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sign up error or driving me beyond nuts.

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:35 PM
ok, im about had it with this site's weird sign up features. So, i go to make an account "Dontai", I get it all set up (area51? Area51!!!!!). When im all finished it say sign up complete pls login. So, i go to login, i enter correct information and then it tell me: you have enter the wrong information and your acount is locked for one hour. I come back in hour, enter my information (again) Bame; you enter wrong information your acount is locked, again. Tryed again in another two hour pissed off has ever, and then it gives me this lovely message that my acount is locked. I tried again in a day and now it wont work at all. Two days later and some scotch for the headach your site cuased, i say screw it and make new acount. well four acount later i finally get in to finally complain my ass off. Now im going to go get wasted. Stupid site got me so angry then horn toad in desert heat ...

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:06 PM
Hey Welcome Aboard!
Great to have you!
Nice First Post!

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:49 PM
Well...welcome to ATS...I guess..

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by dontai123
Stupid site got me so angry then horn toad in desert heat ...

I gotta use that.

Welcome, and enjoy!

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:15 PM
Welcome to our nightmare.
Now that you've passed the first test your indoctrination can begin.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Welcome to our nightmare.
Now that you've passed the first test your indoctrination can begin.

What indoctrination? How to get a head ache the easy way? You know i could have saved you the trouble and slammed my head in to a wall?

Originally posted by lombozo
Hey Welcome Aboard!
Great to have you!
Nice First Post!

Sorry, but your post is to pointless to reply to. Nice First Post? WTF ...

Originally posted by enjoies05
Well...welcome to ATS...I guess..

I guess.. you guess wrong.

Originally posted by Implosion

Originally posted by dontai123
Stupid site got me so angry then horn toad in desert heat ...

I gotta use that.

Welcome, and enjoy!

congratulation your post doesn't suck, now pls stop saying Welcome, and enjoy. I feel i be more welcome in grave yard ..

man wtf is with place ...

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:02 PM
Feel free to leave and never come back. Ever.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:08 PM
You probably just entered the wrong password or something similar.

1- Click this link - - lodge a complaint. All staff will see it.

2- Work on your people skills.

3- Have a nice day.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:21 PM
obviously since you were able to log in and post under this account its not something wrong with the site. Did you try doing a lost password retrieve on your original account and have the info sent to your email address?

Im not sure if I remember correctly but I believe maybe to activate the account you might need to click on a verification link in your email. maybe you neglected to do so.

Just tossing some ideas at you.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by dontai123
I feel i be more welcome in grave yard ..

Note to self:

"Revamp the welcome wagon"

Originally posted by dontai123
man wtf is with place ...

Place? Or ATS?

What is "this" place?

...The greatest place on the web!

Your little spew here is all about how you could not log in with your password to your own account. All the while, your current account appears to be just fine. Seems like it is an issue on your end of things.

Anyways, Welcome to ATS & Enjoy your stay.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Hey dontai, I think your getting off on the wrong foot.
A new member that comes onto the ATS boards and does nothing but complain won't get too far. You'll find the members here have a very low tolerance for being verbally abused by people like you.

Now that you have your new account up and running, I'd suggest you spend some time getting familiar with the boards and getting to know the community.
If you have any questions about how things work I'll be more than happy to spend some time to help you out. I think you'll find a lot of members willing to go the extra mile to help you out if there's something you don't understand.

All we ask in return is that you follow the T&C that you agreed to when you created your account, and part of that is posting with some civility.

If you can't do that, your new acct. will be banned by a mod and you won't be able to post at all.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Welcome to our nightmare.
Now that you've passed the first test your indoctrination can begin.

He should feel lucky that he wasn't put to the ultimate tests before being allowed to join... like posting photos of the 3amigos.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
like posting photos of the 3amigos.

I've been told to never speak of that again.

I was hoping that that debacle would fade into history.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Rren
You probably just entered the wrong password or something similar.

2- Work on your people skills.

3- Have a nice day.

I love # 2 & 3

There's an ol' saying bout not biting the hand the feeds ya.

You asked for help and people are trying to help you in this thread.

Stay cool, things will work out with a little perseverence.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:21 PM
Sorry bout putting my answer in the quote part..

I'm getting the hang of it.

See? I'll be needing help as well lolol

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 07:47 PM
I hope dontai123 returns.
People with critical views are some of the best members of ATS, and we all go through a learning process when confronted with a new environment.

And damn you TheDuckster, get your bb code straight.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by enjoies05
Feel free to leave and never come back. Ever.

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
I hope dontai123 returns.

Hope i come back? Ok, im confused do you want me to leave or stay? finding the mixed emotion here confusing and illogical. What is a critical views? I have critical view? Most confusing. Any how you won't get rid of me so easy.

Originally posted by Rren
You probably just entered the wrong password or something similar.

1- Click this link - - lodge a complaint. All staff will see it.

2- Work on your people skills.

3- Have a nice day.

i Don't mean to be rude, pardon my anger, but i entered the wrong password 10 times? I no im stupid, but seriously. Im not that stupid. Plus i made three acounts on this site before it worked. Trust me it the site and why it just decided to let me in i don't know. I have mystery on my hand or mabey it is the just luck of the succubus profits.

Second, i didn't come here to socialize, i came here complain my ass off about how when i came here to socialize, your site wouldn't let me login. Mabey it conspiracy of some sort. *Thinks*

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
obviously since you were able to log in and post under this account its not something wrong with the site. Did you try doing a lost password retrieve on your original account and have the info sent to your email address?

Im not sure if I remember correctly but I believe maybe to activate the account you might need to click on a verification link in your email. maybe you neglected to do so.

Just tossing some ideas at you.

I Tryed all of the above, and it never said i need verification. Yes, their somthing wrong with this site, somthing very wrong. I was just lucky it let me in. I can't explain why, guess im stubborn which is the truth.

Originally posted by chissler

Originally posted by dontai123
I feel i be more welcome in grave yard ..

Note to self:

"Revamp the welcome wagon"

Originally posted by dontai123
man wtf is with place ...

Place? Or ATS?

What is "this" place?

...The greatest place on the web!

Your little spew here is all about how you could not log in with your password to your own account. All the while, your current account appears to be just fine. Seems like it is an issue on your end of things.

Anyways, Welcome to ATS & Enjoy your stay.

Yeh i come here looking for help or some who could explain what the heck is going on and i get Welcome, enjoy, Welcome Aboard! I was expecting help not a welcome wagon.

Btw yes pls "Revamp the welcome wagon." I think a few moldy corpse would really sprews this place up.

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Hey dontai, I think your getting off on the wrong foot.
A new member that comes onto the ATS boards and does nothing but complain won't get too far.

You think? Well your hafe right i came to this topic to complain. Not these boards, im only here screw this topic, i leave the rest alone that your jop not mine.

[edit on 3-3-2007 by dontai123]

[edit on 3-3-2007 by dontai123]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by dontai123

Originally posted by enjoies05
Feel free to leave and never come back. Ever.

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
I hope dontai123 returns.

Hope i come back? Ok, im confused do you want me to leave or stay? finding the mixed emotion here confusing and illogical. What is a critical views? I have critical view? Most confusing. Any how you won't get rid of me so easy.

No, no. I said leave. Anxiety said come back. I don't like you. Why would I want you to come back?

[edit on 3/3/2007 by enjoies05]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:40 PM
As the problem seems to be solved this thread is now closed.
Now I'm off to send some important U2Us.

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