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posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Smack
It's hard to believe that people like the OP still exist. Their scarcity is my joy.

I take it you haven't been to an Evangelical Super-Church in Tennessee lately.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by GwionX

Originally posted by Smack
It's hard to believe that people like the OP still exist. Their scarcity is my joy.

I take it you haven't been to an Evangelical Super-Church in Tennessee lately.

Jesus, man. Don't say things like that. Next thing you'll be saying is these people BREED.

Joshua Crick: please come back, man!
I'd like your answers on these;
Have you forgotten (or did you ever know):
Even the noble Afghanistan War was not caused by 9/11? That's right, the plan was written up, put on Bush's desk on 9/9, set for his sig on the afternoon of 9/11 when he returned to DC. Also the Iraq War as half-planned, the DHs was half-set-up under Dick Cheney's guidance, and the Patriot Act obviously was already written. All that happened after 9/11 was the flag waving and song-writing that helped it all SEEM legit.
Have you forgotten (or did you ever know):
How I felt that day and the days after? Realizing that our defenses somehow developed a hole the exact size of the 9/11 attacks, coincientally allowing this thru, hearing word of more attacks planned, anthrax etc, mass detentions of Arab men, all the Israeli experts telling us how to handle this new raelity we'd been ushered into, and knowing from the beginning these bastardes at the top were almost certainly complicit at least? All the patriotism and unity and healing, passed me right by as I sat in a dark corner feeling very alone, to scared and confused to even be properly angry. I remember. It was a dark time.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by tombangelta
yes i feel for the troops god help them , who doesn't , but you are sadly mistaken if you think Islamic fundamentalist's are the biggest threat to your future

So in your opinion who, besides Bush and Cheney of course, are the biggest threat to America's future? Whether you want to admit itor not, the Islamo-fascists have declared war on America, and if for no other reason, we should be in the Middle East taking the fight to them before it comes on our own soil again. Even with my 2nd Amendment rights, I know I am not physically cut out to defend this country, so I feel much safer with people in an ALL VOLUNTEER army helping to protect me and my family.

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by pai mei
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. "

"Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star", 149
May 7, 1918

Yep what I was about to post and often do when I get the "support your president" rubbish. People forget that the checks and balances are necessary regardless of who is in power. Tyrants will always make use of the break down of these measures and tyrants don't only pop up in Germany or Russia or some other foreign land.

As Walter Mathau says in Rapaport - " the proper response to outrage is to be outraged!"

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 08:46 AM
demetre if we seen more pictures like that on the news than we would actually understand what's going on their. The only reason we are over their is for the oil because the lands over their are virgin oil lands.. Halliburton got the contract to drill and extract the oil and we know who used to run Halliburton.

I support our troops but I don't support our government or going to war over some god damn oil.

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