I have posted numerous times now about my unusual experiences and have yet to engage in too much discussion of them. ?I am new and was vocally unsure
I wanted to speak public yet never a welcome or thanks for posting....Is there nothing about my experiences that is interesting or familiar to
anyone???? Don't get me wrong, i'm still glad there is a place to open up...and some people have sorta had input, but doesn't really do much for
you when you get the same responses an empty void could just as well give!
I see many of what I think of as "junk" posts...no offense if you feel i'm speaking of you but those things go on for thousands of posts and garner
a lot of interest!
Thank you! I appreciate you posting. It's just that when you believe, truely believe something was witnessed you want to talk about it but it
doesn't happen with friends colleagues like you'd want. I hoped it would be different here. I'm especially looking for discussion of the"blimp?"
It really looked like that guys picture.