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Selling virtual (video game) items for real money?

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posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 06:56 PM
Yes this has took off quite recently in the last 2-3 years. I play UO and its ruined the game and made people scam not only for RL wealth but sadly enough virtual wealth too, and sell stuff on ebay for there own greed

Someone i know played SWG and he duped lots of money and items, he made about �5k ... so it can even beat working, albeit duping is illegal in-game but that is a hefty "reward" to outweight the loses really

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 07:00 PM
The point of playing a game is o challenge and entertain yourself. What's the point of challenging yourself when you can buy your way through?

Alot of people nowadays are hopelessly addicted to video games. I remember last year in class, we were supposed to design a flag and write a paragraph about what mattered to us the most. One person wrote, "I would die for my Playstation 2."


posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 03:07 AM
i used to play uo i was addicted to it badly and would have payed any amount of money for a house even though our guild was famous and had 3(mong guild for those of u who played uo)i sold the account for 900 and now i miss it lol ....hi my name is veg and im an addict

posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 04:23 AM
I know somebody who made a few thousand dollars buying and selling EQ characters, then bought a nice computer system and went to Vegas.

But a lot of people (such as myself) make a living in the digital world -- so selling digital stuff isn't a big deal.

I just wish I could buy pizza and have it delivered through the internet on demand. Some day they'll laugh about the pizza guy having to actually drive it your house. How quaint.

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