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Zen philosphy

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posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 04:09 PM
In china, Zen is called Philosophy of the Gods (Shen Ji). It doesn't mean it's a philosophy that comes from Gods or about Gods, it means it's a religion meant for Godly human. It implies (or if you are chinese you know it literally means so) that human are unfit or not suited to live a zen life.

Not even tibetan monks are true zen practicioners, make that distcintion clear.

To suggest or to tell people that you are living a zen life is to blow your horn that you are like a God, mastering your emotions, your selflessness.

No one, not even the master monks in the 400 year old temple in Guang Chow that I visit even comes close to living a zen life.

To be a true zen practioner is to cease to be human altogether. It's quite sad to see how Budhism, Taoism, Zen, Shintoism has become so trendy lately. When some middle-aged caucasian tells me how he takes a yearly sabbatical to visit asian temples and cleanse his soul I just looked at him and laugh.

Being zen is like being truly rich, you don't talk about it, ever. You just are.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by chickeneater

Our new selves await in Christ.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 12:52 AM
Truth. For strong stomachs only

Originally posted by chickeneater
To suggest or to tell people that you are living a zen life is to blow your horn that you are like a God, mastering your emotions, your selflessness.

You are mighty in wisdom, O Devourer of Devolved Dinosaurs. I humbly acknowledge the presence of a master.

When some middle-aged caucasian tells me how he takes a yearly sabbatical to visit asian temples and cleanse his soul I just looked at him and laugh.

Have you ever tried poking one with a stick, as I have? Many amusing convulsions ensue.

Being zen is like being truly rich, you don't talk about it, ever. You just are.


[edit on 21-9-2007 by Astyanax]

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by chickeneater

"I just looked at him and laughed".

You are better, you just displayed your true motive and intention. "I am more advanced".

Are you kidding me?

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 05:16 PM
Thanks for sharing that observation, Depth.

Whether unconciously or conciously, It is a case of simple superiority.

Granted there may be reason for one to believe as such - such knowledge is certainly 'valuable', and practicing such knowledge is often seen as worthy, moreso than going out and getting pissed as a fruit every night, at least.

However Zen isn't about finding reasons to look at others as if they were 'headed in the wrong direction', the idea is to become greater than such pitiful ideals or beliefs that ultimately increase the cause of human suffering, i myself fell for this when i felt that Zen or Buddhism (or even hindusim, if you prefer) would be better taught to all in schools.

It's easy to fall into the trap, and hard to see that you're in it.

If you want something, then one could say that you are unsatisfied with the way that your position in society stands.

Society is Society, People are people, if they decide that their particular way of life is a good way to live, then no one can tell them otherwise, not their parents, their children, their sisters, their brothers or even the law.

If someone comes to you seeking knowledge, then that could be seen as a mind ready to be 'awakened'*.

It is possible that this could be a true account, however - that he is viewing the subject without the colour of personal judgement or experience, there is no real way i can tell (psychology over the internet is rather sub-standard, i find).

All i can do is speculate.

*I prefer the term strengthened, to be honest - it implies only that the particular mind is more capable of withstanding the pressures of modern life, which of course means that many some are mentally stable enough anyway.

Any port in a storm, one could say.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Throbber

I enjoyed reading that.

Self-inflicted desire divides man against himself. He falls and is at the whim of his childish mind.

I am composed of infinite frailness, in that everyday, I encounter failure.

Yet, also I hold light in my eye, simply knowing that, any thing that descends upon me from my mind, it must be allowed to descend in the first place.

Everyman is like this to a varying degree. There is no other pleasure than that of realizing we are all in this together, and that it's better to hold a smile than a frown, better to help than to hit.

Only technology has changed, the attitude of man remains the same, I want.

If we could all change "I want" to "I give". When every human sees themselves in one another, things will be better.

Who else has a time where they simply perceive. Sitting, breathing in and out, it affects the whole of the universe when you think about it. A ripple in the void, interacting, on and on, causing other changes which bring about more change. A fractal wave of existence, vibration of all bodies coalescing into one whole.

Thank the maker for the thinking mind.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:04 PM
No more zen? The cycle repeats, back to the top of the page.

What is your personal zen, you who are reading this?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:17 PM
Personally, I always thought Zen was hnminifn.

Although, I could be wrong.

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