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Who wants to be Vice President?

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posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 11:14 AM
I am now taking applications for Vice President in my bid for the ATS 2007 Presidential Election.

The ideal running-mate will exhibit the following qualities:

  • Understanding the Reform Party platform, and my own.
  • Agrees with it (or is at least willing to support it).
  • Is willing to support the campaign with their posts, avatar, and sig space.
  • Intelligence, Compassion, Balance, Open-Mindedness, Shrewdness.
  • Dependable.
  • Seasoned member of ATS that understands (or at least tries to understand) the needs and desires of ATS.
  • Someone who is, if not politically savvy, then at least has an active interest in politics.
  • Above all, WANTS the job.

    Feel free to apply within the thread with why you feel you are a good candidate for the position. This job is not for the shy, so while I will acceptAssuming I get multiple replies, I will post follow-up questions within this thread as a fair method of narrowing down the candidates to the most qualified (or eager).

  • posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 12:26 PM
    Except for your thoughts on the UN, I agree with most everything on your platform. However, if I was to be your V.P. I would most likely end up being more of a liability than an asset (considering who all posts at this site

    I look forward to seeing who is your VP. Good luck!

    posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 01:06 PM

    Originally posted by FlyersFan
    Except for your thoughts on the UN, I agree with most everything on your platform. However, if I was to be your V.P. I would most likely end up being more of a liability than an asset

    I doubt that. You don't get a 5m bar and 70k points for being a troll. I'd be delighted to consider you for VP.

    I'm curious to know your thoughts on the U.N. - If I've understood your past posts correctly, I think it might be fair to say you don't look upon them favorably, but I'd like to know more specifically about what you do not like and why.

    posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 08:16 AM
    I wouldn't make a good VP thelibra, but I am tickled pink at your consideration. Thank you.

    Originally posted by thelibra
    I think it might be fair to say you don't look upon them favorably,

    That's an understatement!

    I'd like to know more specifically about what you do not like and why.

    I don't like ANYTHING about them. Not a darn thing.

    - massive corruption and nepotism
    - Saddam bought off the security council. It can't be trusted either.
    - they look the other way when it suits them.
    - they are powerless to do anything. Paper tiger.
    - they don't understand America, our values, our beliefs, our culture.
    - they don't WANT to understand America either.
    - they are Euro-Centric
    - they are anti-American
    - they take up valuable space in NYC that we should demand back even though it was gifted to them.
    - their people rake up millions upon millions in fines in NYC and refuse to pay them. (ask Guiliani about it someday!)
    - The World Council of Churches ... Frightening!
    - They think they run the world and that their laws are over and above the laws of each country. Our national sovereignty, and the sovereignty of every nation, is at risk.
    - Their very thought process runs at odds with our Constitution. Private Gun Control for one ...

    IMHO they need to be totally taken apart and it needs to be destroyed.
    It is beyond repair.

    Something new and better needs to take it's place. FAST!

    posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 11:07 AM
    Im a libertarian so unless you were one as well no I think not

    posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 01:12 PM
    Well, that makes 2 people who don't want the job. While I certainly appreciate the thread-bump your posts have given, it would be nice to hear from someone who actually does want the job.

    posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 01:26 PM
    So had I not already chosen to run for Democrat I may have filled an application out to be vice president of your campaign but I disagree with you for the sole reason that I cannot tolerate the amount of how many reform candidates there are-- simply because there are too many of them. Too many candidates of one party means a less likelyhood that you'll be voted.

    posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 08:18 AM

    Originally posted by Maverickhunter
    I disagree with you for the sole reason that I cannot tolerate the amount of how many reform candidates there are-- simply because there are too many of them. Too many candidates of one party means a less likelyhood that you'll be voted.

    Ah, but someone has to get voted, and while it may currently be a longshot, I intend for it to be be.

    Of course, really, if you think about it, I don't need a VP candidate till after the primaries narrow it down to 6 people. Then, perhaps some of the candidates who didn't make the final cut will be open to a Vice Presidency.

    I'd have run on the Democratic ticket, but the Reform platform is more accurate to my personal views. At the time I declared my candidacy, there was no "Independant" choice, but since my platform wraps with Reforms over 90%, I'd say I made the right choice. Do my fellow reform candidates know and believe in their platform as much?


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