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Tesla free energy - race to zero point energy

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posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 09:22 PM
New google video links

Books on Tesla include author Seifer, Cheney and Tesla. Seifer the
most mordern yet researcher Lyne say he used a doctored reference
and not the original, not his fault eh, to say repelling instead of propelling

Most of books references are from Tesla own book and give no technical
out look. I have his complete book of patents and good luck finding
a book to describe them.

The Tesla coil makers never make the flat coil just like pictured in
many of his photographs.

In McGoverns 1899 Cheney referenced article he tells
of the ball lighting demonstration. It just might be caused by the
circular electric field made by that particular coil.

He came to America with a flying machine design is mentioned in
most books, no way to hide that information, because its in Tesla's
book. Any hint of an electrical flying machine from an electrical wizard
is never mentioned however.

Free energy is used in combustion by IR from atomic bond breaking,
use a material that recombines the break, it is available.

A coil stores free energy as a magnetic field, break the circuit and
a back flow of current sparks the air. Permanent magnets store
energy that rotation uses for alternating current. Getting there
but not all the way.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 08:03 AM
TeslaandLyne thank you!

Latter I am going to read carefully staff from your signature. I opened them - end they look great...

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:00 AM
I fully support anyone who by ethical means is seeking Zero Point energy. It is interesting to find that most people refuse to look into Tesla's unorthodox works due to the fact that they may conflict with our laws of physics.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:06 AM
Check out the text on the ball lightning primer :

The airlinemusic free web pages has tons of similar textual or the same
presentation. You will get google ads for tesla stuff and popups being a free

Its been repeated in various places.

I happened on two Tesla topics last night and watched the videos today.

Nothing technical as usual. The presence of mind of individuals to relate
what they see to as electrical phenomena is severely lacking such as
in the NASA UFO videos. The circular lightning on the cloud tops is
something I never saw before. UFOs manifested as lightning craft is
not new and as Project Blue Book said its ball lightning perhaps with
someone inside.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 09:13 AM
The biggest zero point phenomena I know of is radioactive decay.

Alpha and beta rays.

The Alpha can acquire two electrons and become Helium with out any help.

If you can use Helium in a non destructive IR mode that that might be
the way to zero point energy.

posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 10:23 AM
For those curious, here's a wiki link:

Tesla's favorite field of study was E, and the conversation of zero-point fields relates to transfer of, without internal loss of, if I recall. This should result in a field of energy that would self-maintain, almost.

What I find interesting, we're getting close to his realization of transfer of power across the medium of air. When WiMax fully evolves, they contend you should be able to use a device for reception that is powered by the transmission waves.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 11:08 AM
You got Mark Twain holding a light at Wiki with Tesla in the background.

Another way to use zero point energy or some sort of atomic process
to to use atomic gases such as neon and others that we know of for lighting.

There is a patented atomic gas engine that is in use by some companies.

Tesla had an over unity device based on liquid air according to
researcher Lyne in his lab that was burned down, the next day
according to Lyne a liquid air process was patented in Germany.

Lyne refers to it as the Dort oscillator built in Virginia and interviewed
the builders son. This was shipped to Germany.

Wikipedia does not recognize Lyne's research.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
You got Mark Twain holding a light at Wiki with Tesla in the background.

Nothing to do with the topic, but what does the above mean. Are you referring to water depth, or the author? Or is it a play at allusions of science.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:57 AM
"All matter comes from a primary substance, the luminiferous ether.....composed of a symphony of alternating currents with the harmonies played on a vast range of octaves .."

Space is not just empty thing - it is filled with kinetic energy.
Very rarely when speaking of Tesla are mentioned his contacts with Swami Vivekananda ( well before the modern physic - like QT turned to the same sources) and Tesla' deep study of Eastern teachings, trying to find the ultimate source of material world.

Isn't it odd that Vivikananda stated: 'matter is energy'. Sound familiar!?

The mathematical proof of the principle did come until about ten years later when Albert Einstein published his paper on relativity. What had been known in the East for the last 5,000 years was then known to the West.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by blue bird]

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 07:50 PM
I was reading another site which I can't find link right now which had to
do with unlimited energy access of neofuel.

Their belief was that they could get unlimited rocket fuel among fuels
from space.

Maybe a lot of this ZPE has to do with creating a vacuum area to insert
a sleeve inbetween Earth's Gravitation Pulls and thru Ozone Layer so
they can harvest this so called fuel.

posted on May, 1 2007 @ 08:39 AM
Dont know if this video has been posted yet,but it shows some
interesting testing of Tesla's theory's" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow"> 57457294&q=Scalar+Technology&hl=en[/url]

[edit on 1-5-2007 by brick38]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Thanks some good posts.

Must check out layer, but here is something.

Another of Tesla's theorized inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla's Flying Machine, which appears to resemble a ion-propelled aircraft. Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source. Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft that would fly using an electric motor powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such an aircraft could be run entirely electro-mechanically. The theorized appearance would typically take the form of a cigar or saucer.

I came across this ion cover once before.

You must be very careful and knowledgeable: the ions propelled by a
magnetic field from a Tesla coil or a force from the ion current against the magnetic field of a Tesla coil.

The force from the mass of ions or the aether current, which permeates all
space just like the invisible magnetic field, which force is greatest?

Tesla was cunning as well but those in the know knew what he was up to.
Tesla's patent for a helicopter engine with anti spin would be immediately
used in any Haunebu II or Virle German saucer. Tesla not payed.

Nazis were thieves and thugs and played the big game of war.

Any zero point energy secrets were locked up long ago.
Funding for nonsense dialogs and projects come from war profits.

The zeppelin aether ship is the best. Did Hitler ever ride in one?

Nazi bums developed all of Tesla's ideas.

[edit on 7/24/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by bothered

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
You got Mark Twain holding a light at Wiki with Tesla in the background.

Nothing to do with the topic, but what does the above mean. Are you referring to water depth, or the author? Or is it a play at allusions of science.

Did you see that. Is there a ring of light ending at Mark Twain hands.

I wonder if a flat coil is on the ceiling to make a vortex electric field.
Quite an energy secret don't you think.

Did we get secret scammed?

[edit on 8/3/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 11:26 AM

Not exactly free energy devices, but use free energy and must be
electrically activated. If they work at all.
Thus if giving out more energy to power activation and more that would
be the over unity device.

Top left is Hydrogen cycle and alternate Helium cycle pressure generation
for what looks like mechanical generation of electricity.
(There is a patented noble gas exhaust, that reference use
by companies or have the rights to use.)

Top right is an air ionizer direct to electricity generator.
(Do not see how potential for the load is built up, so don't get hopes
up for this one.)

Second row has a beam ionizer direct to electricity generator.
(I don't see how potential is built up here either.)

Third row is giant transformer with windings and vibrating coils that
vibrate in a magnetic path that involves some sort of liquid air
compression and cycling. Thus electrical excitation and pump energy
must be worth it to extract any extra energy.
(CT author/researcher Lyne holds this device as the energy source for
WWII electric submarines developed in Germany.)

All drawings by Lyne and are found in an online reference.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 11:47 AM
From that Wiki page:

Another of Tesla's theorized inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla's Flying Machine, which appears to resemble an ion-propelled aircraft. Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source. Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft that would fly using an electric motor powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such an aircraft could be run entirely electro-mechanically. The theorized appearance would typically take the form of a cigar or saucer.

The ion-propelled device was used on satellites for attitude control.
Thus not use pressurized gas that will run out.
BUT, is it ion mass being propelled that will move OR the ion current
against a strong magnetic field the imparts a force strong enough.

One would imagine the ion stream going through a cylindrical coil
yet the flat coil the displayed.

The same device is thought by Lyne to control lifting current for the UFO.
Perhaps at elevated voltages and frequencies.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:20 PM
Actually a lot of people have it all wrong. If everyone is going to say tesla is god and such a great inventor than why does everyone ignore what he was saying. Voltage is pressure and amperage is heat... look it up its right in his own paperwork. google Tesla "true wireless".. the wireless transfer of power does NOT go through the air "as the medium". it travels through the GROUND. because its a "wonderful" conductor of electricity. look at lightning... oh and as far as how radio works... since tesla said voltage was pressure. unless you have "sparks" you have no "electromagnetic" radiation... he said hertz was wrong and proved it to him.... actually made him very angry... he said time curvatures were for idiots... so there you have his opinion on einstein.... and as far as radio again... he said an "aerial" or antennae was basically a large "ether" whistle... and when you tune your radio to the station that is vibrating its whistle or "tuning" fork you are in resonance with it... radio depends on air... so guess what... (and im not saying he is wrong).. but if he is right about radio waves NOT being "electromagnetic" then nasa has lied about pretty much EVERYTHING... because you need particles to vibrate in a gaseous dominoes.. its not "rays" or "waves"... and we all know that space is a vacuum.... he was doing research on proving this when he developed the electron gun and particle accelerator which most of us stare at every night for hours on end... regardless if you have a flat screen or not you are still using tesla technology... the flat screen is possible with all the transistors which have basically a piezo-electric device in them.. he called them his cosmic ray motor... wardenclyffe was basically a bunch of cathode ray tubes on top of the structure.. but the actual "power" was distributed through the earth.... the earths resonant frequency is 8 herz... its not a "tone" its 8 clicks per second... but big huge clicks that we all can hear an octave of... no the ringing in our ears does NOT mean someone is thinking about us.. nor does it mean our ears are "shot"... if you damage your ears you can only more easily HEAR the earths octaves of its resonant frequency... oh and as far as light goes... its a plasma... so it CAN travel through a vacuum... the sun is like a HUMUNGOUS amount of electron guns blasting streams of electrons through space at us... the earth has a high freq field around it as well... its called the northern borealis... and also southern borealis... it is NOT light reflected off of the ice caps... so.. since there is really no such thing as electromagnetic waves.. and radio is based on PRESSURE... that pretty much means that light is SOUND... pretty weird huh. but THAT is what he was trying to explain.. so yep.. HAARP is just a collar around our necks that the government keeps us frightened with. my email is [email protected] if anyone wants to get back with me on this. i am also a veteran. i want this bull# to end.. i want cheney and bush on the same playing field as all the EATERS of the world as well... so please if any veterans or other serious people want to start working for TRUTH and a better tomorrow please write back. oh and he also didnt believe in electrons.. even those are STILL theoretical... if a vacuum like in a light bulb is only a "gain medium" then there are ways to get fast enough oscillations mechanically without it... that is how "I" believe he basically turned his motel room into a light bulb when you read the stories about how he had two conductors spread apart in a room. they closed the doors and windows.. turned off the lights and all of a sudden he has light created in a room... its what is known to some people as soft point lighting... no shadows. so he got the particles in the room oscillating at a high enough pressure (voltage) to create light... his turbine was also a test to see if a DISK would be able to fly using air as a fluid by VISCOSITY.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by blue bird

From your post:

"All matter comes from a primary substance, the luminiferous ether.....composed of a symphony of alternating currents with the harmonies played on a vast range of octaves .."

Space is not just empty thing - it is filled with kinetic energy.

In the UFO case:
I have a better understanding of the kinetic energy source ...
in the ether... only found with high electrostatic accumulation
around a metal craft.

From mechanical to electrical physics Force is instantaneous
dM/dt = F

In mathematical physics symbols. I like iM for dM/dt.

F = ma = qE, all you need electrically is charge, q, and a directed
voltage or E field to have a force.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:51 PM
I also wanted to mention Victor Schauberger.

I have been able to provide the information about unlimited electrical energy without an environmental footprint, using natural laws as designed by Victor to what I understand to be a major player in the Sustainable energy field, let's hope something happens soon.

I believe that once this system is operational, everyone will be able to light up their gardens and their lives using a Tessler based machine.

I can't wait to see this come true, imagine electricity that will cost the price of hiring the electrical grid from the supplying company.
I am based in South Africa and Eskom is our only supplier.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 07:13 AM

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 03:49 PM
This thread is stuck in my profile so I checked in.

For Tesla material strictly, some other topics too, for the machine
that became the UFO under a world wide Science Dictatorship, I posted a
link to a group in my profile today.

I did mention momentum before and when controlled electrically for
flight is apparently what Tesla invented.

People say how could the secret be kept for so long... well a lot
of secrets exist especially when you follow the story, so how about
one more.


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