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Remember Acid Rain?

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:42 PM
I grew up during the 70's, and I remember being scared to death about "Acid Rain." I loved fishing, and was scared all the fish would die. I also was scared to get caught in a rainfall thinking my hair would fall out, because of the acid.

Why was I scared? Because the media told me I should be. Was there anything to be scared of? NO, it is the same thing the media is doing with Global Warming now. Scaring kids and adults for no reason.

Even before Acid rain, the was a fear of Global Cooling, and yes the media used the same scare tactics for that also.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 08:23 PM
hey don't forget to protect the ozone layer,
don't use styrafoam, or freeon!

i agree, there is always a new doomsday.


posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
hey don't forget to protect the ozone layer,
don't use styrafoam, or freeon!

i agree, there is always a new doomsday.


We are "In for a penny, in for a pound".

Although there may be other 'outside' influences aside from man that are uncontrollable, We still have a 'viable' bearing on our lifestyles.

With all that mankind has 'accumulated / has had bearing' on the environment, it's no wonder for the most part: WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I grew up during the 70's, and I remember being scared to death about "Acid Rain." I loved fishing, and was scared all the fish would die. I also was scared to get caught in a rainfall thinking my hair would fall out, because of the acid.

Why was I scared? Because the media told me I should be. Was there anything to be scared of? NO, it is the same thing the media is doing with Global Warming now. Scaring kids and adults for no reason.

Even before Acid rain, the was a fear of Global Cooling, and yes the media used the same scare tactics for that also.

Acid rain was - and continues to be - a real problem. You`ve just made the choice to shroud your ignorance of reality in an ill-concieved conspiracy theory.

For example:

That`s reality, meladdo. Seen it with my own eyes, even contributed to that research in my undergrad. It is not something that is going to happen, it is something that HAS happened, and continues to happen. Just because it diddn`t have a direct impact on your fishing hole doesn`t mean it doesn`t exist. It`s a great big world out there.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Even before Acid rain, the was a fear of Global Cooling, and yes the media used the same scare tactics for that also.

Funny, I do not remember hearing of that fear of Global Cooling before.

And yes, acid rain is a real problem, but only on those areas where it can happen, it is not a global thing.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 09:08 AM
We stopped acid rain by cutting back on suplhur emissions.

Guess what? Sulphur emissions reduce the effects of carbon emissions with regards 'global warming'

You just can't win ......

Back in the 70s a few scientists predicted we could soon start to slide into a new ice age. It's received much more publicity in recent years than it did at the time. Around the same time, other scientists were predicting global warming, but that too received little publicity. I think we were all more concerned with blowing each other up 10,000 times over with silly little bombs.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Why was I scared? Because the media told me I should be. Was there anything to be scared of? NO, it is the same thing the media is doing with Global Warming now. Scaring kids and adults for no reason.


Why do you even bother to post here? It couldn't certainly be because you subscribe to the motto "Deny Ignorance", otherwise you would have availed yourself of the less than 30 seconds of simple research required to immediately understand the ridiculousness of asserting there is nothing to worry about on the topic of acid rain.

EPA’s Position on acid rain.

Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the United States and Canada. Acid rain is particularly damaging to lakes, streams, and forests and the plants and animals that live in these ecosystems.


And, from an article release just last week:

Not out of the woods
Acid rain is still a threat to more than one-third of Maine's forestland, according to a new study presented Tuesday in Portland.
While not the urgent and unregulated threat it was in the 1980s, enough acidic pollutants are settling across the landscape today to gradually weaken forests in sensitive areas, the study found.
The amount of forestland at risk statewide totals about 5.9 million acres, with most of that area spread throughout the valuable commercial forests of northern and western Maine.
"Acid rain is still very much an issue in Maine and New England," said David Littell, commissioner of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

Other articles just written in the last week or so:

Air Pollution Reaches Serious Levels

Acid rain erasing pre-Aztec stone carvings in Mexico

I could keep going, but I think you should do your own research.

[edit on 3-3-2007 by loam]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 08:19 PM
Oxides of nitrogen can also form acid rain, carbon dioxide however cannot cause acid rain. The saturation levels and everyother condition needed to satisfy the condition of acidic rain caused by CO2 would be extraneously implausible. Freon and everything else still get used and replaced with butane or propane propellants.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Essan

Back in the 70s a few scientists predicted we could soon start to slide into a new ice age. It's received much more publicity in recent years than it did at the time. Around the same time, other scientists were predicting global warming, but that too received little publicity.

Ironically, they are one and the same. Global warming, if it happens, will trigger an Ice Age. Hence why they have changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change. Keep up

posted on Mar, 4 2007 @ 11:46 PM
LOL!!! The Great Acid Rain Fiasco!

Back when 'acid rain' was the media feeding frenzy the Forest Service, National Park Service, and Bureau of Land Management launched all their studies of the problem. Hired crews, issued contracts to universities, NGOs and private research firms, etc. Took samples from thousands of montane lakes across the western U.S. Results? Nada. No unusual acidity. No measurable impacts to aquatic life. A few lakes had slightly elevated acidity, but they were all due to natural soils and geologic features in the area, and had been acidic all along. A few lakes were found to be inexplicably alkaline.

Much ado about nothing. Time to move on to the next media created crisis.

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