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CNN 9/11 footage that offers good non-conspiracy evidence

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Please watch this video, and it will help with ideas that are talked about on ATS.


HEre are jsut a few things...

1. CNN VP witness to the plane going overhead and hitting WTC
2. Numerous eyewitness accounts
3. Video shows the plane hitting the second tower.
4. Announcer talks about navigation equiptment may be broken???
5. Explosions were initially thought to come from first tower hit when in actuallity it was the second plane hitting the second tower
6. Watch the footage and see how fast the fire spread and how many floors it encompassed.
7. Eyewitness accounts that it was a 'missle' attack
8. People on the street talking about explosion. (planes hitting)
9. Multiple views showing the planes hitting

It shows where alot of the 'eyewitness' accounts came from and it makes sense in the first minutes of the attack. THis will help with many of the reports that were made and still referred to. This also totally debunks any holographic theories.

Excellent comments from experts in the first 20 minutes.....

[edit on 14-3-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:26 PM
lol sonic booms missiles only cnn expert saw the plane actually the first minute really made me think about the media cover up.

This video actually really makes me doubt that a second plane hit the WTC.
please now stop saying debunking I have enough go out on the street and go on with your real conspiracy.
The Proof are so overwhelming it just impossible that someone with an IQ over 80 believes in the conspiracy theory made up by the and the govt.
STOP insulting the intelligence of ppl and go on with this stupid BS with lower IQ ppl.
I really have enough you guys should all be banned what you are doing is beyond reason.
Be a human being and just stop this nonsense.
I really care nothing if ppl believe or not 911 what I cant stand is ppl like you and many others who insult the memory of the dead on 911 with those Nutty non logical unrealistic stupid, false and fabricated stories that go against the physic law.
911 movement is and was dead from the beginning.

[edit on 14-3-2007 by piacenza]

[edit on 14-3-2007 by piacenza]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:41 PM
I would really like to attmept to reply to the comments that were made, but you switched sides of the arguement twice.

The title is sarcastic.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:44 PM
Reguardless of whether or not you believe in the 911 conspiracy or not, does not give you the right to come into a thread created by a person with a constructive view on a topic (911 in this case) and shoot your flames. If this topic makes you mad, then take a few minutes, calm down, and respond with a constructive, yet opposite answer to his post. Do not think that the moderators or other members here on ATS have tolerance for such things, as we do not.

You have only been here a month, and already your attacking a senior poster of this wonderful site. My suggestion is that if you choose to continue posting on here, then please, engage in a civil debate/conversation and post your views accordingly, we would all love to hear your point of view, but not in such a manner that would get you banned one month after posting.

Take every topic with a grain of salt, and remember, don't worry, be happy.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:51 PM

This also totally debunks any holographic theories.

This is yet another attempt to create a straw man argument. I will not engage in this nonsense. Those buildings were demolished. PERIOD!

Anyone with a modicum of discernment can see that 9/11 was an inside job. What difference does it really make how it was done? It was done.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Smack
Anyone with a modicum of discernment can see that 9/11 was an inside job.

Not even remotely true.

What you have is evidence that some companies benefitted from 9/11 and that the president exploited it.

Well, exploiting a tragedy doesn't mean you caused it.

There is zero--none, nada, zip--actual physical evidence of any conspiracy.

What difference does it really make how it was done? It was done.

A BIG difference.

The government knowing an attack is imminent and doing nothing, while heinous, is a world away from actually planting explosives and blowing up the building themselves.

Not to mention the latter can be disproven.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:58 PM
This is why I post less and less on this site. Do you have any insight into this issue other than stating any non-tard would know that this is a demolition? Can you offer a POV that has not been rehashed a thousand times in these threads?

Construct a defense before you begin an arguement. The issue here is that there is a demolition, of comporable size to the WTC, and it looks and sounds nothing like the footage from 9/11. The building was also a shell, with everything on the inside removed and prepared for demolition montns in advance. I have yet to read from an accredited demilition expert or someone with true black-ops knowledge a good theory on how you could wire WTC7, let alone WTC 1 and 2.

1. why wait so long to 'pull' the building?
2. Where is the physical evidence?

2 simple questions, and only one person that I know of has attmepted to answer it in a civil manner.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:59 PM
that is exactly my point Who cares what hit them.
I can beleive you guys dont get baned for spreading obvious stupid unfunded conspiracy.
Enough of your nonsense.
And the twin tower wt7 the pentagon and the incredible Shanksville accident (did you hear the major? Or did you not?
Stop the lying enough is enough.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:36 PM
Again, you post nothing but nonsensical ramblings supporting what I am not sure. The US was attacked on 9/11, bu terrorists. It may be hard to believe, but it is true. There are numerous publications that explain the collpase of the towers.

It is all, in my opinion, a smokescreen for Flight 93. That flight was shot down, no question. Look into the testimonyi in the 9/11 commision report. So the disinfo comes from people wanting the masses to believe in a conspiracy against the government. Therefore, the government could then create a movie and a tag line, and the nation believes the official 93 story with no questions asked.

Intelligence failures and complacency allowed 9/11 to happen.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
that is exactly my point Who cares what hit them.

Wow. It's not every day anymore on the internet that you get to see someone go into an all-caps screaming rant.

We have plausibile scientific explanations for how a plane hitting those buildings and the fire caused the building to collapse.

Can you please provide your plausible, scientific explanation for how the government managed to sneak hundreds of pounds of thermite (or explosives) into the twin towers undetected, set them off, and then managed to cover up ALL evidence afterward?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 02:55 PM
My biggest issue is that we have to even question why it happened. We know it happened, reguardless of the reason, and that it was wrong. Who did it? That's the $64,000 question, however, we should not be in a country that supposedly have nothing to do with it trying to secure oil reserves in the name of freedom. It's our mere presence that is provoking most of the attacks, not terrorists themselves. 9/11 was a tragedy, no doubt about it, but arguing about it isn't going to help. These are my opinions, just as esdad71 has posted his, but the mindless flaming isn't coming to any more of a conclusion than when this whole debate/conspiracy started.

I believe that the towers were intentionally taken down. WHY? I don't listen to all these people trying to counter claim what the other guy says, I look at what I see on the videos of that fateful day, and see that two buildings came down at freefall speed, two of which are the only two in history to do so due to the cause. Two buildings came down in a perfect demolition pattern, without collapsing all those around them, and building 7 came down, not being hit by a plane at all. Strange that all of the records of government investigations were in that building hmm? I believe what I saw on 9/11, and that what I saw was staged. I don't need technical data to see that it looks rigged. I do believe however, that our "leaders" will get theirs, may not be today, may not be tommorow, but rest assured, they will get theirs. I just hope they don't have to take more innocent lives with them like the cowards they have already shown themselves to be.

My 2 cents.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:03 PM
no you are mistaking show me the PROOF of why wtc7 collpased show me how scientifically flight 93 pulverized please show me scientifical proof.
The proofs right now are against you totally I have nothing to prove you have.
Please no conspiracy but real evidence.
Please explain me what can cause the meteor found (made of molted metal) please please please explain me I am soooo curious.
You conspiracy theorist please show us the proof

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:09 PM
This goes back the 80's with the want to attack the US on our soil. IN 93 they attempted to destroy the WTC with a bomb, hoping to topple the towers into one another. It did not work.

Then there was project Bojinka. This was luckily discovered, and was stopped before it could be acted out. This idea was also in motion with another cell led by Atta, which would eventually lead to the 9/11 attacks.

This is not a bunch of cave dwellers who decided to hijack a plane. If you truly believe that there is no Al-qeada, or terrorism, then you have bought into the terrorist propoganda. Remeber all the democrats who played the 9/11 truth trumpet? WHere are they now?

What I was attempting to give with this video is true, unedited footage that shows where many of the misquoted comments on many 9/11 conspiracy sites comes from. No one knew what was going on in the minutes after the first plane attacked, and that is where most of the comments come from. People stating that they heard explosions. No S%$, a passenger jet hit a building.

9/11 was a day that was very, very tragic, and I continue to press my view not because I believe in the government, but because I believe in facts. The day I see true physical evidence is the day I change my mind. 3000 people died because of a fanatical view of religion not becasue Halliburton needed a good fiscal qtr.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Kingalbrect79
I don't listen to all these people trying to counter claim what the other guy says

You should, man. There is no merit to the controlled demolition stuff. None whatsoever.

and see that two buildings came down at freefall speed

And that's because a single floor of the WTC isn't strong enough offer almost any resistance to the mass and inertia of 20 stories of building falling onto it all at once. They gave out instantly. It's like the entire floor got hit by a falling building all at once. Buildings' floors are strong, but they aren't that strong.

two of which are the only two in history to do so due to the cause.

They're also the only two in history to have their load-bearing columns sheared by a crashing aircraft. They're also the only two in history to have the fire-proofing ripped off the columns by an aircraft and left to burn.

Two buildings came down in a perfect demolition pattern, without collapsing all those around them, and building 7 came down, not being hit by a plane at all.

The collapse started 3/4 of the way up the building. Why would you expect it to fall anything but straight down considering that?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:15 PM

What I was attempting to give with this video is true, unedited footage that shows where many of the misquoted comments on many 9/11 conspiracy sites comes from. No one knew what was going on in the minutes after the first plane attacked, and that is where most of the comments come from. People stating that they heard explosions. No S%$, a passenger jet hit a building.

No kidding. I remember watching live and they were reporting, AFTER the four hijacked planes had hit, that there were other hijacked planes still in the air. We know now that wasn't true. It was chaos.

The day I see true physical evidence is the day I change my mind.


I'm not a sheep. I don't trust my government at all. I despise them.

But I have yet to see any claim made by the conspiracy theorists that can't be refuted by 2 seconds of Googling.

The day they show me physical proof is the day I become a believer.

[edit on 14-3-2007 by whiterabbit]

[edit on 14-3-2007 by whiterabbit]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:18 PM
Whiterabbit -- If you are going to persist in stalking me from thread to thread, attacking my posts for no other reason than to provoke me into another inane and pointless debate about the unknowable details of how 9/11 was perpetrated - I'm just going to ignore you.

I don't owe you anything, Whiterabbit. I don't owe anyone here an explanation or detailed rebuttal of the patently ridiculous. For myself and others, the debate as to whether or not 9/11 was an inside job is over. The events of that day taken in context with past and present history provide irrefutable evidence of Government complicity. If I were inclined to try to convince someone of these facts, I would not choose a person like you. It would be an utterly futile exercise and a waste of my time.

I apologize for the momentary hijacking of the thread.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by esdad71Intelligence failures and complacency allowed 9/11 to happen.

This is the one aspect that convinces me 9/11 was an inside job.

We were told, almost from the first minute, that bin Laden was behind the attacks. We're told it was a sophisticated, meticulously planned and well-funded operation, carried out by committed men who had spent many months preparing for the moment.

We know that bin Laden is intimately connected to the US through his long association with the CIA. This is a man who would have had a fair appreciation of the capacity of the various US agencies to defend America. This is a man who, having declared 'war' on the US, and who is said to have been responsible for many acts of terror against US interests, must have anticipated US intelligence successes.

So why oh why was the success of his operation entirely contingent upon the failure of the US to defend herself rather than upon some smart piece of out-manoeuvring?

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Smack
Whiterabbit -- If you are going to persist in stalking me from thread to thread

Don't flatter yourself. I've been debating LOTS of people about 9/11. You aren't special.

attacking my posts for no other reason than to provoke me

I didn't attack you at all. You criticized the debunkers for something you do yourself constantly here.

All I did was point that out.

into another inane and pointless debate about the unknowable details of how 9/11 was perpetrated

So now the details of 9/11 are unknowable? How very convenient.

If they're so unknowable, how do you know there was thermite?

- I'm just going to ignore you.

*shrug* Go ahead. It just proves my point that you have no interest in actually debating this.

I don't owe you anything, Whiterabbit. I don't owe anyone here an explanation or detailed rebuttal of the patently ridiculous.


But if you're going to criticize my side of the debate for not presenting facts when you NEVER do that yourself, I'm going to call you on that--every single time.

If I were inclined to try to convince someone of these facts, I would not choose a person like you. It would be an utterly futile exercise and a waste of my time.

So, your excuse for not presenting facts is that "I'm not worthy?" Gotcha.

Whatever gets you out of having to defend your arguments, I guess.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Bin Laden did not have ties to the CIA, the Taliban did. Bin LAden cuts his teeth so to say in Afghanistan fighting the jihad alongside Taliban fighters, but he did not have a Langley VISA.

This thread however is about the footage in the video. It gives creedence that many of the statements about explosives on the net came from early accounts of people hearing explosions. There was even an early report of someone stating a 'missle' msut have hit the towers, before the second one hit. This was minutes after the first attack, and no one truly knew what was occuring. I can only imagine the sound that jet made in the city when it hit,

Now, if you see the footage, you can hear the plane accelerating and hear the impact. You can see that it was planes, and not drones,missles or anything else. They were planes carrying real people, with real families flown by terrorists.

Live not in fear, but don't fall asleep either. Do you not realize that the very ones who attacked us love to see that Americas own citizens 'hate' their country as much as they do, and in some arguements state that Bush should be punished for 9/11.

Bin Laden is to blame, not Bush.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

1. why wait so long to 'pull' the building?
2. Where is the physical evidence?

2 simple questions, and only one person that I know of has attmepted to answer it in a civil manner.

1: why wait? Because they wanted as less cameras and media as possible watching WTC 7. They succeeded in doing so, and that is why there is very very very few pictures and videos of WTC7 falling.

2: Physical evidence? They restricted the area to only government officials, and they got rid of the physical evidence as fast as they could.

My theory is that Flight 93 was meant to crash into WTC7. Since Flight 93 didn't reach its target, the masterminds of 911 couldn't pull the trigger to the hidden explosives in WTC7 to finish the building off, since a jet alone probably wouldn't finish it alone. The masterminds wanted to use the jet crash to trick the world into thinking it was a terrorist attack, and because they weren't sure a jet could completely demolish the building, they rigged it with explosives. Since the trick jet didn't reach WTC7 they didn't want to just pull the trigger to early, because everyone would get suspicious. So they waited until later that night, when media coverage, and personal cameras were at a minimum. Once that was accomplished, they pull the trigger, and hope nobody got any good camera angles. Which, I'm sure you are aware is exactly what happened. Nobody got any good shots of the south side. Or they did, but the government confiscated them.

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