there clearly is a gap between the first two verses as geology teaches us about mass extinctions, etc...all good science and good scripture
evidence of several mass extinctions, so there are ovbious gaps in the development of the earth and life upon it, and to try to say otherwise is not
good science or good scripture, the hebrew sages know that their is a gap, and so do I.
concerning mass extinctions no matter what you term those geological periods, of life and death cycles. that covers the time between verse 1 and 2 so
lets go back to verse one then, shall we?
i believe it must be infered that the universe was already in existance as the statement is a creation statement (it is a verbal expression of modern
science)...or if you will the first word is the big bang, in the beginning, the next word created bara, is the logical scientific results of the big
bang over long periods of time, so that the heavens (stars and galaxies) came first then the planets, so that the basic view of science is represented
word for word in the first verse.
so that the first word covers a specific event and amount of time in and of itself, bere#h is the big bang and a large of time forward into the
expression of the big bang (which was a sound wave) and as matter formed as the universe slowly cooled (there is your second law of
thermodynamics-entrophy contained within the first word) so that as the basic subatomic particles (quarks) balanced and formed protons, neutrons and
joined with the other elemental particle electrons to form atoms...and the four basic forces of physics took hold ( due to the cooling and seperation
of the TOE) so that we have the creation of large glaxies and massive stars and black holes...this brings us to the second word and all that i wrote
transpired, so again another large period of time...were eventually we have the milky way and the planet earth, much later still in that
genesis 1:1 is a very long time and the first word is a long period in and of itself until word two.
and the final results here today are about 12-15 billion years into the story.
bere#h= big bang till about 700 million to 2 billion years into the story
bara=700 million/2 billion till 5 billion into creation of first galaxies
heaven = 5 billion to 10 billion milkyway forms
earth less then 5 billions years old appears last around 12 billions years into creation
here is the big bang forward
[edit on 11-5-2007 by junglelord]