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Do these symbols mean anything? Look familiar?

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posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 06:42 PM
For the longest time I have been drawing little symbols like this when they come to me.. Its not like I have a vision of them, its more like I start to doodle but certain spots where I need to draw a dot, or a line, feel right more "appropriate" in that spot then others. I must have hundreds of these on papers somewhere.. I even remembering drawing these back in elementary school. In highschool I remember drawing some really complex ones... Now that I've been in college for quite some time I realize I still do this.

These are just a few from the last couple of months or so. I decided to just shuffle through my organizer and take some pictures of the ones I caught. Does anything look familiar or can somebody tell me anything about these? Some might be nothing but some look quite strange. Is this even the right section to post this? Any help would be great.. Thanks!


posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 06:54 PM

Offhand I would say that your mind often wanders while you are in class.

third and fourth could be representations of UFO's.

several others could be construed as representations of UFO's as well.

Your fifth picture looks like fabric weave, or a screen mesh.

the eleventh image looks like two stacked wire-frame cubes.

Do you remeber what your thoughts were when you drew any of these. Maybe something within the context of the text on those pages?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 07:00 PM
simple mind wandering in class. I do the same thing

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 07:09 PM
Oh my god! You're an alien!!! But seriously, you should see my math notes - covered in doodles.

Anyways, at least 2 of your drawings are a "tree of life" representation. You have some obvious hexagrams in there. The last doodle is hebrew script for what appears to be "Lamed" "Daleth" and "Het" with a possible "Yod" over the last letter. Of course hebrew is written backwards so its really H,D,L. (I'm not sure how the yod is used). One image also looks like a "delta wing" type of "ufo." Alot of times the back end is rounded and not a straight triangle.

Have yo uever heard of Automatic Writing?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 01:40 AM
I think your drawings are very intense. Looking all the way through I felt if I could stare at a couple of the images I could understand physics!

Good spatial interpetation.

I noticed a couple of the drawings seemed to project movement like that of a swastika, which we all know isn't a creation of nazi germany.

Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of Kurt Cobain's published spiral notebook.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 04:03 AM
well, these drawings simply mean that a lot of storage (about 100kB/picture) is filled on the ATS Server System

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 07:18 AM
The 6th looks like a mirror image and the 15th the Tree Of Life.

I would keep all the doodles you have made and put them in a folder and store them nearby.


posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 07:56 AM
Thank you everybody who has replied! I really do appreciate the responses.

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
Do you remeber what your thoughts were when you drew any of these. Maybe something within the context of the text on those pages?

No not really... Like I said I would just kind of start to doodle, but there would be spots where a line or dot or whatever would feel appropriate. The context on the pages are just simple notes from my classes.

Originally posted by ViolatoR
Oh my god! You're an alien!!! But seriously, you should see my math notes - covered in doodles.

Anyways, at least 2 of your drawings are a "tree of life" representation. You have some obvious hexagrams in there. The last doodle is hebrew script for what appears to be "Lamed" "Daleth" and "Het" with a possible "Yod" over the last letter. Of course hebrew is written backwards so its really H,D,L. (I'm not sure how the yod is used). One image also looks like a "delta wing" type of "ufo." Alot of times the back end is rounded and not a straight triangle.

Have yo uever heard of Automatic Writing?

Haha. Interesting! I'm very interested in the "tree of life" representations and the hebrew! I'll have to google it. Yes I've heard of automatic writing, and to tell you the truth I dont think thats every happened to me... I'm completely aware when I draw these and I dont go into another state of consciousness or anything like that..

Originally posted by observe50
The 6th looks like a mirror image and the 15th the Tree Of Life.

I would keep all the doodles you have made and put them in a folder and store them nearby.

Yes, good idea. I am thinking about going through every one of my saved papers and taking a picture of what I can find. These are just some from a couple of months. Like I mentioned in the first post I have some from years ago that are pretty complex looking.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 08:00 AM
Hmmm... You're an artist no doubt! But heck! Even George W Bush doodles and that too during crucial debates! You should see them. But those are pretty amateurish, to say the least!

That doesn't mean you're gonna be the next pres of the US of A, though I daresay, you'll do a far better job than Dubya!!


posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 08:16 AM
I beleive its called "doodling"

Send them to the White House, i understand the president doodles himself.
See if there's any similarity. It may be you're channeling the Secret Doodling Society" or something.

But really.....I dont think its anymore than doodling- although you never know!!!!!
Why dont you try to find someone, an expert in symbols, and just run it by them?
The internet must have some source.

Good luck and let us know if there's a message, wont you?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:35 AM
Definately doodles. Most people do whateever comes to mind.. You'll be surprised at what people do, if you take a look at their doodles!

One of them does look like the triforce from the Legend of Zelda gameseries.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 09:54 AM
I was browsing your images and very interested, but when I came to these:

I was just shocked! I can remember lively how I would draw similar objects at school. I'm even certain I once drew an exact copy of the first one in my reply... No joke!


posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:25 AM
Lol... I've drawn similar things in class my entire life. Some could have been lifted from my own notebooks. Interesting how wandering minds produce siimilar doodles.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:30 AM

I doodle, you doodle and most everyone doodles.

Simplistic and basic shapes are the most common doodles and you draw what is aesthetically pleasing to you...nothing to terribly 'out there' about it all. my humble opinion that is.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 10:50 AM
These are just doodles to me, some of them even look like doodles I did in school. You are trying to read to much into your doodles IMO. Are you in high school or college?

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 11:40 AM
I think one of your doodles looks like the Flux capacitor sketch from "Back To The Future". Doodles man. Oodles & oodles of Doodles.

I does look like you have an eye for geometry. You should try out a 3-D modeling program. You might have a talent for it.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 11:52 AM
i'm always doodling in one of my lectures, the tutors soooo boring you have to do something to stop ya brain shutting down lol

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 11:58 AM
Just looks like random doodling to me.
I do it all the time. I sometimes draw slightly gothic symbols like the one there aswell but I think nothing of it.

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:07 PM
Wow.... 8th... I have a book you need to read.. I just finished Volume 1 and started volume 2, but talk about good timing....


The name of the book is The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life and it studies the geometry of the flower of life and how it relates to the fruit of life and tree of life, etc etc... Anyways, I picked out quite a few of those pictures as being geometry that was being represented as some of the most fundamental building blocks of all life as we know it.

That's some cool stuff, I think I'd like to look into the automatic writing thing as well, that's new to me..

posted on Mar, 2 2007 @ 12:16 PM
When my son was younger he always had problems in school do to his day dreams . . .

His notebooks were always full with all kind of gibberish and nothing from the school lessons, weird drawings that actually were quite nice and well done.

One time I asked him what was in his mind. . . he said that If he told me I will laugh . . . typical response for a teen . . .

But finally he said that he had dreams all the time of another place where everything was different not like here in earth and that the language and symbols were like the pictures he draw . . .

Occurs he grew out of that "space stage" and now he uses his own drawings for tattoos, quite amazing pictures . . . but he said that the dreams are not anymore like they use to.

He is 20 now and not I was not abducted by aliens during my pregnancy with him

But he did gave me a hard time and I have to get my labor induce after he was 3 weeks late.

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