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1897-UFO Crash at Aurora, Texas

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posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 03:50 AM
Here is a more detailed description of one of the airships.

Waxahachie, Ellis County, Texas April 18th

"The vessel or airship is thirty-two feet long and in the center is fourteen feet wide, sloping gradually toward each end like a Mexican cigar. It has three pairs of wings, each is like the wings of a bird. They are ribbed fore and aft, and are covered so that the stream of air can have its full lifting capacity somewhat after the manner of the wings of the kite sent up by Lamson in Rigby Park. The airship contained machinery by which the wings can be worked or flapped very rapidly and by means of a lever the ship can be turned in any direction or made to ascend or descend at the will of the helmsman. The ship is fitted for the accomodation of its crew, containing bunks, cooking departments, gasoline stove and other conveniences. We were told by the aerial navigators that the airship was capable of a speed of 250 miles per hour, but that its normal rate of speed was from 125 to 150 miles per hour."

The story goes on to tell that the crew were from the North Pole and that they had sent 20 airships to America and Europe. They say that on March 1, 1897 they sent 10 ships to America an 10 ships to Europe and that the 10 ships in America would all meet in Nashville, Tennessee to attend the Centennial Exposition on June 18 and 19 and the ships would be on exhibition free of charge.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:54 PM
I grew up there.. I have been interviewed for a documentary about the alien... It's real. I knew a man when I was a kid that had fused fingers, said it was 'cause he drank from the well. There is no headstone because we don't want strangers digging around where our folks are buried. However, ironically there is a serial killer buried there with a tombstone that reads "to heaven on angels wings". You probably had to know the asshole to appreciate the humor. If you believe or not, makes no difference to me, I know what happened. Maybe it's just meant for locals to know... Besides, it makes a great name for a ball team. I still have an "Aurora Aliens" jersey somewhere.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 06:15 AM
well people just got to take there word for it about the 1897 ufo crash
we all was not there to see it happen.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:26 PM

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 08:24 PM
i was watching an ufo hunters episode about this and i realized that the ufo that crashed in texas had roughly the same chemical composition as the on that was found by Bob White.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 08:49 AM
It is interesting so many are on record as it being a hoax, and maybe the actual crash is a hoax.

But with so many newspapers around Texas independently reporting the object(see previous post), I really think this is one of the better supported UFO incidents.

Of course Byrnes doesnt bring this up in "UFO Hunters", appreciate the person posting all the newspaper accounts on the first page.

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