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What caused the Highjackers to do it? Political Suicide if answered?

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posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 11:59 AM
I have always disagreed with the stated reason that Al Queda wants to destroy the western world... They hate freedom. I always thought that was hogwash. It was very clear to me that they felt anger towards us for our support for all of israels policies.

But when I saw this video it all made a little more sense.

Here's the situation from my pov: If we stop supporting Israel it will be the end of them. If we continue to support Israel it could be the end of the USA.

There will obviously be those that say we can have both. But I just don't know if that is possible.

Here are some Questions that people should ask themselves about the degree of the support.

I look forward to people's opinions on our support for Israel and if you ATS's believe it will be a detriment to the longevity of the USA.

Thanks, AAC

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 05:56 PM
This of course presupposes that the terrorists are realy responsible. they should kno that that's not the way to destroy a superpower, blowing up symbolic building and killing innocent people with missiles full of innocent people (or half-full of mostly innocent people). This is the way to rileup a superpower to fight. If Osama and his ilk are really behind it, that was probably their goal and the US played right into it because the leadership wanted to.
The support for Israel will continue. the anger is useful. Whether it was behind 9/11 or not, it's behind the responses to our ensuing invasions. Since al Qaeda is not a superpower but just a power, they need to be riled up to provide job security for the military - strongg but not too strong. They will not destory America, just strengthen it. So no need to change anything at the top. It's sick and sad but I think true.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
This of course presupposes that the terrorists are realy responsible.

Face it man, Mujahdeen was responsible.

they should kno that that's not the way to destroy a superpower, blowing up symbolic building and killing innocent people with missiles full of innocent people (or half-full of mostly innocent people).

They thought we would cower in fear (just like Spain) and change policy. Our cultures are worlds apart..seriously.

This is the way to rileup a superpower to fight. If Osama and his ilk are really behind it, that was probably their goal and the US played right into it because the leadership wanted to.

Al Queda wanted to set an example --a standard of dedication to their cause. The didn't count on us fighting back with ferocity that we did.

Don't believe me though -- Listen to what the perpetrators of 9/11 had to say:

The support for Israel will continue. the anger is useful. Whether it was behind 9/11 or not, it's behind the responses to our ensuing invasions. Since al Qaeda is not a superpower but just a power, they need to be riled up to provide job security for the military - strongg but not too strong. They will not destory America, just strengthen it. So no need to change anything at the top. It's sick and sad but I think true.

The main reason for the mujahdeen/ al queda hatred for the USA our European Allies is the fact that we have bases in Saudi Arabia --a result of Hussain's aggression and the first Gulf War. At least that is what the Hijackers were saying in their dedication/ last will & testimony videos.
I think that is why you find many of them being Saudi. Mecca is the holy of holy lands to them..Not Jerusalem.

So think... Was Saddam behind 9/11? Well the day he invaded the soverign nation of Kuwait he revealed to the world he was (once again) an aggressive dangerous leader. If Hussain was to be left unabaited, he might gather the bravado to invade Saudi Arabia, He didn't hesitate firing scuds there. So our military presence was fortified in Saudi Arabia for a decade. USA-- AS INFIDELS (in their eyes) this was NOT acceptible by the RADICAL segment of the Muslim faith.

So our presence around Mecca was a factor
Our support for Israel was a factor
Our foriegn policy change post USSR/Afganistan was a factor.
The fact that we are predominately Christian Infidels was a factor.
The fact that we are perceived as capitalist swine with undeserved riches was a factor.

To be so narrow with the reason "why" they hate us so, is well...narrow.


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