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The Pentagon Question.

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:13 PM
We still have never seen a good video clip of the plane hitting the Pentagon. We have seen very poor quality very tiny footage of something happening, but nothing you can actually see. We have seen the Towers hit millions of times.

Again, the clips released show nothing if they did then why not release the good quality clips that exist and more angles from the other Security camera's.

There is more footage of the Pentagon being hit. So *WHY* haven't we seen it?

Now I am not saying a Plane didn't hit the Pentagon. I actually believe a plane did in fact hit the Pentagon. I believe it to be a plane similar to what was supposed to have hit the Pentagon.

What I am asking is what does the Gov *NOT* want us to see?

It can't be a security issue, cause we all know the Pentagon got hit, and we all seen the aftermath.

But why is the footage being withheld?

So in short the question is this.

What is it the Gov doesn't want us to see, because I think we all can agree---skeptics, de-bunkers, and truthers that the Gov doesn't want us to see something I think that is pretty self-evident.

I would like to know what you think that something is?

[edit on 2-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:34 PM
I assume that that Government does have something on video.... That being said, there was a memo posted in here some time ago signed by an FBI agent that claims there is no video that shows a plane hitting the pentagon.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 02:07 PM
This is just an educated guess...

In my experience with security videos, they run at a very slow frame rate in order to maximize the amount that's recorded on the video tape. It's not uncommon to have 1 frame per second.

What if the videos the Pentagon has don't show the plane because it was moving too fast? What if the videos that were released were actually the best videos the Pentagon has?

Either that, or it's because the videos show Rumsfeld standing outside on the grass with his little black RC box with the swivel joysticks and antenna sticking up.

[edit on 2-3-2007 by nick7261]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I assume that that Government does have something on video.... That being said, there was a memo posted in here some time ago signed by an FBI agent that claims there is no video that shows a plane hitting the pentagon.

Yes, i posted it, it stated that the video did not show a plane hitting the builidng. Which brings up 2 questions.

1. Why was it taken in the first place if it did not show anything.

2. Why did they wait so long to sign and come out with this document.

[edit on 2-3-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 05:58 PM
FBI special Agent McGuire (sp?) went through the 83 (?) videos they took, not knowing which showed what until they'd looked. She said she watched 23 of them before she found one that DID show the impact. There may be others past that. Nothing with such footge has been released.

Why? Could be mundane legal reasons. Or psyops, to keep the speculation high. And whaddya know, just as the old questions were being answered and the mystery clearing up, along comes:
Pandora's black Box...
the PentaCon...

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
FBI special Agent McGuire (sp?) went through the 83 (?) videos they took, not knowing which showed what until they'd looked. She said she watched 23 of them before she found one that DID show the impact. There may be others past that. Nothing with such footge has been released.

Why? Could be mundane legal reasons. Or psyops, to keep the speculation high. And whaddya know, just as the old questions were being answered and the mystery clearing up, along comes:
Pandora's black Box...
the PentaCon...

But most CCTV security systems have a monitor, they could not see the videos before they took them that there was nothing on them ?

Well at first the FBI stated that the black boxes at the Pentagon were destroyed and no data could be recovered, (which would be a first in history that they could not get anything off a recorder)

They also stated they could not find the black boxes at the towers but then we see reports of firefighters who stated they did find the black boxes.

People still want to believe the official story even though so much has come out to prove the official story wrong. Even the people on the 911 commission have stated they did not hve enough time or money to do a proper investigation

[edit on 2-3-2007 by ULTIMA1]

[edit on 2-3-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I assume that that Government does have something on video.... That being said, there was a memo posted in here some time ago signed by an FBI agent that claims there is no video that shows a plane hitting the pentagon.

I read the affidavit.

And it was referring to a specific video requested and released under the FOIA.

As of today there has not been one video released from cameras placed atop the pentagon that have shown one way or the other what actually impacted the pentagon on 9-11.

So the question remains as to why those videos have not been released and what actually impacted the pentagon.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
But most CCTV security systems have a monitor, they could not see the videos before they took them that there was nothing on them ?

They were in a hurry. "gimme the tapes, got dozens more to snag. Just gimmet the tape, we gort our own monitors."

Well at first the FBI stated that the black boxes at the Pentagon were destroyed and no data could be recovered, (which would be a first in history that they could not get anything off a recorder)

FBI Director Robert Mueller sept. 15, the day after the Black Boxes were found, said the CVR one was useless, but the FDR had all data needed and recovered. A PDF of the FDR "specialist's study" is available here:

They also stated they could not find the black boxes at the towers but then we see reports of firefighters who stated they did find the black boxes.

That's true and very suspicious.

People still want to believe the official story even though so much has come out to prove the official story wrong. Even the people on the 911 commission have stated they did not hve enough time or money to do a proper investigation

Maybe just their excuse for anything they "missed", like K Rowe's claim that mistakes were left in Loose Change to encourage independent research. It wouldn't've cost a penny to aske one more question, for example, of Charles Leidig. "So WHY were you requested on 9/10 to fill in for 90 minutes the next morning, from 8:30-10:00, which wound up being 90 of 111 minutes of the attack? Are we to take that as pure coincidence?" Budgetary restraints led them to instead conclude it was just a fluke.

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
Maybe just their excuse for anything they "missed", like K Rowe's claim that mistakes were left in Loose Change to encourage independent research. It wouldn't've cost a penny to aske one more question, for example, of Charles Leidig. "So WHY were you requested on 9/10 to fill in for 90 minutes the next morning, from 8:30-10:00, which wound up being 90 of 111 minutes of the attack? Are we to take that as pure coincidence?" Budgetary restraints led them to instead conclude it was just a fluke.

[edit on 2-3-2007 by Caustic Logic]

Yes, too many coincidences leading up to that day. All the excercies and other things going on.

I am still curious as to why NORAD needed to pull aircraft to monitor a Russian excercise when we have airborne and spaceborne platforms to do that.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:49 PM
Wasn't there footage from one of the hotels as well?

I just find it extradionary that the Gov would have people believe there is nothing to hide, yet at the same time.

There is no footage of the Pentagon. I mean a better example then what has been released.

Also to go along with this, if there is nothing to hide.

Where is the Black Box from the Pentagon? Has it been investigated, or is in the process of being released?

How about any of the Black Box's? What is their to hide? If it is just as the Official Story tells us, then why hide all of this?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:54 PM
Just to add another thought.

Wouldn't there have been some other video out there? Like form another building further away, or something.

It just seems odd that there is nothing.

[edit on 3-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 11:46 PM
You would think that there would be cameras all around the pentagon,covering every angle.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 12:04 AM
Think about New York, there were photo's and films, even before the first strike there was film.

The Pentagon, there isn't a photo of a plane.

Surely the Pentagon would have photos?

If the official story is truly the right story, then there should be information released from the Black Box's.

There should be a film of the Pentagon strike.

There should be photo's of the Pentagon strike.

There just oddly seems like there is nothing.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
You would think that there would be cameras all around the pentagon,covering every angle.

Yes, thier was specially on that side of building that has the Security Station and the Air Traffic Control for the helicopter pad.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by talisman
Wasn't there footage from one of the hotels as well?

At LEAST one. the one at the Doubletree shows nothing, the sheraton tape is said not to exist but the camera's look to be hastily removed.

Where is the Black Box from the Pentagon? Has it been investigated, or is in the process of being released? How about any of the Black Box's? What is their to hide? If it is just as the Official Story tells us, then why hide all of this?

I just googled Flight 77 FDR and the fifth entry is my few-day old detailed thread here:
I'll be reporting on my findings re: the FDR data and P49T's findings.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:24 PM
I'm sure I've seen other CCTV footage taken from a hotel looking towards the pentagon. Even allowing for delays in the CCTV system for the reasons nick stated, the shot is wide-angled enough for this to not be an issue.

Another point is that time delay becomes less of an issue depending on the angle the subject is moving relative to the camera. If it is traveling perpendicular ot the camera, you've got the least chance of catching something, but if you run more towards or away from the camera, then it is more likely.

If you look in the film "Loose Change" they show the aspect of the hotel cameras (I know Loose Change is supposed to be a poor film, but it does have some good stuff in it).

[edit on 3-3-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by talisman
Surely the Pentagon would have photos?

Yes, eveyone knows there are cameramen with telephoto lenses permanently placed by the misile batteries just in case of something like this.

If the official story is truly the right story, then there should be information released from the Black Box's.

it's not, there has.

There should be a film of the Pentagon strike.

There should be photo's of the Pentagon strike.

There just oddly seems like there is nothing.

You're just now noticing this? First, there's not much. The first plane in NY being filmed at all was a strange fluke, the second natural since all eyes and lenses were already looking that way. At the Pentagon, people were caught by surprsise. Now if a camera crew were filming there too, an happened to have their cam pointed atthe Pgon as it got hit, that'd be even weirder.
Second: they're being secretive. It proves nothing in particular. With all these quesions, let me ask, what is it they might be hiding? What precisely do you feel they don't want us to see?

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 04:37 PM
Caustic Logic

Thats exactly what I want to know. What it is their hiding. I think it is pretty obvious they have better footage of the strike, or at least photos.

I think it is pretty obvious that they don't want us to see something, I can only guess as to what it is.

[edit on 3-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 09:51 PM
You could only guess, and keep guessing, or looks at the fild of actual evidence (beyond photos devoid of evidence claiming no evidence anywhere) and start narrowing down guesses. Or whatever. Just don't invest too much in doubts there unless you have good reason beyond secrecy. I've looked at the physical evidence and am about 97% certain it was, physically, just as they say.

if there's a seam in the pentagon attack its not something like a fighter jet hit the building, its something more like the "hijacker' resetting the alt. trim as descended past 18,000 feet to hit the building, as any FAA-compliant pilot would do... but not terrorists you'd think. Yet that's what the FDR allegedly shows...

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
You could only guess, and keep guessing, or looks at the fild of actual evidence (beyond photos devoid of evidence claiming no evidence anywhere) and start narrowing down guesses. Or whatever. Just don't invest too much in doubts there unless you have good reason beyond secrecy. I've looked at the physical evidence and am about 97% certain it was, physically, just as they say.

if there's a seam in the pentagon attack its not something like a fighter jet hit the building, its something more like the "hijacker' resetting the alt. trim as descended past 18,000 feet to hit the building, as any FAA-compliant pilot would do... but not terrorists you'd think. Yet that's what the FDR allegedly shows...

Well 1 reason that a video or photo would not be released by an FOIA is if thier was something on it that might reveal a national security issue.

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