posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 06:30 AM
Being an ex-nuclear weapons tech, I enjoy reading threads on nuclear weapons. There's been a lot of talk of tritium at the moment. I hope this
link will help shed some light on the subject...
Look under the Lance and Pershing II missile sytems(which my unit maintained and ultimately dismantled in 1992). You will notice that warheads
contained a system for
ER, or enhanced radiation. This was also known as the neutron bomb. The purpose was to cause maximum damage to enemy
troops, while causing minimum property damage. This is the purpose of
tritium in a nuclear warhead. It does not effect the yield of detonation;
it does not make the nuke a "superbomb" that can knock asteroids out of the sky.
These weapon systems, The Lance, Pershing II, the M454, and others were dismantled in 1992, under civilian and Russian inspectors.
That is what tritium is used for in nuclear weapons.
Have a great day!!!