posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 08:15 AM
FudgeStix: it could have been anything. Could even have been simply a 'nightmare'.
The important thing is to regain your equilibrium and toss the negativity caused by this dream, aside.
What I do is consciously decide (as I'm about to go to sleep) that I won't be having any repeats of the situation. And I achieve that quite
successfully by 'aiming' my mind at what I choose to regard as the ultimate-source of decency and goodness.
I visualise myself moving 'up' through the cosmos: up, up and up, until I encounter a combination of white and gold light.
Then, I 'connect' to that and visualise it being beamed down, into and around me.
At the same time, I request protection. I specifically seek that protection from higher spiritual realms.
Now there are those who'll say that my little procedure ' is all in the Mind'. And of course it is, as is everything, one way or
another. Given a choice between Mind and matter, I'd choose the former every time.
Most of us have experienced disturbing dreams or whatever they are. But they come in 'flavours'. Some are run-of-the-mill nightmares. But others
seem suspiciously like 'something else': they leave you feeling you've actually been in contact with something that doesn't have your best
interests at heart. They can leave you feeling quite sick, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.
I'm particularly suspicious of those 'nightmares' which have a disturbing after-taste and which cling: are difficult to shake and especially those
that remain vivid and detailed throughout several weeks, months or even years afterwards.
I don't know if it's correct, but I've read that we can inadvertently wander into lower astral-realms whilst asleep (or whilst suffering fever,
exhaustion, or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc. -- or after associating with people who dabble in 'dark' stuff. It could possibly also
happen if we've visited a 'dark' place, messed with 'dark' stuff, etc.)
Whatever the case, the lower astral realms might appeal to some, but not to me. I don't mix with low-lifes in 'real' life and I'm not interested
in falling prey to them while I sleep.
Which is why I consciously tune-in to the 'nice light - higher spiritual realms' as I'm falling asleep. People have been doing versions of the
same since Time began. So we can assume there's a need to do so, also that protection from lower-astral thugs can be gained in this way.
Whatever the 'thing' was that you saw in your dream, it doesn't sound to be the greatest of company. Personally, I wouldn't grant it attention:
wouldn't waste my time thinking about it or trying to work out what it was or meant. That will only feed it. There are more rewarding and
interesting things to ponder. Kick it to the kerb and practice psychic/spiritual defence. Put yourself beyond the reach of these ghouls. That's my
advice, anyway.
Saying prayers before sleep isn't only for children.