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Holy Smoke! Rosie O'Donnel is a Truther!

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posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:41 PM
am i missing something , why all the alex jones and loose change bashing ?

are they not hardcore enough

what's the deal?

enlighten me

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by tombangelta
am i missing something , why all the alex jones and loose change bashing ?

are they not hardcore enough

what's the deal?

enlighten me

I like Alex Jones but the guy gets so much stuff wrong it's diisgusting, he sometimes uses headlines and then doesn't quote the actual article which says something different. If he stuck to hard data i would respect this man a lot more, and would value his opinion more highly. By misquoting some things he undermines his ideas on everything.

As for loose change, well i think that guy was on a money searching mission, he was a dropout who saw an opportunity to get some money by playing on peoples sympathys. Classic example of a con man.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 12:16 AM
Alex Jones is more a *RADIO* personality and docu maker, and as such he interpets more then gets things right "Verbatim".

He has writers and reporters who are more careful about what was said and are much more precise.

I have found that while Alex Jones might not always 'get it exactly', what he is saying is clearly most of the time 'implied' anyway.

It might not be 'explicit', but it is 'implicit'.

Like when he quoted the CNN clip where someone is (talking about Building 7), Alex says they are talking about bringing the building down.

When you listen to the clip, the guy actually says That building is about to Blow Up.

Well, to me I get what Alex is saying though. I mean how would that guy know at that precise time the Building is *ABOUT* to blow up?

Random Fire's are just that Random and are often hard to predict when something will 'Blow Up'.

So, it is definitely implied.

I think Alex is over-the top, but again he is more a personality a voice on RADIO in the new era. Its part of his personality to get the 'jist' of things.

He isn't really a 'reporter' or 'journalist'.

Although I should add often in the press reporters mis-quote and get things slightly off all the time.

[edit on 3-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by tombangelta
am i missing something , why all the alex jones and loose change bashing ?

are they not hardcore enough

what's the deal?

enlighten me

they're both giant frauds.

posted on Mar, 3 2007 @ 03:13 AM
Alex jones doesn't get things slightly off, he often abuses the facts to an extreme. Occasionally he hits on something interesting and so that's why i actually like him. As with anything though you have to look up the facts the best you can before accepting it from any source.

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