posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 01:54 PM
just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or imputs as to wether anyone sees an event like a global recession or depression foreshadowing the next
possible WORLD war
the only way i can think of a WORLD gov't and a NEW WORLD ORDER is after the result of something that would make this necessary in the minds of the
masses, and i think the masses would only accept this after going thru something heinous like a AWFUL, PROLONGED DEPRESSION combined with A WORLD
since i beleive wars are orchestrated and at times necessary, do you think it would be beneficial for those that would benefit from WWIII (NWO
bunches) to cause or lead people's down the road to an economic collapse (globally) so that we are clamoring for someone to step in and take us out
of this mess. (which we may if we had to endure a couple years where are living standards are in the toilet and the basic neccessities we need to live
may be scarcely avialable so that we will accept any kind of gov't that will be able to step in and help.
anythoughts to what could cause this, specific events or signs