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posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 02:01 AM
Hi guys.

Iv just been reading WOS's thread about "Them" giving him cancer and his old thread about the strange call he got.
Sorry to hear this btw
hope u overcome it.

Anyway ... it made me remember an experiance i had when i was young. I think i was about 12-13 i cant remember exactly but i remeber the experiance well.
We driving home after leaving my dads shop. We got about 5 minutes down the road and wernt going very fast as we were still in the city. I can remember passing a guy stood at a bus stop. Im sure he was wearing a trench coat and he flashed what at the time looked like a bus pass. This was weird as there was no reason for him to do so... he wasnt gettin on a bus and he flashed it directly at the road. A couple of seconds before this happened a green jaguar turned onto the road and pull up behind us. It had 5 men in it all wearing suits and one particulary old guy in the back. I remember this well because i thought wow they look like mafia guys lol.
We drove home and the car stayed behind us. Being young my imagination made me think we were getting followed by these guys so i urged my dad to speed up. He as he liked indulging my fantasys lol. But when he did so did they. And every time my dad slowed they would too and if he sped up again so would they. They eventually turned off not far from my house but i was weary for the rest of the night lol.

I know it is probably nothing but i just wondered "what if".
What do you guys think of this?


posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 08:53 AM
My guess is that you probably were not being followed. If you were being followed by the government, or some sort of organization that has done this type of thing before, you wouldn't have noticed them.

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 12:01 PM
the government probably wouldnt drive a Jaguar, as it is a British car. The vast majority of US Gov vehicles are built by domestic auto makers, like Ford and GM. It was probably nothing, but it does sound a little weird

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 01:28 PM
I live in the UK.... lol
Yea i didnt think i was being followed by the government just thought it was a bit weird so thought id share.


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