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Area 51 /security guard leak / skyquakes / black ops video

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posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 09:57 AM
area 51 black ops

Originally posted by Sekhemet
Hi, i dont know if this has been here before it has some fascinating info ive never heard.

At about 17 minutes into this film the guy is talking about a 700 ft long craft dubbed 'old faithful' because it shows up at area 51 at 4.50am every thursday, travelling over mac 10, and that it orbits the planet, and that it is a 'nuclear platform' with 132 types of nukes on board.

The guy said this craft sighting is preceeded by 'skyquakes', (sonic booms?) where peoples homes rattle without no evidence of eathquake activity or military programs running or any other natural weather event.

So i googled skyquakes and found this page straight away (now on a cache as real link died )

califor nia skyquakes

Also i found this link on skyquakes not being seizmic activity ATS in 2003.

This is a list of areas of skyquakes (havnt read them all yet)

So anyway watch all the video, what do you guys think? 42 levels down!? all that cement

EDIT -- forgot the vid link here >>

black ops area 51

[edit on 14-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

mod edit: title clarity

[edit on 14-3-2007 by sanctum]

[edit on 14-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 11:51 AM
I hear so often that the Russians where investigating UFO's so this helps prove its true. In actual fact that the Russians may have been mislead by the US to spend it time and resources looking into the UFO's while US used that time to catch up in secruity etc. Its possibel and I've heard it before.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:21 PM
The UFO footage at the start of the film caught my interest. Believe it or not I had never seen this particular Area 51 UFO footage before.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 06:13 PM
Yeah il look out for the other part to it. I hope some more people will have a look at this theres loads of info in it.

If you have seen the NASA transmission videos that first craft with the piece cut out looks like some of those.

Craft in earth with no center hole.

And no, nobody say its the moon! watch the video thats a close p, you cant see the cut outs till its zoomed.

Heres 1 of NASAs many crafts in their vid

Craft in space with center hole

These are stills of the very brief footage of 'pods' that supposedly were to contain aliens.

You have to watch it all cause if you blink you will miss it. Its where the security guard is sitting down drawing diagrams of the base.

[edit on 14-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 02:12 PM
486 views and 2 replys
its better than that people. Ignore my first messed up post and deal with the vid.

Give me your input > rmlike+ufo&hl=en

[edit on 18-3-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 04:33 AM
If you look at the fourth picture it looks like ET or an Alien from the Alien movies. I don't know that's what it looked like to me. I didn't watch the video though so maybe they show clearer pictures.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Thanks for the post but I'm totally unconvinced by the UFO footage. Here are my main reasons for this.

1. Why on Earth (no pun intended :-) would a craft need to 'whizz' all over the the place like shown on the video? I seriously doubt that any alien would want to 'show off' the road holding of his hot rod! :-)

2. How come that the craft is initially 'whizzing' all over the place but when the camera operator zooms in it conveniently comes to a complete standstill and almost poses for the camera? Almost laughable.

It's fairly obvious to me that with no other points of reference the object is simply some form of prop and it is the camera that is moving and not the object!!

The whole thing screams FAKE to me!

However, if I'm wrong it wouldn't be the first time :-)



posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Sekhemet

At about 17 minutes into this film the guy is talking about a 700 ft long craft dubbed 'old faithful' because it shows up at area 51 at 4.50am every thursday, travelling over mac 10, and that it orbits the planet, and that it is a 'nuclear platform' with 132 types of nukes on board.

Ok, if it's literally in orbit, then it has no Mach number. If they're claiming it's circumnavigating the planet in the atmosphere, that's not an orbit. I'm in a hurry so I don't want to punch in the numbers, but what's the altitude of a one-week orbit? Hint - it's way out of the atmosphere. Why a week?

There aren't 132 different types of nuclear weapons. I'm not sure there are that many if you take into account all the ones that are obsolete. Why would "types" of weapons be impressive? Or relevant? USAF in Europe only has one "type" of gravity bomb they normally carry, for instance. They can set the yield to different levels to achieve different effects but that's not a "type".

The guy said this craft sighting is preceeded by 'skyquakes', (sonic booms?) where peoples homes rattle without no evidence of eathquake activity or military programs running or any other natural weather event.

Well, if it's preceded by these "skyquakes", and it shows up at this fixed time and place every Thursday, then the craft must be hitting the exact same points in its "orbit" every week. You'd think the people under it would be setting their watches by it. However, they're not. Bogus info.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:17 PM
Yea man, I posted this video in the UFO section. I guess it was the wrong area, sorry. The pictures of the ufo's aren't what peak my interest, it's the part of the video where they talk about the "Black Projects". Notice the one guy who states "we have stuff there that would make George Lucas envious". I wonder whats really going on there. For all we know this could just be a distraction for whats going on in a different place all-together. And why is it that if you know your going to see a UFO, you only bring a crappy video recorder and not a telescope or even binoculars that take pictures. It's amazing that after all this time there still isn't any good pictures to see.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:45 PM

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 02:32 AM
Can you post the video link again? I only get a video of the worm-like craft flying by with no sound or any interviews you've previously mentioned. Thanks!

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Sekhemet

i havent known it to go by that but what it is, the aurora has its known is a project that the us gov has been workin on since the 90's.

it has pulse detenation engine. it years ahead of time!

loads of reports have been made of loud booms in the sky.

oh the pics have been removed!

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 05:26 PM
well they either don t want us to know a thing about the matter or sth is happening here....

all video links are DEAD

please u2u me a working ling so i can downloads and reload this vid to a number of sites

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:19 PM
Very interesting! Maybe this could explain all the strange noises
and rumblings people are hearing.
To bad all the pictures are gone.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:37 PM
All the links aren`t coming up for me.
Anyone help ?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by lambros56
All the links aren`t coming up for me.
Anyone help ?

It's because it's from 2007.They have since probably deleted.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:00 AM
Can anyone resurrect the black ops video or post a link please........Unless its been removed from the net. Have only just seen this post and im quite interested. Does anyone know what happened ?

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