posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:16 AM
"heroin, crack, coc aine, etc are all legitimately really really bad for you"
Thats not strictly true, especially concerning Heroin. Anything taken in excess will have a detremental effect on your mind and body, but you can
happily take heroin several times a day for the rest of your very long life so long as it's pure, sterile and taken oraly. The problems people
experience with heroin come from neglecting the body's natural needs to stay healthy due to being totally focused on the heroin.
If it was cheap and easily available, adidcts wouldn't have half the problems they have now.
Cocain whilst more damaging is less addictive and less likely to become habitual than Heroin. Again, so long as it's pure, sterile taken oraly and
not used in excess there's no reason you can't maintain a sustainable habit with little or no physical effect.
Crack, I have no idea.
I'm on the "legalize everything" side of the fence, and pro recreational drug use. But I would want to see it handled responsibly ( unlike for
example fags and booze )