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In Black and White - Race Questions

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posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 12:59 PM
I have been involved in several discussions about race here. I know how I feel about these issues, but I wonder how “most people” feel and if “most people’s” views are the same as mine.

I saw a TV show the other day where a black father had twin girls with a white woman and these girls were grown. One married a white man and the black father and the other twin were openly racist against whites. There was also a white mother whose daughter was dating a black man and the mother was totally disapproving of him. She was a self-proclaimed racist and the family was miserable.

Seeing these situations makes me wonder how people “out there” feel compared to how I feel. I don't watch much TV and the racism I saw in those families surprised me.

I would appreciate a short answer (or longer if you like) to each of these questions (or a paragraph on each topic) so we can get an idea of whether or not a majority forms or if we’re all over the map. Feel free to skip questions and just answer some if you like. Thank you for your time and answers.

Mixed Race Couples:

What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?

Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?

Would you date a person of another race? Would you marry a person of another race? Any and all other races? If not, why not?

Kids of Mixed Race:

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?

If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?

Racial Hatred and Slurs:

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)

Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?

Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)

If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why?


Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?

Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?

Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?

Thanks again for your responses.


[edit on 5-3-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I have been involved in several discussions about race here. I know how I feel about these issues, but I wonder how “most people” feel and if “most people’s” views are the same as mine.

I saw a TV show the other day where a black father had twin girls with a white woman and these girls were grown. One married a white man and the black father and the other twin were openly racist against whites. There was also a white mother whose daughter was dating a black man and the mother was totally disapproving of him. She was a self-proclaimed racist and the family was miserable.

Seeing these situations makes me wonder how people “out there” feel compared to how I feel. I don't watch much TV and the racism I saw in those families surprised me.

I would appreciate a short answer (or longer if you like) to each of these questions (or a paragraph on each topic) so we can get an idea of whether or not a majority forms or if we’re all over the map. Feel free to skip questions and just answer some if you like. Thank you for your time and answers.

Mixed Race Couples:

What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?
In my eyes god said that he created us all equal. Although later on he also goes to say that the Husband has his place in the household or what not. But that is a different scenario all together. My sister is married to a black male. I personally would never date another race of person although I don't see what would be wrong with this scenario. I see my sister and Oather (My bother-n-Law) everyday all the time. He was my best friend before they started dating, this may be the reason why I am so comfortable with them. Then again it may just be that she is in love with him and that they are meant to be together. =-)

Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?
Did you have to really ask this question ... I guess it was pertinent as I have been in some of those threads with you. LoL

Would you date a person of another race? Would you marry a person of another race? Any and all other races? If not, why not?
As answered earlier I would not date a person of another race. Although if I fell in love with someone that was of another race I guess I would then marry them. But I have learned Self-Control will get you further in life when it comes to certain situation. I have dated a Mexican person before, I think the reason that I would not date a person of African Decent is because my family is RACISTS ... and I already see what my sister goes through; and I would never want to put this burden on my family; Even for my "HAPPINESS' if it took me to marry a certain person then that says alot about my happiness in itself.

Kids of Mixed Race:

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?
When I see a mixed race person I don't necisarily think anything different from the next person I see.

If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?
Although I have heard many things such as a kid that is mixed races has a harder time growing up and other things that have my feelings mixed about me possibly doing such things. Whenever I do have a daughter/son one day ... I will raise them the same way that I was raised as every one is created equal and that there is no difference from me as there is a person from a differnt decent than mine. Although I would tell them the things that I have heard and tell them that I do not really feel as if this will have a detrimental affect on thier kids. I would probably end with they just need to take it before god and let him lead and guide them in all thier decisions in life, as well as this one.

Racial Hatred and Slurs:

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)
I believe that words are words and that is the extent of which they should hurt you. Kinda believe the old saying "Sticks and Stones."
That is possibly because of the way I was raised and something that happend to me in my life at a younger age ... As I was bigger than all the rest of the peopel in my class and this caused some people want to pick on me. I got into a fight whenever I was in the 3rd grade with a bunch of bullies. Anyways ... I got home and my mom beat my butt. Afterwards she sat down and talked to me about what happened and went on to tell me that even thought all the kids were calling her "FAT" that they didn't even knwo her. I guess coming from her mouth and she just had spanked me really WENT THAT EXTRA MILE as to what really matters in life and figthing under no circumstance was a conveivable good idea. Although to my dad I did this "HEROIC" thing when in reality I realized what I did had no influence accept to let the aggitators know that they had gotten to me. There were many other ways to handle this situation. Anyways ... little off subject but nessicary to know where I came from and why I am like I am.

Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?
No kinda "Hatred" is good and anyone that says that that is has ALTERIOR MOTIVES ... KEEP THIS IN MIND !

Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.) Anything that is intended to hate(and by this I MEAN "HURT" someone) hurt someone is no more good than the mouth of the person saying it

If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why? I am not familiar with all of these saying which may have and impact on my saying that these would just make me laugh. Although as I said it is THE INTENT ON WHICH THEY ARE USED !!!

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I have been involved in several discussions about race here. I know how I feel about these issues, but I wonder how "most people" feel and if "most people's" views are the same as mine.

Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?
Probably not ... I am alittle different I have found. And whenever I talked to Blacks that are my friends they seem to not really ever hang out with other white people. SO I am taking it as most other white's do not act as I do. Could also be that my sister is married a black and they all just feel much more comfortable with me than others ... I am not sure
Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?

I am not sure , I am not really a good judger of things of this nature ...
Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist? In the last couple of weeks I have actually started considering myself alittle Rascist as a couple of the threads that I got involved in made me come to this decision.

Thanks again for your responses.


[edit on 5-3-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

(direct database edit to remove odd HTML characters)

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?

Don't care. Yes. No.

Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?

No. No.

Would you date a person of another race? Would you marry a person of another race? Any and all other races? If not, why not?

I did. Too late but theoretically yes. Yes.

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?

I could care less. No. I don't care. No. No.

If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?

Yes. No. I'd probably feel that, regardless of what color their skin was, they weren't good enough. No.

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)

In most cases no. No, not until equality (social, economic) by the oppressed class(es) is achieved. Then again it depends upon the motive of the one who uttered the slur.

Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?

No, hatred is hatred, regardless of its source.

Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)

No. All slurs made with the intent to hurt another are equal.

If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why?

No, there are victims of oppression who would probably feel more psychological truama than, let's say, me. I'm a white male. Call me whatever you like. I haven't endured the stigma of being fat, the wrong color, or whatever other slur comes to mind. I've only been called a 'male chauvinist pig' in a joking manner.

Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?

Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?

Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?

No. Dunno, but probably more racist. Totally open.

Helluva thread and bound to generate controversy and ATS points. At any rate I suspect that in another ten generations or so most of our descendants will be 'brown' due to interbreeding and the questions - more specifically the problems - of race will be lost in antiquity.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:17 PM
I am wondering ... If Racial Slurs seem to always depend on how they are used and how the person that is stating them says them ... Then how does one go about finding out this information?? or is it just the perception of the person Hearing it ?? And if so that changes everything ... As how do I know I perceive what someone is saying as they want me to ???... ESPECIALLY while using "L e t t e r s" to make my point of view known?? As this is not always the situation ... but it is bound to happen !!!

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:20 PM
Thank you for your responses. I'll post mine a bit later.

Originally posted by befoiled
Helluva thread and bound to generate controversy and ATS points.

Neither one is my motive. As you can see, I have enough points to get me through the day, and the reason I wrote this thread is to explore the individual racism that still exists. (Not to slam, judge or degrade people who still feel racist tendencies, but to explore it.)

Most of the race threads I've been involved in talk about institutional racism so I'm curious about the feelings individuals have.

At any rate I suspect that in another ten generations or so most of our descendants will be 'brown' due to interbreeding and the questions - more specifically the problems - of race will be lost in antiquity.

You know, I've often thought this. And if that's what it takes to get rid of racism, I'm all for it. Brown is a beautiful color.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
If Racial Slurs seem to always depend on how they are used and how the person that is stating them says them ... Then how does one go about finding out this information??

That's a good question. I agree with what you said about sticks and stones. I don't much care about what people call me. And different people get "offended" by different things. So I don't think words inherently have any power. They are given power by the people who hear them. That's my opinion, anyway.

Words can be thrown out at other people and not hurt at all. It's up to the receiver as to whether they choose to be offended or not. Too bad all weapons aren't like that, huh?

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
I am wondering ... If Racial Slurs seem to always depend on how they are used and how the person that is stating them says them ... Then how does one go about finding out this information?? or is it just the perception of the person Hearing it ?? And if so that changes everything ... As how do I know I perceive what someone is saying as they want me to ???... ESPECIALLY while using "L e t t e r s" to make my point of view known?? As this is not always the situation ... but it is bound to happen !!!

As a rule I don't use racial (or other) slurs myself and ignore any slurs against me. Really, could this be any easier?

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 05:31 PM
I often think of if we as HUMANS have Evolved from whatever ... Why hasn't are skins gotten darker ??? the sun has never been good for your skin ... Well ... IN A SENSE ANYWAYS ... I know that we could not live without it ... Or was it possibly because for some time we as a civilization or some Civilizations stayed inside ??? Plausible I guess as the only reason why certain races are darker than others ? Could this be the only reason that we are such differnt colors ... Possibly why some blacks are darker than others ... I wonder if we followed our Ancestories back as Light skinned people originating from a certain place as opposed to another PLACE !?!?!?!! Hmmmmmmmmm ... ??? Never thought of this before ... Maybe we were all one color at one time !??!?! Possibly not even white ... Possibly a Manilla ... And as time went on some lost thier Pigmentation ... As this will probably be thrown in my face saying u idiot .. this is why this happened .... By all means Just a thought from a 23 year old that was not very well EDUCATED ....

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Mixed Race Couples:

What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?

Honestly, I really do not even think I notice. I mean, what does it matter? Honestly though? I think back years ago when my parents talk about how they went to different schools because of their religion. Catholics went to one school and Protestants went to a separate school. I mean, that is absolutely ridiculous. It really is an insignificant detail. Why put so much consideration into it? I see this as the same. A person is a person, and it is just that. Mixed race couples are perfectly fine, and anyone who does have a problem with it, really has an insecurity within themselves.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?

Not in the least.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Kids of Mixed Race:

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?

If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?

Again, who notices this stuff? When it comes to my own children, I would support him or her on anything they do. Whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, involved in a mixed race relationship, etc., none of it matters. I only pray that he or she is completely healthy and lives their life to the fullest. I am not the type of person that would intervene on an issue of race, religion, etc.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Racial Hatred and Slurs:

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)

Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?

Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)

If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why?

This is the best point you raise thus far. Any term that is based an assumption of any individual, group, race, etc., and is an attempt to slander the individual, group, race, etc., is completely wrong. I don't care what the term is, or what the history on the term is, they are all equally wrong. "Slop eating swine", "jungle bunny", and "fat lazy pig" are all equally horrible in my opinion. A derogatory term that is based on race, is not any worse than one which is based on gender, age, weight, height, etc. They are all horrible, none of them are necessary, and all of them should be stigmatized. If a black person refers to a cop as a "pig", or a white person refers to a black person as a "porch monkey", both are equally as disgusting. They are overt assumptions with no merit that are attempts to slander the person.

All of them are disgusting, case closed.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?

Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?

Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?

Thanks again for your responses.


Well, not specifically Racist, but we all pre-judge to some degree. It is like the continuum theory, there is no black and white. We are all racist to some degree, some more than others. Do I feel that I am a racist? No. Have I ever thought of something that was based on a racial stereotype? Yes. So can I say 100% that I am not a racist? Nope, and I don't really think anyone else can. But what we can do is stay aware of any prejudices have, and do our best to work on them.

To basically quote something that jso had said in another thread, and it is something that victims of racist comments use to fuel their fire, is the little comments that are overheard between a group of people, about another group whom are not present. The six white guys that sit around and talk about blacks. Or the six black people that will sit around and talk about whites. Is this any indication of wide spread racism? No. As jso has said, it is an insecurity within ourselves that may leave us feeling we need to save face.

If there is anything worse than a racist, it is an individual who feels they need to pretend to be racist to impress someone. I mean, how pathetic is that. To impress my white buddies, I'll go and talk smack about a few minorities?

I honestly do not think that we can summarize this issue in a black and white context. Racism, like many other issues, is consumed of grayness. No black, no white, just gray.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 07:39 PM
Wow. Really interesting points, chissler!

Originally posted by chissler
Honestly, I really do not even think I notice. I mean, what does it matter?

You know, it doesn't matter, but I notice. I don't know if I ALWAYS notice, but I am a people-watcher so I do notice. It's not like it jumps out at me, it's just that while I'm watching and studying people (an being nosey from a distance) I do notice.

Again, who notices this stuff?

I do.
Not because I'm looking for it, but like I said, I love to warch people and wonder about them, so it's something I wonder about. I'm a very curious person.

We are all racist to some degree, some more than others. Do I feel that I am a racist? No. Have I ever thought of something that was based on a racial stereotype? Yes. So can I say 100% that I am not a racist? Nope, and I don't really think anyone else can.


I honestly do not think that we can summarize this issue in a black and white context. Racism, like many other issues, is consumed of grayness. No black, no white, just gray.

I just thought it was a catchy title.

My responses:

Mixed Race Couples:

I actually like seeing mixed race couples. It gives me hope and tells me that people are open to the races being together. I (white) have been in several mixed race relationships, two of which were very serious. I would have married them if it had worked out. One was black and one was Hispanic. So I’m very comfortable with it and would date or marry any other race.

Honestly, I’m a bit more intrigued when it’s a white man with a black woman. I guess because I don’t see that too often.

Kids of Mixed Race:

I’m actually intrigued when I see or meet a mixed race person. I wonder what their upbringing was like. I want to ask them so many questions. I wonder if other people give them trouble. I wonder if they experience as much discrimination as black people, for example. I’m very curious. Race is a interest of mine, so I’m curious about every aspect.

If my son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, I would totally support them. Whomever they wish to date, I would support them.

Racial Slurs:

In my opinion, all racial slurs are the same regardless who speaks them. No matter who hurls the racial slur at whom, it’s all the same to me. Racial hatred is the same as any other hatred. It’s still hating on someone for a characteristic of that person other than the person himself. I don’t agree with the “hate speech” or “hate crime” laws. Calling someone a race-based name is no worse than any other name.


I think most people have somewhat similar views to mine when it comes to race and race relations, although I think other people might be slightly less open-minded about other races and race mixing than I am. I consider myself totally open and accepting of other races and not racist, but as chissler points out, we all are probably “racist” to some extent or another, I think, depending on what one means by the word.

posted on Mar, 5 2007 @ 10:26 PM
• What do you think about mixed race couples?
Lots of Asians around these parts, but rarely do I see them with anyone outside their own race. Rarely, I see an Asian man with a white women. Lot's of black/white though. Usually, I am not bothered at all by mixed race couples. Love knows no boundaries. The only thing that bothers me is I see lots of black men shacking up with white women and being supported by them. The girl goes to work and the guy stays home all day. I cannot tell you you often I see this. I've lived in an apartment complex in the burbs since 1987, so I've seen it all. It should be noted I rarely if ever see white guys with black girls. But if people want to mix so be it.

• Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?
I'm gay (celibate) so it takes alot to make me uncomfortable. I've seen crazier sites than mixed me.

• Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?
Like I said rarely do I see a white guy with a black girl if at all. Again, what I find annoying is white women being taken advantage of by black men to support them. Inevitably the girl always gets knocked up, spits out a kid and the black guy leaves the picture. This is very typical in this neck of the woods (mostly in younger b/w couples)

• Would you date a person of another race? Would you marry a person of another race? Any and all other races? If not, why not?
Currently, I am celibate. My last major love with a man (we lived together 8 years); he was half Panamanian/half Swiss. He looked like Harry Belafonte. He looked black (he had the hair). I always found dark men beautiful, but I never dated a full-fledged black guy. I always found inner city black culture too different than mine, something that I couldn't totally relate to. Physically, I think some black men are hot....but in to many other aspects we're miles apart. My weakness was always dark Italian, Mediterranean, Persian, Middle-Eastern types. So I am definitely attracted to people outside my race (I'm a white boy).

• When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?
I think nothing of it. As I said above my last love was very black looking. At one time before we broke up we went into couples therapy. Our therapist asked us, "When you were little boys, what did you want to grow up and be?" I told her I wanted to be big and strong. My boyfriend told her he wanted to "be white". It shocked me.

• If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?
Depends what race. And yeah, hate to admit it, but for me some races are more acceptable than others. Why? Because of my life's experience...what I've seen and dealt with first-hand. There are certain types I'd definitely want my offspring to avoid.

• In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same?
Yes. It's all relative.

• Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both?
Absolutely. Disrespect is disrespect.

• Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?
To some degree.......hmmm, depends.
It definitely keeps me out of the inner city at night or any surrounding black neighborhood.

• Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)
Not at all. A slur is a slur.

• If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why?
Absolutely. Disrespect is disrespect. Hate is hate.

• Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?
The people that make up "my world"......yep.

• Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?
I don't consider myself racist "until" someone takes issue with me being white. Then it's a problem.

• Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?
Somewhat. Again, I've lived and learned. I know what to avoid and where not to go.
People say to ignore stereotypes. I say screw that. They exist.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 04:44 AM
Some very good questions, i have never understood racism, i'm probably to dumb. Anyway here are my answers and views.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Mixed Race Couples:

What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?

Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?

Would you date a person of another race? Would you marry a person of another race? Any and all other races? If not, why not?

I really have no feelings whatsoever on mixed race couples, really do not care, i don't see the problem. It doesn't matter which way round it is, i still just don't care.

I would marry anyone if i was in love, being black, white, asian, oriental doesn't matter and wouldn't stop me being attracted to them.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Kids of Mixed Race:

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?

If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?

When i see a mixed race person nothing corsses my mind, obviously i notice their race simply because my eyes are working, but i feel nothing about them, i just don't understand people who see someone and immediately dislike them because of their race.

I don't have kids, but i myself would happily marry anyone of any race so i wouln't get that concerned if i had kids and they went out with someone of a different race. As long as they are treated nicely i wouldn't care.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Racial Hatred and Slurs:

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)

Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?

Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)

If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why?

The intent is important, although i can't imagine a good reason for calling a black baby tar baby or a white one miss scarlett. One of my best friends is black, when walking into the pub he'l greet me with the usual "Alright cracker" and i will give the reply "What's up 'n-word'". This is someone i have known for years and is really one of my closest friends. Are we being racist becuase we use the words? I don't think so, it's all about intent.

Racial hatred is worse than normal hatred because i cannot think up a logical reason for being racist. I have spent a lot of time thinking about that one so maybe i am just far to stupid to understand it.

Sexist, racial and gender preference slurs are all as bad as each other simply because there aren't any logical reasons for them.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?

Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?

Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?

I have no idea if most people have similar views, looking at the newspapers i would say most people are racist, looking at my friends i would say no one is. That though is just because i surround myself with people who aren't like that, so maybe it's a subjective thing. Objectively how would you ever find out?

I'm not racist at all as far as i'm aware. On the other hand i am white and i find oriental women very attractive, does this make my racist as i do have a preference even though it's another race to me?

Great questions BH.

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:02 AM
I believe in one race, the human race. IMHO racism is alive today because we continue to breathe life into it through constant discussion. These t.v. shows simply exploit peoples ignorance for entertainment purposes and showcase ideas, that if left alone would eventually go away. In the process fueling peoples ideas that this is the general consensus(in some cases). People don't usually find positive shows that show races getting along fine, entertaining though!
How unfortunate.

I say, heres to ending racism

and remember, Human race.

Great Thread Heretic

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:39 AM
You ask if it could be easier ... What is a racial slur to you ... Such as ... in my case one of the first slurs used on this page ... Or such as "Tar Baby" .. I have never heard this .. I actually went last night and palyed softball there are a couple mexicans and a couple white on the team the rest are Black ... I said what up my Tar baby Brothers .... They Tripped out ... Started laughing they asked what did you say ??? Was funny as crap ... ... THANKS FOR THE LAUGH !!!!!!!!

Originally posted by befoiled

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
I am wondering ... If Racial Slurs seem to always depend on how they are used and how the person that is stating them says them ... Then how does one go about finding out this information?? or is it just the perception of the person Hearing it ?? And if so that changes everything ... As how do I know I perceive what someone is saying as they want me to ???... ESPECIALLY while using "L e t t e r s" to make my point of view known?? As this is not always the situation ... but it is bound to happen !!!

As a rule I don't use racial (or other) slurs myself and ignore any slurs against me. Really, could this be any easier?

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Not trying to change the subject at all here ?? Could it be possible that through millions of years of evolution that are skin color hs changed. For some people more than others because their ancestors spent more time out side possibly closer to the Equator ???

Wouldn't that be the first thing to Evolve; since it is what it affected the most by the environment that we are in ??

Please IGNORE MY IGNORANCE and show me why this couldn't be ... THANKS ...

[edit on 6-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Could this change be because of the amount of sun light that are skin has recieved or possibly LACKED ???

In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being.

Could this be because of a lack of SUN ??

More Info

[edit on 6-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

[edit on 6-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 12:12 PM
I generally try to ignore the race threads... They just seem to get to heated for my liking. But, this one seems to be a tame one.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Mixed Race Couples:

What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?

Love is blind in my opinion. I don't approve nor do I disapprove. Nope

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Does it matter if it’s a black man with a white woman or a white man with a black woman? Does that make a difference?

Doesn't bother me one bit... In a relationship sense. It does bother me, however, when you hear popular black celebrities joking about taking the white women. If you get what I mean. I honestly don't think it would be acceptable if the roles were reversed.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Would you date a person of another race? Would you marry a person of another race? Any and all other races? If not, why not?

Sure... I love the ladies!!!

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Kids of Mixed Race:

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?

Honestly, I think nothing of it.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?

I don't have any children yet. But, I am confident that I could raise a child intelligent enough to judge the character of a person regardless of skin color.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Racial Hatred and Slurs:

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)

In my opinion... Yes. Do I feel that it is more socially acceptable for me to be called a "cracker?" Yes...

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?

Hatred is hatred is hatred is hatred

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)

No... But I also believe they will always exist. Unless we have a license to breed. That way we can weed out the ignorant people. That's a joke by the way... From another thread.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
If you heard the slurs "Miss Scarlett", "slop eating swine", "The Lyncher", “male chauvinist pig”, “jungle bunny”, "fat lazy pig" and "tar baby" all hurled with the same venom and intent, are they the same? Which are worse and why?

They are one in the same...

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Do you think most people have similar views to yours when it comes to race and race relations?

I would believe so... But I don't find myself discussing it much. It's just not an important issue to me.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Do you think other people are generally more or less racist than you are?

I am not racist!
But I get what you're saying. I don't think there is a more or less. It's black and white in my opinion. Either you are racist or you are not.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?

Refer to the previous question.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Thanks again for your responses.

You are very welcome!

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 12:24 PM

Original Benevolent Heretic
What do you think about mixed race couples? Do you approve? Are you uncomfortable when you see them?

Doesn't bother me.

When you see a mixed race person, what do you think and how do you feel? Are you intrigued? Think nothing of it? Feel sorry for them? Envious?

I generally feel sorry for them. They are usally treated like outcast by both races. They usually end up having to chose to be black or chose to be white to gain any acceptance.

If your son or daughter wanted to date a person outside his/her race, would you support them? Caution them? How would you feel? Would some races be more acceptable than others?

I wouldn't want them too. Not because it is right, but because I am realistic. There are so many different things to they will have to deal with already without adding to it. Then theres the children factor. But I wouldn't stop them. Love is love and has a way of overriding everything. I would really just want them to be happy, if he/she made them happy then that's cool with me.

In your opinion, are all racial slurs the same? Is a white calling a black "tar baby" the same as a black calling a white "Miss Scarlett" if the same intent is in both? (That intent being to hate on and slam someone because of their race.)

They are the same. While a lot of Black people feel free to call me a "Cracker", they would really get upset if I used the n-word on them. To a lot of people I know the C-word is the same as the N-word. All of these slurs are wrong to use and just promote hate

Is “racial hatred” worse than other kinds of hatred? Why or why not?

Hate is Hate is wrong no matter what you color it with.

Are racial slurs worse than slurs based on other factors (like gender, profession, sexual preference, etc.)

You should seperate gender from that group. Racial and gender slurs are based on factor that people have no control over. You can't control if you are a black woman from Philly, can you. Thats much worse than making fun of a lawyer, or a garbage man, or a heterosexual, etc. The rest are choices.

Do you consider yourself somewhat racist? Not very racist? Totally open and accepting to other races? Very racist?

I can be, but I fight every day to not be. I'm personally open to other races, it isn't until one of "Them" attackes one of "US". This will never change until "Them" becomes "US".

posted on Mar, 6 2007 @ 04:58 PM
You are either a Racists or not a Racists ... I can see why you say this because this used to be my thoughts on the subject as well. Yet, although I have NUMEROUS black friends that totally understand my Point of View all the time. Because skin tone doesn't mean nothing to me other than my eyes percieve the different vibrations of whatever it is that makes COLOR ... Anyways ...
THE REASON that I say that I kinda disagree with you is because what if someone percieves you as a RACIST ??

To me I care so much about other people even if I am doing somethign that I totally feel is right ... If I hurt someone I feel like I am in the wrong ... Maybe this is right maybe this is wrong ... But, I NEVER EVER want/need to hurt anyones feelings. I am willing to put aside myself for a complete stranger ... if I took the time outta my day to hurt their feelings then obvisouly I cared about that person enough to speak with them.

HENCE the reason I could never BE PRESIDENT ... Because I WOULD hurt someones feelings by saying something...

for the simple fact it is IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE EVERYONE !

... Such as I don't approve of Gay Marriage or Gay's being together .. Simply for the fact that in 10 years my son that I have may want to go to his friends house and his friend may have two dads ... And I don't want this concept in my SONS LIFE ... You can call it sheltering or whatever you want to call it he will know what Gay or Lesbian is ... Just he will know alot more than that ; stuff that I could probably say on here and all of you would have Explanations ... But things happen in peoples lifes that change their LIFESTYLES ... and that is all being GAY/LESBIAN is ... is a LIFESTYLE ... People are NOT born GAY .... You may be able to take Esctasy and make someone more APPEALING ... So I am not saying that they cannot make GOATS/SHEEP all be str8 or all be GAY ... I am just saying this is not truly the scenario they are playing with CHEMICALS in the brain that change how you FEEL. No matter what you do ... Chemicals released or not released change who you are ... PERIOD ... (HENCE THE NAME DRUGS) And why we don't have another name for a DRUG STORE .... or wait yeah we got *** PRESCRIPTIONS !!!!

[edit on 6-3-2007 by Deus_Brandon]

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