Originally posted by ignorant_ape
i have no ` zombie outbreak survival plan `
infact i do not have a survival plan for any ` fictional emegency `
i am too busy having a life , free from stupid fictional fears
Yea you know I dont think this thread was meant to be serious, I believe it was meant for people to have a little fun.
Its also possible that "zombie survival" could be paralleled with any number of scenarios where an infectious outbreak occurs like bird flu or
something like that.
Nothing forced you to read past the first post and if you dont want to contribute in a plan for any "fictional emergency" then dont but leave the
trolling out of the thread as well.
As far as a plan goes, we would need to clarify exactly what kind of zombies we are facing.
The zombies from the original dawn of the dead and night of the living dead are slow, sluggish and mindless idiots that are easy to escape from and
For those types we could find a place that would make a good compound or an area to build a good compound on and surround it with some type of traps
instead of just fences.
Dig some large pit traps outside of the fenced area and as the pit fills, burn the bodies. Someone also mentioned moats filled with oil, this is a
good idea and I would put them outside of the fence, between the pit traps and the security fence.
You would need better tactics if you were dealing with zombie types from the newer movies, especially with the ones from I am legend, which werent
technically zombies.
You have some advantages with them though, one being that they only come out at night, which gives you at least 8 hours a day to prepare but they are
a lot smarter and extremely strong, a little to strong if you ask me but it was just a movie after all.
I believe a shoot on site policy for non-zombies is a little harsh though.
Its true that in these apocalyptic scenarios, regular people can be as bad as the zombies but a policy like that would make you as bad or worse than
those types of people. It would be bad if one of the persons that you "shot on site" turned out to be a doctor that could help treat sick and
injured or a scientist that could help create a cure.
Also, every single person thats not infected would be needed to fight the zombies and help re-populate the world afterwards.
These scenarios are entertaining to speculate about but anyone that really wishes this to happen, needs help.
Something like this would set the worlds advancements back several years.