posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 08:45 AM
I've always had a memory of going outside to the front yard at night and seeing my mom, dad and uncle standing and staring up at the sky. I went over
to them to see what was going on and remember looking up and seeing a sky full of stars. For some reason I got really scared and ran back in the house
to look for my younger brother, make sure he was ok. I remember hearing the screen door slam behind me and my mom's AM radio was blaring, but was
more static than anything. My memory ends at the point of getting across the living room to turn into the hallway.
We lived out in the Arkansas countryside, only 3 relatives' houses nearby, my grandpa's house being next door to ours. My mom has always told us
that the night before my grandpa died, there was a "star" over his house all night and his dogs barked all night too. They took him to the hospital
the next morning, where he died. I never put the 2 together until I asked her if she remebered the incident in the front yard, she thinks it was the
same night before my grandpa died in July 1966, which would have made me a little over 4 at the time and my brother 2 1/2.
My mom says the light was white like a spotlight and did a back and forth motion across the houses and swamp behind them like it was searching for
something, but made no noise.
Also, when I was about 13-14 I woke up one morning fully dressed in bed under the cover. I've never had a problem with sleepwalking , so that seemed
really strange. During the same time period I woke up with some weird reddish powdery like substance around my hairline on my face and ears. I washed
it off, but when I got to school someone asked me what that was, and it was back, I had to scrub it several times before it finally quit showing up in
those spots. We had moved froma the country to a small town by then.
I've had some other experiences, but the last for this post is one from my ex husband. When we were dating in 1981, he had to drive some isolated
roads through farm country to get home. One night he looked up and saw a craft in front of him, that is his last memory until he woke up at home in
bed naked with his clothes neatly folded beside his bed. After being married to him for over 11 years, I can tell you that he doesn't fold anything!