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Jews in Wall Street - Rude Awakening For Me

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posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
did you get the memo regarding the media control and how plan on combining the media and wall street arms into one division? Sounds like we might make even more money and have even more control over the world.

I probably shouldn't have posted that.

Very amusing yet to derail a thread with these kind of lousy humor instead of answering like you did the first 2 times looks like your derailing and actually you are pouring gasoline on the OP bonfire by making such statements as this. But you already knew it and wrote it also, but as SA threads like these should be answered wisely and not with humiliation.

Best regards


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Roark
Again, you're being absurd. Based on one of my posts, which specifically addressed Jews in the financial sector, you've somehow determined the sum of my knowledge of the corporate world. Can't you see how presumptuous and arrogant that is?

I can't imagine how anyone can work in an office environment and be unaware of importance of social networks within such an environment. I used to work in consultancy and there social networking is essential.

Originally posted by Roark
You SAID: "It's a fact that a lot of inside information travels within a network of Jewish peers but never reaches people beyond the network. This allows these people to buy and sell stock before that information reaches the media, which gives them an extra advantage."

... as though it was commonplace within Jewish society! This is called insider trading. Now who's ignorant or the "corporate world" as you put it?

Insider trading may be illegal but within some financial Jewish networks it's as common as marihuana use among Western-European teenagers (illegal but very common).

Originally posted by Roark
I note that you state these things as though they are fact, but present nothing to support your... err, opinion of Jewish folk in the finance sector.

Must I really post a source for every statement I make? I don't see you doing so...

Originally posted by Roark
Mate, I'm not the one drawing gross, unsupported generalisations. You are.

No I'm not. I'm only stating facts well-known among people who actually cared to research the issue.

Originally posted by Roark

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
They were restricted from many trades as a protective measure only AFTER their involvement in those trades had had a corrosive effect on gentile society. A few trades (like pimping and money lending) were allowed for pragmatic reasons only as there was a market for it but no gentiles willing to engage in such immoral activities.

Do you have anything to back this up at all?

If you want I can reference some sources from those specific eras detailing on WHY restrictions were placed on the Jews. I only have these references on paper (I'm not aware of any online reference list) so I'll need to look them up physically. Let me know if you require me to do this effort.

Originally posted by Roark
History speaks otherwise:

No it doesn't. In fact, the long list of numerous antisemitic events throughout history all over the world only makes sense if this antisemitism was actually triggered by the Jewish community. It doesn't make sense that people from that many eras and cultures would all scapegoat the Jews for no particular reason but envy and/or prejudice and actual era writings on these particular events seem to suggest that this antisemitism was indeed triggered by the the behavior of the Jewish community.

Originally posted by Roark
Now find me all of the mentions of impropriety in business that provoked all of these atrocities and prohibitions on the Jewish people throughout history.

I suggest you start reading "The Weight of Three Thousand Years" by Israel Shahak and "A People That Shall Dwell Alone" by Kevin MacDonald and start from there.

Originally posted by Roark

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
It was because of the very strong anti-gentile ethnocentricity within Jewish culture, not because of their genetic make-up. Don't turn this into a racist argument.

It looks pretty ugly for you either way.

I'm just mentioning the cold hard facts, nothing else.

Originally posted by Roark
I doubt there were many free land-owning farmers due to the prohibitions I already mentioned. I don't really care, to be honest. Really, it's not a huge factor in this discussion.

Let's drop it then.

Originally posted by Roark

Professions involving precious ores (like gold, silver or diamond) are an obvious exception.

I'm not so sure about Jewish involvement in these other professions, though. I can't say I've ever heard of any copper-welders, tailors, bookbinders, glassworkers, dyers or cobblers with the general public as customers. Although there historically were indeed Jews with those particular professions, they seemed to have served mostly their own people and thus filled a niche the gentile community couldn't fit (as Jews had particular needs in clothing, household objects, etc.). These too I would consider exceptions.

Originally posted by Roark
Mate, you may not want to say it's laziness, but what you are suggesting is the same thing.

You call it laziness. I call if efficiency.

Originally posted by Roark
You may not want to be seen as a racist, but you bear all the hallmarks.

Only in the mind of a prejudiced person.

Originally posted by Roark
Victimisation "nonsense"? Are you referring to the fact that they are the single most thoroughly-persecuted people group in the history of the planet? Yeah, OK.

Murderers and rapists are persecuted all over the world but that doesn't make them victims. For the Jews to be truely victims, the cause of their persecution must first be determined to be entirely or largely based on prejudice rather than actions and behavior from within the Jewish community. The evidence, however, suggests that this is not the case. Thus, the victimisation of the Jews is a distortion based on a misrepresentation of the causes of their persecution.

Originally posted by Roark
I don't REALLY need to debunk anything you've said, because the only thing you've presented us with thus far is your decidedly skewed broad-brushed opinion about an entire group of people, never once attempting to qualify it with evidence or fact, and all the while bleating that you're not a racist.

You can do your own research. I'm not your school teacher. Why don't you start by checking out the sources I've provided you so far and let's go on from there.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
All I can say be it or not if Rothschild have anything to do with Zionism it doesn't even mean they were actually Jews by Fact nor that they had any good intent for Jews so it shouldn't be considered a "Jewish" Conspiracy if they simply want a homeland...

That seems to be more a matter of opinion than a matter of fact.

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
Once there after what went on you can expect a certain reaction to a new problem with people wanting them gone.. Be it a NWO thing Rothschild or simply England and America... the conspiracy was not a Jewish Conspiracy...

No more so than the settlers fled there to the New World in a "conspiracy" to fight with the Native Americans...

Please read the literature of Israel Shahak (an ethnic Jew himself) and psychology professor Kevin MacDonald. They are the most recommended literature on the topic and provide a treasure of information. Then you'll understand why the drive behind the NWO, communism, neo-conservatism, globalist capitalism, Freudism, multi-culturalism, the civil rights movement and Boasian anhropology are all linked to a Jewish ANTI-GENTILE agenda. Then you'll also understand the true origins of antisemitism.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
First of all what you are talking about as the "Zionist Agenda" is actually nothing more than a Mafia, a Ethnically Jewish Mafia.

This Jewish Mafia has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or the Jewish people outside of the Jewish Mafia no more than the Italian Mafia had anything to do with Italians out side of the Italian Mafia.

Their agenda is based on what they believe to be good for the Jews. And although many Zionist Jews are secular, their perspectives are still Jewish (including their Messianic superiority complex).

Originally posted by Izarith
First of all wall street and the stock market is nothing more than World wide legal gambling. This legal gambling was created by this Jewish Mafia.

It goes beyond legal gambling, since the Jewish Mafia uses inside information to invest risk-free and thereby drain the real economy of funds and finance their organisations. It is also powerful enough to manipulate the stockmarket either by buying or selling millions of stock at once or by manipulating the media which helps them further drain the real economy.

Originally posted by Izarith
Banks are nothing more than world wide loan sharks money lenders this game was created by this Jewish Mafia.

Pretty much.

Originally posted by Izarith
The unconstitutional unapportioned federal income tax is nation wide quays legal racketeering created by this Jewish Mafia.

Pretty much.

Originally posted by Izarith
This Jewish Mafia is very smart, powerful and as old as it gets yes, but to say that the actions of this Jewish Mafia go beyond the Jewish mafia to other Jews, the Jewish religion is totally crazy and wrong.

There is not line seperating the Jewish Maffia, the Jewish religion and Jewish identity because of Jewish ethnocentric behavior (eg. Jews only doing business with Jews) and a powerful anti-gentile sentiment within Jewish culture as a whole.

Originally posted by Izarith
The Jewish Mafia only uses poor Jews and rich Jews outside of their Mafia as the scape goat for when the world turns blood thirsty after loosing all they had on a fixed game.

Jews are wonderful people with a great culture and religion who are very nice to non Jewish people. The only part they play in any of this through out history is getting stuck with the bill for all the hatred the Jewish Mafia ran up.

You need to understand this.

If this were true, it would be high time for all good Jews to openly declare this reality, explicitly distance themselves from the Jewish Maffia and distance their community and culture from it. Yet, only a handful of Jews dare speak out and they're usually referred to as "self-loathing Jews" by the vast majority of other Jews. Hmmmm....

Originally posted by Izarith
It would be very easy for the world to bring down the Jewish Mafia only by cutting up their credit cards, giving banks the finger and only buying cheap land they can afford, make our government representatives stop representing the Jewish Mafia, and call wall street and the banks what they really are "the worlds biggest ponzi schemes".

Considering the Jewish Maffia are the most powerful people on this planet, it is anything but easy.

Originally posted by Izarith
Will this ever happen no. Why? Because we are stupid and love to hate people who are different and blame them for things they never even had a part in.

Do speak for yourself. I actually tend to ppreciate people who are "different" more than those who are not (and I object to all forms of hate since it's a pretty primitive and obselete emotion).

Originally posted by Izarith
Just because both gentiles and Jews not with in the Jewish Mob are too stupid and end up selling off everything they had for nothing does not mean the Jewish Mafia's advantages are unfair. If you ask me it's appropriate and well deserved.

As I moral person, I cannot agree.

Originally posted by Izarith
This has nothing at all in any way to do with Jews their culture or religion. This should be well understood.

THen why do I see an eerie similarity between the behavior of the Jewish Maffia and attitudes expressed in Jewish religious books? Why is it that the Jewish Maffia is protected by the support of so many ordinary Jews? If the Jewish Maffia has nothing to do with Judaism, then why is their agenda so philosemitic and anti-gentile? If their Jewishness were irrelevant, this wouldn't make any sense.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 08:07 AM
There's no conspiracy, everyone. Jews are just smarter than us, that's why they run the world.

...That's the gist of what I've gotten from the Jewish apologists here.

You know, if you weren't such dumb*sses maybe you wouldn't keep implying that you're smarter than everybody else.

There's a name for that, it's called arrogance.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by ForAiur
There's no conspiracy, everyone. Jews are just smarter than us, that's why they run the world.

...That's the gist of what I've gotten from the Jewish apologists here.

You know, if you weren't such dumb*sses maybe you wouldn't keep implying that you're smarter than everybody else.

First of all, to say that THE JEWS run THE WORLD is an antisemitic canard since the NWO is not yet in control of the entire world and since most Jews are either not involved or totally clueless about the agenda. Only a bunch of Jewish bankers (as one member called it "the Jewish Maffia) can really be held accountable.

Second.... Jews truely are superior in linguistic and mercantile skills (which is why Jews are mostly active in professions requiring lots of talking or commercial knowledge) but they lack in several other skills (eg. engineering) in comparison with Caucasians and East-Asians. So both those saying Jews are smarter and those saying Jews are dumber than Caucasians and East-Asians are technically correct since it depends on which parameters you use as a standard for intelligence.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Second.... Jews truely are superior in linguistic and mercantile skills (which is why Jews are mostly active in professions requiring lots of talking or commercial knowledge) but they lack in several other skills (eg. engineering) in comparison with Caucasians and East-Asians.

Maybe what you lack is the ability to see things outside of the perspective of your racist ideology?

[edit on 2-12-2009 by ForAiur]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ForAiur

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Second.... Jews truely are superior in linguistic and mercantile skills (which is why Jews are mostly active in professions requiring lots of talking or commercial knowledge) but they lack in several other skills (eg. engineering) in comparison with Caucasians and East-Asians.

Maybe what you lack is the ability to see things outside of the perspective of your racist ideology?

What racist ideology? I'm not a racist and I don't adhere to any particular ideology. So WTF are you talking about? If any statement is racist it is your generalisation that THE JEWS run THE WORLD, which implies that all (or almost all) Jews are involved in dominating all (or almost all of) the world.

Anyway, my statement was based on statistical data on IQ testing and profession choices. It has nothing to do with racism or general prejudice.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
What racist ideology? I'm not a racist and I don't adhere to any particular ideology. So WTF are you talking about? If any statement is racist it is your generalisation that THE JEWS run THE WORLD, which implies that all (or almost all) Jews are involved in dominating all (or almost all of) the world.

Anyway, my statement was based on statistical data on IQ testing and profession choices. It has nothing to do with racism or general prejudice.

First of all, you couldn't even spell the word "truly" right, and I'm supposed to believe your linguistic skills are superior to mine because I'm not Jewish.

Secondly, only a racist would use a paradigm that involves testing people's intelligence based on race.

Everyone already knows those IQ tests are BS. And my "IQ" is "140" ("near genius"), btw, before you call me dumb.

But maybe I'm better at engineering...

[edit on 2-12-2009 by ForAiur]

[edit on 2-12-2009 by ForAiur]

[edit on 2-12-2009 by ForAiur]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by ForAiur
First of all, you couldn't even spell the word "truly" right, and I'm supposed to believe your linguistic skills are superior to mine because I'm not Jewish.

First of all, if you'd cared to read any of my previous posts you'd have realised that I was one of the posters most critical of Jews throughout the thread. I actually agree with your criticism of Jews stating "oh we really are very powerful but that's just because we're smarter". I just wanted to nuance where your post clearly lacked nuance.

Second, I'm a gentile born and raised in Belgium. My first language is Dutch, my second language is French and my third language is English. I'm not sure how some minor spelling errors in my third language are supposed to say anything about my linguistic skills.

Originally posted by ForAiur
Secondly, only a racist would use a paradigm that would involve testing people's intelligence based on race.

Only a brainwashed liberal would deny the reality of genetically determined ethnic differences in intelligence and character. During the last few decades, this has been proven beyond reasonable doubt in spite of all the liberal attempts to silence any such research.

Originally posted by ForAiur
Everyone already knows those IQ tests are BS. And my "IQ" is "140" near genius), btw, before you call me dumb.

I've actually been a member of Mensa for a while, so I guess I qualify not just as "near genius" but "genius"

Further, mentioning your IQ is only meaningful if you also know the scale since an IQ of 130 using the Stanford Binet scale equals an IQ of 148 using the Catell scale.

And as I said, I'm a gentile and anything but philosemitic. We're pretty much on the same side here. I just prefer to nuance instead of generalise.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
I've actually been a member of Mensa for a while, so I guess I qualify not just as "near genius" but "genius"

Forgive me, O genius one. Btw, I found it interesting that you admitted that the NWO is a Jewish conspiracy:

First of all, to say that THE JEWS run THE WORLD is an antisemitic canard since the NWO is not yet in control of the entire world and since most Jews are either not involved or totally clueless about the agenda. Only a bunch of Jewish bankers (as one member called it "the Jewish Maffia) can really be held accountable.

If you're not even Jewish and you realize this, then how can you claim that the Jews themselves do not realize the Zionist Jewish conspiracy?

I disagree; I think most Jews "know" they're going to get something out of the NWO. That's why they're so busy working towards it.

In the end they will realize they were Stalin's useful fools.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by ForAiur
Forgive me, O genius one. Btw, I found it interesting that you admitted that the NWO is a Jewish conspiracy

The NWO is dominated by a bunch of Jewish bankers (whom Izarith calls "the Jewish Maffia" and who is dominated by, among other families, the Rothschild family and the Oppenheimer family) operated on an anti-gentile agenda obviously inspired by Talmudic arguments. I never claimed otherwise and have been stressing the power and relevance of Jewish networks and this one in particular for many posts.

Originally posted by ForAiur
If you're not even Jewish and you realize this, then how can you claim that the Jews themselves do not realize the Zionist Jewish conspiracy?

I'm just saying your generalising. There are many Jews involved in the advancement of eg. Multiculturalism or Zionism without having a clue about the agenda behind these movements. After all, a conspiracy of vast magnitude can only be succesful when most of its agents operate on a need-to-know basis as this makes the operation far more managable.

Also, there are many Jews not involved in the NWO at all. To blame "the Jews" as a people rather than mentioning specific organisations or individuals would be a generalisation and thus an antisemitic fallacy.

Originally posted by ForAiur
I disagree; I think most Jews "know" they're going to get something out of the NWO. That's why they're so busy working towards it.

In the end they will realize they were Stalin's useful fools.

I'm not denying this. I'm just saying that that of the Jews involved in movements driven by the NWO (like Zionism or Multiculturalism), most have a personal agenda, whether it is gaining fortune, gaining power, avancing environmental or animal rights interests, advancing the interests of the Jews, advancing the interests of African-Americans and Mexicans or even advancing the interests of the American public or humanity at large. And in case they are in it for a collective agenda, say environmental interests or Zionist interests, many of them are mere pawns of huge PR and propaganda machines playing a scripted role they're not aware of themselves.

These people believe they are pursuing a just cause. And in the end, as humans we cannot give them a judgement more harshly than all those brainwashed gentiles who betray the best interests of their people for some naieve and unrealistic cause. They don't know any better and, if deprogrammed, may turn out to be righteous individuals.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by PC equals Newspeak

Their agenda is based on what they believe to be good for the Jews. And although many Zionist Jews are secular, their perspectives are still Jewish (including their Messianic superiority complex).

No it is not. What your saying is that the Italian Mafia's agenda was believed to be good for all Italians in the eyes of the Italian Mafia.

The Jewish Mob is 100% more heartless when it comes to Jew's out side their Mafia as they leave there Fellow people out to dry once their actions and criminal activities raise anti semitic feeling amongst the idiots of the world. Kind of like your trying to do right now with your flip flop, self proclaimed none racist totally racist posts.

The small yet powerful criminal entity with in the Jewish people, the Jewish Mafia, only has the interests of their Mafia. Any other Jew out side that Mafia is nothing more that a meat shield for them. They are just as loathing of Jews as you are.

It is also powerful enough to manipulate the stock market either by buying or selling millions of stock at once or by manipulating the media which helps them further drain the real economy.It goes beyond legal gambling, since the Jewish Mafia uses inside information to invest risk-free and thereby drain the real economy of funds and finance their organisations.

What and you think Vegas gambling is not a fixed game? Everyone knows Wall Street is a gambling game of musical chairs yet many people still play it. Who's fault is that?

There is not line separating the Jewish Maffia, the Jewish religion and Jewish identity because of Jewish ethnocentric behavior (eg. Jews only doing business with Jews) and a powerful anti-gentile sentiment within Jewish culture as a whole.

Your flipfloping again back to your racist position. I'm sure once referenced as a racist you will revert back to your position of not classifying all Jews under the same group.

Jews doing business with Jews is nothing more than "Trust". Don't try to change the meaning of "trust" with your new-speak.

Everyone has a right to "Trust" who they wish. To force anyone to do other wise is cultural communism.

If this were true, it would be high time for all good Jews to openly declare this reality, explicitly distance themselves from the Jewish Mafia and distance their community and culture from it. Yet, only a handful of Jews dare speak out and they're usually referred to as "self-loathing Jews" by the vast majority of other Jews. Hmmmm....

Jews just got done from being killed like dogs and gasses during WW II. They are willing to unite and defend any Jew at this point. Like I said The stupidity of both Gentiles and Jews out side of the Jewish Mafia only makes the Jewish Mafia stronger. This does not mean the Mafia has any good will toward anything beyond it own power. And that has nothing to do with Jews, their culture or religion.

Considering the Jewish Maffia are the most powerful people on this planet, it is anything but easy.

No, considering anyone out out side of the Jewish Mafia is as dumb as a rock and loves credit and hating people and blaming them for their own stupidity, it's anything but easy.

Do speak for yourself. I actually tend to preciate people who are "different" more than those who are not (and I object to all forms of hate since it's a pretty primitive and obselete emotion).

Yea you just like lighting the fire and watching the world burn while blaming Jews for the idiotic acts of Man kind in general.

As I moral person, I cannot agree.

Well why would you, self accountability is a bitch and it's only used by a very few, usually none racists and responsible people. But the idealistic premise of Morals is a more safe stand point for people who hate self accountability.

THen why do I see an eerie similarity between the behavior of the Jewish Maffia and attitudes expressed in Jewish religious books? Why is it that the Jewish Maffia is protected by the support of so many ordinary Jews? If the Jewish Maffia has nothing to do with Judaism, then why is their agenda so philosemitic and anti-gentile? If their Jewishness were irrelevant, this wouldn't make any sense.

q1-Because your crazy...

q2-Because their crazy....

q3-Because they know how to spin you and any other human Jew or none Jew to do their bidding.

If you stop looking for a scapegoat to hate for yours and that of the rest of mankind's stupidity and wish to stop the blame game hate mongering, it might eventually make more sense. Good luck with that.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by Izarith]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by PC equals Newspeak

I didn't say they are smarter than you. I said they go to college more. Their culture values education extremely highly, much like many asian cultures.

Their religion involves a long tradition of debate and analytical inquiry, including about their own texts. This is almost the opposite of how churches traditionally disseminated christian teachings.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by PC equals Newspeak

You can't possibly really believe that a number on a test makes you a 'genius', can you? MENSA is a club of backslappers. Technically, I'd qualify based on raw test data, but not by a long shot do i consider myself a genius, and I certainly don't want any part of a club that sits around and congratulates one another on their specialness. The entire concept of IQ as a barometer of "intelligence" is flawed to begin with. I don't feel like getting real deep into it here, but suffice to say, it's folly to think a little collection of puzzles and quizes can truly represent the total capabilities of any single mind.

That term ought to be reserved for the true prodigies of the world.

Just appreciate your talents, and make the best of them. None of us get to take credit for the hardware we were born with.

All that matters is what good you can do with what you have, IMO.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
I can't imagine how anyone can work in an office environment and be unaware of importance of social networks within such an environment. I used to work in consultancy and there social networking is essential.

Insider trading may be illegal but within some financial Jewish networks it's as common as marihuana use among Western-European teenagers (illegal but very common).

My understanding of how social networks play out in the world of finance is completely beside the point. It goes completely without saying that they exist, and that they play an important role amongst professionals in the sector.

Your gross generalisation (playing fast and loose with the word “fact”) that a large number of (specifically) Jewish financial professionals engage in insider trading is the point I was addressing.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Must I really post a source for every statement I make? I don't see you doing so...

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
No I'm not. I'm only stating facts well-known among people who actually cared to research the issue.

I’m not the one making broad assertions about racial groups (and disguising it as mere observations of cultural idiosyncracies for PR purposes). If you expect people to take your claims seriously, its similarly natural for them to desire more than simply your word (of information you “know” as “fact”).

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
If you want I can reference some sources from those specific eras detailing on WHY restrictions were placed on the Jews. I only have these references on paper (I'm not aware of any online reference list) so I'll need to look them up physically. Let me know if you require me to do this effort.

I won’t ask you to do this, but I’d be happy to review the info. It doesn’t sound like you can easily retrieve it, though. Tried searching online?

My own research indicates that prohibitions and atrocities perpetrated again the Jewish populations of European cities were most often instigated by enthusiastic clergymen, or by accusations of blood libel, murder, and usury.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
No it doesn't. In fact, the long list of numerous antisemitic events throughout history all over the world only makes sense if this antisemitism was actually triggered by the Jewish community. It doesn't make sense that people from that many eras and cultures would all scapegoat the Jews for no particular reason but envy and/or prejudice and actual era writings on these particular events seem to suggest that this antisemitism was indeed triggered by the the behavior of the Jewish community.

Who says it has to “make sense”? For it to “make sense” assumes that the Christian perpetrators were even-handed with a sense of justice. The various horrific pogroms conducted against Jewish populations throughout history don’t “make sense” by any sane standard.

There are reasons for antisemitism that don’t have anything to do with poor oppressed Christians merely responding with punishment to Jewish acts of impropriety or injustice. Anyone who has an inkling of knowledge about the phenomenon of blood libel understands this. This is a fundamental point.

There is absolutely no way you can justify historical Christian injustice against Jews. It’s laughable to even suggest it.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
I suggest you start reading "The Weight of Three Thousand Years" by Israel Shahak and "A People That Shall Dwell Alone" by Kevin MacDonald and start from there.

Thanks for the tips. Online resources would be much handier for our purposes, though.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
I'm just mentioning the cold hard facts, nothing else.

They have yet to be established as “facts”, mate. They fall far short of deserving that description.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Professions involving precious ores (like gold, silver or diamond) are an obvious exception.

I'm not so sure about Jewish involvement in these other professions, though. I can't say I've ever heard of any copper-welders, tailors, bookbinders, glassworkers, dyers or cobblers with the general public as customers. Although there historically were indeed Jews with those particular professions, they seemed to have served mostly their own people and thus filled a niche the gentile community couldn't fit (as Jews had particular needs in clothing, household objects, etc.). These too I would consider exceptions.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
You call it laziness. I call if efficiency.

Call it what you will, if it makes you feel better about your views. Your previous description matches the dictionary definition for laziness.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Only in the mind of a prejudiced person.

By repeatedly insinuating that I am somehow prejudiced, are you simply hoping that it will draw the eye of the reader from your own obviously discriminatory views? I'm genuinely curious.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Murderers and rapists are persecuted all over the world but that doesn't make them victims.

So now you’re drawing a parallel between Jews and murderers/rapists for the purposes of this argument? Simile fail, dude. Not appropriate.

Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
For the Jews to be truely victims, the cause of their persecution must first be determined to be entirely or largely based on prejudice rather than actions and behavior from within the Jewish community. The evidence, however, suggests that this is not the case. Thus, the victimisation of the Jews is a distortion based on a misrepresentation of the causes of their persecution.

What was the Holocaust, if not extreme prejudice? The restrictions from the Fourth Lateran Council? The massacre of 1321 in France (where the Jews were later declared innocent)? European Jews being blamed for the Black Death in 1348? The oppressive legislation in Spain insitigated by Vicente Ferrer? The Papal Bull "Cum nimis absurdum"? Johann Andreas Eisenmenger's "Entdecktes Judenthum"?

What were these motivated by, if not prejudice (often via false accusations and religious fury)?

This part of the discussion, and your premise for it, is an outright farce.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:36 PM
Of course people are getting on top of each other and backbiting. Not only in the good times do people make loads of dough, but in the bad times, they get all the taxpayers money in a freebee handout as well.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Roark

This is a little like saying that the small kids in school must have done something wrong to deserve being shoved in lockers.

Or that women who wear short skirts brought on their own rape.

It was easy to use them as a scapegoat because they were a small, relatively powerless minority, who managed through much effort to rise above peasantry to the merchant class - and not for their own ends, as you fallaciously assume, but because kings and such asked them to - and because many other avenues where shut off to them.

You really just don't have any idea what you're talking about - and it's always those folks who are somehow they most certain.

OOPS - this was meant at PC - I goofed by responding to the post that responded to HIS post...

My bad.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by TrueTruth]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by TrueTruth
reply to post by Roark

It was easy to use them as a scapegoat because they were a small, relatively powerless minority, who managed through much effort to rise above peasantry to the merchant class - and not for their own ends, as you fallaciously assume, but because kings and such asked them to - and because many other avenues where shut off to them.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by TrueTruth]

Yeah right. This is like that old tired line about ''jobs Americans don't want to do''. The Communist Party would love your reasoning.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
No it is not. What your saying is that the Italian Mafia's agenda was believed to be good for all Italians in the eyes of the Italian Mafia.

I'm pretty sure some Maffia members see it like that, although most (especially today) probably don't.

Originally posted by Izarith
The Jewish Mob is 100% more heartless when it comes to Jew's out side their Mafia as they leave there Fellow people out to dry once their actions and criminal activities raise anti semitic feeling amongst the idiots of the world..


Originally posted by Izarith
Kind of like your trying to do right now with your flip flop, self proclaimed none racist totally racist posts.


Originally posted by Izarith
The small yet powerful criminal entity with in the Jewish people, the Jewish Mafia, only has the interests of their Mafia. Any other Jew out side that Mafia is nothing more that a meat shield for them. They are just as loathing of Jews as you are.

Then why is there the explicit policy of building the Jewish homeland with a very ethno-centric legislation being pushed down everyone's throat, while the force a corrosive multi-culturalist agenda on the rest of the world? This makes no sense unless from a Talmudic perspective.

Originally posted by Izarith
What and you think Vegas gambling is not a fixed game? Everyone knows Wall Street is a gambling game of musical chairs yet many people still play it.

Vegas isn't fixed. You win or lose by chance. Casinos just have statistics in their favor, meaning it is statistically impossible for them to lose money when all profits and losses are aggregated.

Originally posted by Izarith

There is not line separating the Jewish Maffia, the Jewish religion and Jewish identity because of Jewish ethnocentric behavior (eg. Jews only doing business with Jews) and a powerful anti-gentile sentiment within Jewish culture as a whole.

Your flipfloping again back to your racist position.

What's racist about stating these facts?

Originally posted by Izarith
Jews doing business with Jews is nothing more than "Trust". Don't try to change the meaning of "trust" with your new-speak.

Everyone has a right to "Trust" who they wish. To force anyone to do other wise is cultural communism.

It's called Multiculturalism today, actually. All but Jews are forced to accept Multiculturalism. If I decide to trust only White Causasians, the media will brand me as a racist, but if a Jew decides to trust only Jews it is something very normal. Hmmmmm... Why the double standard for Jews and gentiles?

Originally posted by Izarith
Jews just got done from being killed like dogs and gasses during WW II.

So they say and have it enforced as dogma by law....

Originally posted by Izarith

Considering the Jewish Maffia are the most powerful people on this planet, it is anything but easy.

No, considering anyone out out side of the Jewish Mafia is as dumb as a rock and loves credit and hating people and blaming them for their own stupidity, it's anything but easy.

Quote the contrary. Since these people are kept ignorant and divided by means of continuous propaganda, there is only little risk.

Originally posted by Izarith
Yea you just like lighting the fire and watching the world burn while blaming Jews for the idiotic acts of Man kind in general.

Quite the contrary. I watched someone else light the fire and try to tell the world who did it as the world just keeps on burning and they continue to frame dfferent innocents people instead.

Originally posted by Izarith
Well why would you, self accountability is a bitch and it's only used by a very few, usually none racists and responsible people. But the idealistic premise of Morals is a more safe stand point for people who hate self accountability.

Only when your morals are based on some external standard. My morallity is entirely based on internal logical processes and therefor is the product of my own self accountability.

Further, your implication that racists are nor responsible people is quite a prejudiced statement itself.

Originally posted by Izarith

THen why do I see an eerie similarity between the behavior of the Jewish Maffia and attitudes expressed in Jewish religious books? Why is it that the Jewish Maffia is protected by the support of so many ordinary Jews? If the Jewish Maffia has nothing to do with Judaism, then why is their agenda so philosemitic and anti-gentile? If their Jewishness were irrelevant, this wouldn't make any sense.


If you stop looking for a scapegoat to hate for yours and that of the rest of mankind's stupidity and wish to stop the blame game hate mongering, it might eventually make more sense.

I'm not looking for a scapegoat or hatemongering. I'm just trying to explain these facts from a rational point of view.

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