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Zapruder frames show driver killed JFK

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 03:15 PM
The WC is a fantasy. The grassy knoll is a government created theory to distract from Greer. The driver shooting jfk is not just the truth, it's a very obvious truth that at least 95% of open minded people will believe in a heartbeat. They will laugh at the complete absurdity of the WC and realize how they were fooled by the grassy snow job and believe the obvious about the shot from the driver.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:46 PM
3 gunshot wounds for sure happened with two hitting jfk.

1st shot misses very likely from behind.

2nd wound comes from south knoll.

3rd shot hits Connally from rear. Is that the same shooter that missed around 160?LOL

4th and fatal shot fired by Greer.

5th shot is a grassy shot fired for confusion. How many shooters is that?LOL

Each gunshot wound was fired by a different shooter plus the dummie shot from the north knoll. That's at least 4 shooters and my work pulls from alot of available evidence and agreed upon shots from the government and researchers. No evidence Greer is anything one is supposed to know he fired the fatal shot.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:55 PM
I'm going to tell you this once. You have NOT read through this thread and the only thing that you're doing is posting nonsense and silly denials of visual facts. [B]OSWALD IS INNOCENT AND DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. There is absolutely no evidence to back that up. No one has challenged anything I've posted because there is no defense against visual facts[/B].

You ignore that Greer has both hands off the wheel before he turns the first time and passes an object which is the gun because you are doing what anyone has to do to deny an unpleasant fact. Whatever you think you know about the fatal shot is complete bull# and easily disproven by simply watching Greer in zapruder and nix. [B]HE KILLED KENNEDY AND THERE IS NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO EXCEPT DENY THE FACTS THAT PROVE HE CLEARLY SHOT JFK[/B]. Arguments posed by other members ARE SIMPLE DENIALS AND NOTHING MORE. [B]There are ZERO flaws in the common sense that Greer shot jfk...none. I have continued to rape the souls of thousands of kooks and wackos on 30 or 40 forums since October. I posted more evidence and logic than any army of lawyers could handle let alone some pea brains on any message board[/B].

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:49 AM
Greer has been debunked.

Massive reason: There is no right rear exit wound from Greer's position shown in the Nix gif below. The fatal bullet is fired skywards through JFK's upper head.

This is easily confirmed by staring at his upper-head.

It debunks Greer from firing the fatal shot because the shot goes skywards & doesn't exit through the rear.
edit on 18-1-2011 by Sicknote because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Sicknote
Greer has been debunked.

Massive reason: There is no right rear exit wound from Greer's position shown in the Nix gif below. The fatal bullet is fired skywards through JFK's upper head.

This is easily confirmed by staring at his upper-head.

It debunks Greer from firing the fatal shot because the shot goes skywards & doesn't exit through the rear.
edit on 18-1-2011 by Sicknote because: (no reason given)

[B]Greer has been confirmed beyond any doubt[/B].

Massive reason: [B]There is a right rear exit wound from Greer's position shown in zapruder and the nix film proves he shot him from the front below[/B]. The fatal bullet is fired into his right forehead consistent with a shot from the front.

This is easily confirmed by staring at his upper-head. [B]The bullet smoke comes off after it strikes his forehead, totally consistent with a real life face shot[/B].

It debunks every other bull# theory and confirms Greer firing the fatal shot because the shot goes in the right front & exits through the right rear. [B]Greer's left arm crosses in the nix film confirming the zapruder film was heavily altered to hide Greer shooting jfk from the front[/B].

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by local
remembers thanking you months earlier for posting this thread.

I totally agree with you but I can't believe people in real life get so up tight when you bring up that greer shot him. It's like you are committing blasphemy but saying that the gov't doesn't always tell us the truth.

I don't know why people get so upset, if God had something to do with the death I would understand because weak religious people can't argue a point, but it was just black and white and people still get riled up at me.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Please stop posting denials and claiming faux authority of which you have ZERO. It's quite PATHETIC. It also proves you have no defense against visual facts and are clueless. It does show you seem to think that consensus is more important than a convincing argument. Ghandi wouldnt like you.

I point to the fake reflection on Roy's hair and because the REFLECTION is different on a different angle, with different film, settings, it is fake. I also show Greer's left arm crossing in the nix film which proves why the three points of fakery were added to Zapruder to cover those movments which killed Kennedy.

I use witnesses including Jackie Kennedy and Greer. The shot went in the right front and out the right rear fired by Bill Greer.

Your kung fu is weak. I know you THINK think your denials mean something. I'm just telling you they don't.

You are denying what is visually happening in nix and zapruder.

The "gun" is visible. You are denying reality.

The "grassy knoll" is a red herring created during the alteration of the zfilm to distract from Greer. This is common sense and fits with the evidence perfectly.

Logic flows naturally, it does need pushing...and animated gifs.


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
It is a fake (doctored Zapruder film). The driver did not turn around and shoot JFK. As I recall from originally viewing the fake video you could see the driver's left arm straight and holding the steering wheel when it shows him turning around (and the fake arm with the gun pointed at JFK when he received the fatal head shot). What I would like to see more research on is the photo of GHW Bush (the elder) leaning against the wall of the school book depository near the door on the day (a priori) of the assassination. A man who supposedly had no CIA experience when he was appointed Director. Just makes one wonder,,,,,,,,

Aw, something worthy of investigation. It's just my opinion that the inadvertent photograph of GHWB in front of the TSBD is the key to unwrapping this "message hit".

GHWB's father Prescott was deeply involved in Operation Paperclip and the initial staffing of German Intelligence into the CIA after WWII. The bank he had a partnership in, Brown Brothers Harriman, owned vast holdings of Cuban sugar beet fields, and along with the mafia, were the biggest "losers" in Castro's takeover from Cuba. (Castro could have been CIA and turned against his handlers).

The assets used in the attempts to assassinate Castro, were used against JFK, and it strikes me as odd, that so many members of "Operation Zapata", were in Dealey Plaza to witness the take down of the "traitor". It would not surprise me one bit if Ole Pres was the orchestrator of the entire affair.

Read "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker. A very interesting read!!

edit on 19-1-2011 by Oldnslo because: Add an "s" to holding

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 02:35 PM

I speak frequently with James T. Tague, the man wounded down at the triple overpass, and the last man to look into the limo as it exited Dealey Plaza and we both agree your scenario is unfounded due to the many witnesses within feet of the limo at the time of the fatal headshot.

To use the Zapruder film as the basis for any study is useless, as most researchers believe it has been doctored.

If Greer is sitting in front of and to the left of JFK, and shoots JFK in the right upper forehead, can you explain to me how DPD Motor Officer Billy Hargis got splattered with so much headshot debris, he thought that he had been shot.

Officer Hargis was riding just off the left corner of the limo (and to the left rear of Jackie). If looking straight on to the limo, Greer's shot would be traveling from our right to left with the exit wound on the right rear of JFK's head. How did a rather large amount of blood and brain matter exiting from this right rear wound, make a major turn back to our right to hit Officer Billy Hargis in the face, riding behind Jackie on the left rear side of the limo.

b) 6 H 293-296 / testimony----"…it sounded like the shots were right next to me…they probably could have been coming from the railroad overpass, because I thought since I had got splattered, with blood---I was just a little back and left of---just a little bit back and left of Mrs. Kennedy…"; "…it seemed like his head exploded, and I was splattered with blood and brain, and kind of bloody water."; c) other WC references: 6 H 290, 292; 19 H 134; 20 H 489

Please explain the mechanics of that. In your "scenario" the officer riding to the right rear of JFK should have been hit by the debris as it exited from a shot originating from Greer. Even the "Harper" fragment was "found" on the grass on the south side of Elm Street. Many witnesses were looking into the limo when JFK was hit but no one testified to what you are speaking of. Were they all blind or are they liars?

Considering Greer's position in the limo, there is no supporting evidence to prove your point. The evidence proves just the opposite. The shot originated from the front and to JKF's right. It's the only possible way for Hargis to have been hit with debris.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
how could he have turned around, fired an accurate shot into Kennedy's head and turned back around without anyone noticing? How could he have done this and still driven straight? The weaving car would have forced people to look at the driver and they would have seen the shooting.

There are such things as professional drivers aren't there? Like the "md's" of driving no? As well as professional assasins? Like assasinators(sp?)? yeaaaah I think there are, and when you're good at something, well, aren't you good at it? Who knows, this whole world and our exsistance is a conspiracy for real guys, let's everyone go to Antarctica, take weapons, materials, build a self sufficient biodome, yada yada yada, run for the hills, but hell, we'd probably get nuked, or even worse, made into slaves for our dissidence, reprogrammed and all. Think I'm crazy? Take a look at your daily routine, and those of the ones around you, observe, think, and get back to me on my crazy status please, come to think of it, I saw a fellow, looked just like kennedy, at walmarts last night, whoda thunk it?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:14 PM
And yes I know you will try and tell me there was no right rear exit wound. But I beg to differ.

I submit for your perusal, ARRB MD-188 depicting the size and location of this wound as seen by SSA James Sibert who spent many hours viewing this wound during the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital.


A drawing of the wound as seen by Thomas E. Robinson, the mortician who reconstructed JFK's skull after the autopsy:


And finally the wound as seen by Saundra Spencer, the Naval Photo Tech that printed the photos of the first autopsy.


Do you need more proof? I'll be more than happy to provide it.

Please no name calling as I have been investigating the assassination since day one when I saw a body bag taken off Air Force 1 by two men in suits, carrying it quickly to an awaiting twin rotor helicopter.

I have a pretty good idea as to what happened that sunny day in November, so many years ago.

You are not even close no matter how many names you call people that disagree with you.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:54 AM
[B]a type of illusion or misperception involving a vague stimulus which is perceived as clearly being something [/B]

Zapruder Frames - Costella Combined Edit
I would like to thank the one post flop for giving me a word that defines the silly alterations committed to the zfilm.

[B]There is no hand or arm coming off the wheel between frames 303-304 primarily because Greer's arm crosses in nix [/B]but there is nothing but obvious fakery to produce something that is not there but is supposed to be. THERE IS NO HAND BECAUSE GREER PLACED THE GUN IN HIS LEFT HAND [B](AND NEVER RETURNED IT TO THE WHEEL UNTIL AFTER HE SHOT JFK)[/B] AND KILLED JFK. [B]And that pesky little nix film that debunks the silly cartoon-like ZFilm[/B].


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22 day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Hugh William Betzner, Jr., Address 5922 Velasco, Dallas, Age 22 , Phone No. TA 7-9761
Deposes and says:
I was standing on Houston Street near the intersection of Elm Street. I took a picture of President Kennedy's car as it passed along Houston Street. I have an old camera. I looked down real quick and rolled the film to take the next picture. I then ran down to the corner of Elm andHouston [sic] Streets, this being the southwest corner. I was standing back from the corner and had to take the pictures through some of the crowd. I ran on down Elm a little more and President Kennedy's car was starting to go down the hill to the triple underpass. I was running trying to keep the President's car in my view and was winding my film as I ran. I was looking down at my camera to see the number of the film as I ran. I took another picture as the President's car was going down the hill on Elm Street. I started to wind my film again and I heard a loud noise. I thought that this noise was either a firecracker or a car had backfired. I looked up and it seemed like there was another loud noise in the matter of a few seconds. I looked down the street and I could see the President's car and another one and they looked like the cars were stopped. Then I saw a flash of pink like someone standing up and then sitting back down in the car. Then I ran around so I could look over the back of a monument and I either saw the following then or when I was sitting back down on the corner of Elm Street. I cannot remember exactly where I was when I saw the following: [B]I heard at least two shots fired and I saw what looked like a firecracker going off in the president's car[/B]. My assumption for this was because I saw fragments going up in the air. I also saw a man in either the President's car or the car behind his and someone down in one of those cars pull out what looked like a rifle. [B]I also remember seeing what looked like a nickel revolver in someone's hand in the President's car or somewhere immediately around his car. Then the President's car sped on under the underpass[/B]. Police and a lot of spectators started running up the hill on the opposite side of the street from me to a fence of wood. I assumed that was where the shot was fired from at that time. I kept watching the crowd. Then I came around the monument over to Main Street. I walked down toward where the President's car had stopped. I saw a Police Officer and some men in plain clothes. I don't know who they were. These Police Officers and the men in plain clothes were digging around in the dirt as if they were looking for a bullet. I walked back around the monument over to Elm Street where they were digging in the dirt. I went on across the street and up the embankment to where the fence is located. By this time almost all of the people had left. There were quite a few people down on the street and crowded around a motorcycle. I was looking around the fence as the rumor had spread that that was where the shot had come from. I started figuring where I was when I had taken the third picture and it seemed to me that the fence row would have been in the picture. I saw a group of men who looked like they might be officers and one of them turned out to be Deputy Sheriff Boone. I told him about the picture I had taken. Deputy Sheriff Boone contacted superiors and was told to bring me over to the Sheriff's Office. Deputy Sheriff Boone took my camera and asked me to wait. I waited in the Sheriff's Office and some time later, an hour or two, he brought my camera back and told me that as soon as they got through with the film and they were dry that they would give me the film. A little later he came in and gave me the negatives and told me that they were interested in a couple of pictures and implied that the negatives was all I was going to get back. To the best of my knowledge, this is all I know about this incident. /s/ Hugh William Betzner, Jr.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Oldnslo

I speak frequently with James T. Tague, the man wounded down at the triple overpass, and the last man to look into the limo as it exited Dealey Plaza and we both agree your scenario is unfounded due to the many witnesses within feet of the limo at the time of the fatal headshot.

To use the Zapruder film as the basis for any study is useless, as most researchers believe it has been doctored.

If Greer is sitting in front of and to the left of JFK, and shoots JFK in the right upper forehead, can you explain to me how DPD Motor Officer Billy Hargis got splattered with so much headshot debris, he thought that he had been shot.

Officer Hargis was riding just off the left corner of the limo (and to the left rear of Jackie). If looking straight on to the limo, Greer's shot would be traveling from our right to left with the exit wound on the right rear of JFK's head. How did a rather large amount of blood and brain matter exiting from this right rear wound, make a major turn back to our right to hit Officer Billy Hargis in the face, riding behind Jackie on the left rear side of the limo.

b) 6 H 293-296 / testimony----"…it sounded like the shots were right next to me…they probably could have been coming from the railroad overpass, because I thought since I had got splattered, with blood---I was just a little back and left of---just a little bit back and left of Mrs. Kennedy…"; "…it seemed like his head exploded, and I was splattered with blood and brain, and kind of bloody water."; c) other WC references: 6 H 290, 292; 19 H 134; 20 H 489

Please explain the mechanics of that. In your "scenario" the officer riding to the right rear of JFK should have been hit by the debris as it exited from a shot originating from Greer. Even the "Harper" fragment was "found" on the grass on the south side of Elm Street. Many witnesses were looking into the limo when JFK was hit but no one testified to what you are speaking of. Were they all blind or are they liars?

Considering Greer's position in the limo, there is no supporting evidence to prove your point. The evidence proves just the opposite. The shot originated from the front and to JKF's right. It's the only possible way for Hargis to have been hit with debris.

I cannot believe how far off track you are with regards to how many shots/shooters.

Greer has been confirmed beyond any doubt.

Massive reason: There is a right rear exit wound from Greer's position shown in zapruder and the nix film proves he shot him from the front below. The fatal bullet is fired into his right forehead consistent with a shot from the front.
This is easily confirmed by staring at his upper-head. The bullet smoke comes off after it strikes his forehead, totally consistent with a real life face shot.

It debunks every other bull# theory and confirms Greer firing the fatal shot because the shot goes in the right front & exits through the right rear. Greer's left arm crosses in the nix film confirming the zapruder film was heavily altered to hide Greer shooting jfk from the front.

edit on 20-1-2011 by 7forever because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:58 AM
I respectfully disagree.

Secret Service and others in the follow up car were looking at JFK when the fatal headshot hit and would have seen Greer take the shot.

The plan was to frame Oswald for the killing from the git go, so why would the conspirators have Greer take the shot, immediately implicating our Government in a coup d'etat? That was the last thing they would have wanted.

Just asking!!!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:16 AM
The only authority this forum or any other has is the power to censor the obvious truth about Greer firing the fatal shot. The nix film is the smoking that was given to me this past October. In it, [B]Greer's left arm/hand cross over in unison with the headshot and that visual fact completely destroys those movements that are not supposed to be happening in zapruder. Those movements explain why the government had to add the three points of fakery to cover those movments which killed Kennedy in the Zapruder film[/B]. I have never been challenged and never will be. [B]The only thing that will happen, is researchers will for the most part ignore that the real truth about the fatal shot has finally been articulated to a point of no refutation[/B].

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Oldnslo
I respectfully disagree.

Secret Service and others in the follow up car were looking at JFK when the fatal headshot hit and would have seen Greer take the shot.

The plan was to frame Oswald for the killing from the git go, so why would the conspirators have Greer take the shot, immediately implicating our Government in a coup d'etat? That was the last thing they would have wanted.

Just asking!!!

I don't have to prove why more people didn't report seeing Greer shoot jfk only that the films prove he obviously did shoot Kennedy. They don't call it the ss for nothing. The films are proof of Greer's guilt, particularly the nix film which contradicts Zapruder in the most important way.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 07:12 AM
RE: Driver Shot JFK
(Today 07:41 AM)rsol Wrote:
this is what i mean by a lack of ideas. now you are childishly repeating my words.

well done for not dropping more gifs.

I deny your "facts" because you are trying to sell a blob as a gun.

I deny that a man putting his hand up and onto the steering wheel in order to turn his head easier is what "passing a gun" looks like.

You cant just decide what is on the screen and just keep repeating it hoping it will finally sell. not on this forum anyway.

what evidence of film alteration?

This is what i mean by a lack of any challenge and posing faux authority and simply lying. I am mocking you, you twit.

You deny the "facts" because you have no defense against what Greer is doing in zapruder and nix which proves he was the shooter and the zfilm was altered to hide that fact.

You deny that Greer passed the gun before he turns the first time even though it is happening. You deny that his hand hand/arm cross in nix which proves the zfilm was altered to hide those movements which killed Kennedy. YOU ARE DENYING VISUAL AND IRREFUTABLE FACTS.

I can and did point out what has been ignored for 47 years and use it to prove Greer was the shooter.

Overwhelming evidence of film alteration which you are required to ignore because you are a beaten idiot on a little message board.

edit on 21-1-2011 by 7forever because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 04:15 PM
rsol Wrote:
you are mocking yourself mate.

This is what i mean. repeat that again could you? i didnt qiute catch it the first 20 times...

I dont deny greer passed the gun. there is nothing to deny. your logic is flawed. you keep repeating it but still nothing.

I can and did point out what has been ignored for 47 years and use it to prove Greer was the shooter.

and I DID tell you this has not been ignored. its been looked at and shown to be bull#. you are obviously not interested in information against your mindset.


[B]You are mocking yourself mate.

This is what I mean. You can't beat me and certainly cannot do anything more than ignore everything that rapes your delusions[/B].

You dont deny greer passed the gun. You finally tell the truth about a visual fact. You keep denying reality and it's still lying.

I can and did point out what has been ignored for 47 years and use it to prove Greer was the shooter.

It has been ignored and what I've articulated in the last 18 months is new. You are obviously not interested in information against your mindset. YOU ARE AN IDIOT but are too stubborn to stop posting.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 10:27 AM

THE ONLY STORY left to tell is what I've posted in this thread, destroying the movie and an industry full of LYING conspiracy authors who are ironically the most responsible for keeping the truth from the masses.
GREAT GIF showing his right to left movement. Keep your eyes through the windshield.

FRAME 278 is the last clear view of the fitted gun in Greer's left hand. Logic dictates that Greer would not have put his hand back on the wheel only 2 seconds before he was gonna shoot Kennedy. It's common sense that he moved the gun from lower position in a similar way to resting it on his chest, so all he had to do was raise, straighten and shoot over the seatback. There was no wild motion, flailing of the gun. The gun was rested near his right collarbone before he turned the second time at frame 302 to shoot.
FRAME 278- You can see the fitted gun from frames 242-278 except 64/65 because of the lamp post.

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