Originally posted by st3ve_o
There is an old saying “only the good die young” but where does this ^old saying^ come from? Is there any truth in it?
What’s your views on this subject?
I do not believe this statement was referring to the physical self or the body.
I believe the saying originated with the precept of an individual choosing to "kill" (for lack of a better term) their ID, or conscious mind's
opinion. In other words a person who "dies young" has chosen not to be a subserviant conformist who is slave to the instinct of
otherwise called original sin or "Self
PRE-Serve" (self prior to serving anyone or anything since there is no end to the cellular prime
When a person "dies young" they make a conscious choice to put the needs (not wants) of the truth of others above their wants and needs.
After such a choice is made to no longer be an automated biological manifestation of "self pre-serve", the overwhelming percentage of the brain
known as the subconscious or unconscious is released to the conscious mind (at a rate that is not detrimental), so a person can know what is
transpiring in the other 99.999999997% of their brain, as well as 98+% of their own dna, of which science has no explanation for what it does, or why
such dna even exists. (called "junk dna" or "introns"). Also, one may have better communication with the cells in their body which are not
containing human dna. (For every human cell in the human body, there are 10 cells that are not human cells).
So, essentially the phrase "only the good die young" is more of a metaphore for people who actually wake up to many truths prior to their physical
body beginning to fall apart.
Want an example or a few of how people don't even know themselves or their own consciousness?
Go look in the mirror and tell yourself (or merely think it) how many are looking back at you through the mirror.
One, right?
Yet every cell that comprises that thought knows that 0 + 0 = 0. In fact 0 + 0 + a multitude of 0s still will equall Zero no matter how many zeros
there are.
Brain virus
You see one in the mirror.
Each brain cell that comprises that thought knows that logically a whole bunch of zeros added together equal zero.
So, all your cells which are by your standards zero self aware, zero self conscious, and zero intelligence are stuck with a delema. If they are all
zeros, and the sum is zero, then how do a bunch of zeros add up to make
People only consciously experience
second hand their own senses if their own senses input is compatible with the conscious mind's programming
(Free Will to choose what to believe), while all
First Hand experiences from all sensory input goes to the Subconscious/unconscious mind prior
to being made available to the conscious mind's knowledge.
"Only the good die young" refers to people who are not afraid of not belonging, not afraid of not being accepted, but rather do not permit
themselves to be defined by the fears of others.
people. interesting breed. praising love while not knowing that what it is they love the most is usually defined by what it is they fear losing the
"look i fear"
i hear no "a" sound in "fear". It isn't really there, and takes up less space. tree friendly
"look i fer"
but "c" also makes the "k" sound, and takes up less space. tree friendly
"looc i fer"
but, "u" also makes the "oo" sound, and takes up less space. tree friendly
luc i fer (lucifer) is "look i fear"
poor brain cells and their virus of "zero".
perhaps people can retrieve those cells if they themselves spend one second observing while knowing that they are zero as well, having empathy for
what it is they have put their own cells through.
Then perhaps such people who have thought of themselves as "Zero" can put a "zero" on top of their heads, too. just like saints.
666? "takes one to know one"
6th book, 6th chapter, 6th verse, 6th word:
6th prime number? = 17
6th book, 6th chapter, 6th prime numbered word (17th word):
Only the good die young? knowing what it is you would die for is not the same as knowing what it is you would live for.