posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Alright. first of all. Yes, this is my first post. I am well aware you guys will most likely not believe me merely because this is the first time I
have posted here. I have been reading up on this site for some time awhile back. Only recently did I start coming back. I had another account but I
forget the username and pass so I created this one. I also posted this story before but I couldn't find it on here or anything. Anywho. Here it
First of all, I'm not telling you what it is, i'm asking you what you think it was.
Alright, when I was younger, I recall a time at night where I was awakened and brought outside. I was walking out the front door and down the sidewalk
to what appeared to be the main street around where I lived (I wish I could confirm this, but it was a long time ago so I don't quite know where it
was) That being said. I recall being in the presence of two..."beings" which at the time I thought were my parents but I never really looked at
them. I just felt I was with somebody I could trust and was safe. I remember looking into my backyard and seeing the shadow of some sort of creature,
its eyes glowing like a cat (I don't think it was a cat, it was quite large) I remember then being in this area I did not recognize, there were
buildings around me, but they didn't have any significance, no signs or anything determining where I was. There was a bright orange light, thats all
I can remember. I am 16 now and this happened 10 or more years ago. I brought it up with my parents a couple times and they don't recall taking me
anywhere. So i'm a little confused. You choose wether to believe this or not. I'm thinking it was just a dream, but it seemed VERY real. What do you
guys think?
p.s. Sorry for the lack of information, as I said it was a long time ago.
also I don't think it means much, but that was the same night my cat disappeared/ran away.