posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Masonry is open to all men. Much like any fraternity, there is a certain pride in following a parent or grandparent into the instution, but there is
no bias or requirement for that. You simply need to be a civil, humane, and perhaps even a bit humble, at least to the point of believing in a
"higher power" or "supreme being". In America, it is usually God, as most of us are christian or jewish. Budda, Ala, etc, whatever you prefer. It
is not a religious institution, but sugguests that religion can be used to better yourself.
And... it's not a secret society. If it was you wouldnt know about it, would you? It does have some secrets, as any other such group. For, instace, I
know some Elks members. I'v sat at their bar, Ive been in their meeting room, and I know yo have to be a patriotic citezen to join. Having not
joined, though, the ceremony of initiation remains a secret to me. I've never herd the Elks referred to as a secret society........