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Wow the FBI at first tought bombs brought down the WTC

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posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Well I give a little help to our little friends the so called "little government conspiracy theorist"

hmm sorry no help.
Oh yes maybe it was unconfirmed?

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 04:02 PM
So, hours after the attack, there is a working theory. This guy also blows all of the Pentagon 'no jet' theories out of the water. Awesome job with your post, it proves less government involvement.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 04:06 PM
lol Please now any real comment in here we appreciate your humour honestly now you can move to the next thread ahahaha
What a diversion almost funny ahahah
Thank you you are giving me 2 nice minute of pure fun

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:01 PM
While I do feel there are many inconsistencies surrounding the Whole of 9-11, I certainly can't see where this video provides an answer to anything.

From the video ...

Jack Kelley, Foreign/War Correspondent:

"Uhm, apparently what appears to happen was at the same time two planes hit the building that they're ... that the FBI ... most likely thinks that there was a car or trucked, packed with explosives, underneath the building, which also exploded at the same time and brought both of them down.

... that is the working theory at this point ... that is still unconfirmed, but that is what the FBI is going on at this point."

At what point does he EVER clarify having been "Informed by the FBI"? The vast majority of his comments seem more speculative journalism than anything else.

... and, I think you'll find Jack Kelley is quite capable of ... uhm ... not getting his story straight.

Read the full article, but here are two choice portions.

"The reason for ending Kelley's employment was that he engaged in an elaborate deception during an investigation into his work," USA Today editor Jurgensen said on Jan. 13. "He admitted that he engaged in conduct designed to deceive the investigation."

and there's more ...

The lead article explained that reporters had "found strong evidence that Kelley fabricated substantial portions of at least eight major stories, lifted nearly two dozen quotes or other material from competing publications, lied in speeches he gave for the newspaper and conspired to mislead those investigating his work."

Oddly enough, it actually raised a few questions.
Who's Jack Kelley (?)
Foreign (War) Correspondent (?)
reporting, what appears to be, that the FBI ... most likely thinks (?)

Well, at least I did find answers to those questions.
Way to go Jack ... from Pulitzer to putz.

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 05:49 PM

I belive there was certainly a conspiracy of silence if nothing else, and I'am certainly open to the possibility of a black op being in place to ensure maximum effect.

That said thanks for removing another piece of the puzzle with a well educated and thought through post.

Hats off to you!

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 07:32 PM
I agree. The "conspiracy of silence", per se, would seem the more productive and possibly enlightening avenue of investigation.

The worst attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor.

-US troops enmassed on Afghan borders. (waiting)
-ALL hijackers identified, in depth?, within hours ... ?
-bin Ladin, the near immediate poster child, is where? Af ...

-thus begins the "War on Terror".

Which led to ...


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 07:43 PM
I don't know if there were bombs or explosives used ,but these photos sure do point to some extreme heat during the collapses.

[/ img]

[edit on 15-3-2007 by crowpruitt]

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