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oh wow look now!!! they are waiting for another explosion

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posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Damn waiting for another explosion.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 04:13 PM
What do you mean they are wating for another explosion? That vid looks like it was taken right after the 2nd plane hit, and they are running scared. Explosion? I fail to see what you are trying to convey.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:52 PM
The woman says "...their waiting for another explosion". This is suppose to mean bombs?

Who do you think "their" is referring to? The police? firefighters?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:59 PM
And of course a random woman running down the street is going to know there are bombs going off and they are waiting for another one.

Nothing here folks, move along ;-)

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
And of course a random woman running down the street is going to know there are bombs going off and they are waiting for another one.

Nothing here folks, move along ;-)

Don't be silly. Clearly the masterminds behind it planted random people in the streets to shout out exclamations about the bombs so as to give CTers and opportunity to uncover the diabolical plot.

Remember, anyone who says anything even in passing that could imply a conspiracy means exactly what they say. It's only when something is said that contradicts one that it can't be taken literally.

For example when the guy said Pull it.We know that that term does not mean to demolish a building with explosives, but we will simply overlook that and not take it literally. But when it comes to the accusation that it meant to demolish the building, we will hold him to the letter on his use of the word "it".

Or likewise if in an event anyone uses the term "explosions" it can only mean a bomb and absolutely nothing else. But in any non-conspiracy events where someone uses the word "explosion" it can mean anything what so ever, bomb optional.

When Bush speaks, he is constantly misusing the english language with his Texas jargon and lack of ability to speak correctly. However when it comes to implying a conspiracy such as claiming to see the first plane hit the WTC, he is an english professor who meant his words to be taken in an exact literal sense instead of his Taxas jargon.

Sometimes it helps to make a flowchart.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Your just playing little word games. They are totally caught. The lie thing just isn't working anymore. I'll give you 2 smoking guns. There are hundreds just as conclusive at these. Steal frame buildings can not colapse down upon themselves into the point of most resistance at freefall speed. Period. Ask any engineer. And this happened in all 3 blds. Impossible unless blownup, as in controlled demolition. Next, all the molten steal (caused by thermate and hi explosives)seen on videos pouring out of building on certain floors high up. and the molten pools in the basements for over a month. Gov. of N.Y. describes it and many more do also. Jet fuel fires cannot melt steel. So what melted steal into molton pools that stayed so hot for so long.. And almost all cement and many other things were turned into microscopic power. Fire couldn't do that and falling could't do that. . . Some other details can be confusing. you know, the ones you pick to discuss.. Reply. Tell me why I'm wrong.

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:04 PM
If thats the North tower i see standing the south tower has fallen.?

posted on Mar, 17 2007 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by DoomX
The woman says "...their waiting for another explosion". This is suppose to mean bombs? ?

I have (and had) many friends and family members that were in and around the towers that day. they all had the same reaction as they were leaving the area. in speaking with them after they fled the towers and then the collapses, they thought more planes hit, more buildings collapsed and basically the whole city was under seige.

what they went thru in those few hours did not give them much in the way of clarity. several of my friends walked away in such a daze that they found themselves a mile into brooklyn before realizing they had even crossed the bridge. They lived uptown at the time, the completely opposite direction.

people panicked and had no clue what was going on and these were people not in the center of the storm.

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