloved race and I quote "A Black Man", but we all know that Africa or Kemet or Asia as we Muslims refer to it, was the beginning of civilization, but you know what? They lied about that too. LOL. My point in all of this is that the govt has is and will always lie. Thanx for your ears and eyes, mind and time

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 01:29 PM
HMMM very very intresting

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