posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:42 PM
Takes me back to 1980 when arriving in Amsterdam there was a major riot involving squatters. There is a long history of the Europeans marching and
demonstrating when they feel aggrieved, whatever the cause. The people there are not like the American middle class, afaid to speak up..
I think it is great for the people to raise hell and not let the governments get too powerful. Of course, it is hard to defend people on other
peoples proerty, but for any really important issue it is always best to take to the we all know voting is a sham, and politicians arer
all self aggrandized crooks looking to help the big it gladdens my heart to see street riots in Europe, and I wish there were more here...not
based on race, but on rejecting the governments attempts to assert total control over the people.
The evil and sickening Bush attitudes have crept into the right wing leanings of some Eurp politicians, and we see more and more repressive and
harsh measures used against peaceful Europeans, such as the crack down on Christiania, the compound for liberal youth and a center of esoteric
commerce. The people need to throw down gauntlets now and then to let the powers that be know that there ARE limitations and lines that cannot be
crossed without consequences. Good for the rioters!! No doubt they will get something done and get some consessions so it was a good thing to rise
Only now we need Americans to get off their butts and take to the streets every time some cop hurts a kid or kills another innocent...the list of
bad things here is long and there is much to riot about...,maybe a good thrashing is what the cops need now and then to realize it is not all a one
way street!!