I did promise to come back and respond to points I hadn�t before. In going over them, I see little of substance that needs a response, but there are a
few more comments I would make.
I�m not sure what you feel my religion may have to do with this argument. Whatever I say will stand on its own merits regardless of faith or
denomination. My signature is a result of a previous conversation on the merits of using Israeli news sources versus Arab news sources.
Racism is not limited to just hatred of a specific race or people. Holding them to different standards of behavior or expectations also qualifies. In
this discussion, you have claimed that the Palestinian-Arabs
feel that they have no alternatives to suicide-terrorism when clearly they do. I
believe this very low expectation of them would be insulting if applied to another group. We can and should expect civilized behavior from
Palestinian-Arabs, to do otherwise is anti-Arab racism.
You have also claimed that Israel should not build the wall because it does not create �goodwill� with the Palestinian-Arabs. Placing �goodwill� over
the lives of your citizenry is irrational. Unless you can honestly say you would counsel another nation to allow its citizens to die for the sake of
�goodwill�, I would say that you are applying a double-standard that also has its roots in prejudice.
I do not claim that you hate either Arab or Jew, but I do suggest that you give some thought as to your expectations of them.
On the issue of the Islamic religion, I too am friends with Muslims who do not condone suicide-terror, but Islam is a large religion with upwards of a
billion followers worldwide. Just as Christianity has a variety of denominations and practices, so does Islam. The important issue here is not the
interpretation of Islam followed by your friends or represented on any web site, but the interpretation of Islam followed by those who perpetuate
terrorist actions. If
they believe that blowing themselves up in the murder of innocents will make them a
Shaheed then it doesn�t matter
if you claim that goes against Islamic teachings.
On documenting my sources. Being new to this board, you are probably unaware that Jakomo has been waging an anti-Israel campaign for months. Every few
days he starts a new thread with some new smear tactic, and the argument begins again. We have been over this a lot, so you would not be aware of
issues that have already been discussed and documented.
Check out this site for more information on
Shahids and Palestinian-Arab media support for child-terror. If you have other issues you would
like information on, let me know.
Why is the onus on the Palestinian-Arabs? One simple answer that I�ve already said before: If there is to be peace between these peoples, it will
require the participation of both sides. So far, Israel has made many offers, many concessions, and the Palestinian-Arabs have done nothing. After
Oslo, when Israel withdrew from major Palestinian-Arab cities, recognized the PLO, and spent a bunch of money arming the Palestinian-Arab security
force so that they could fight terror, the Palestinian-Arabs responded by doing exactly nothing to fight terror (their only obligation) and the
Israeli death rate from terrorism
doubled. This proves that granting concessions without real guarantees (not just empty promises) of
security leads to more violence, not less.
Also, you�re a hypocrite for saying I never blame Israel for anything and never give the Palestinian-Arabs credit for anything while you wage an
evangelical crusade against Israel. Maybe siding with Arafat and his crew for so long has affected your thinking so that makes sense to you.
Also, to your claim that Palestinian-Arab terror is caused by Israeli occupation, did you know that for all the misery they suffer now that life was
worse under Jordanian rule? When Israel took the West Bank, they spent billions digging new sewers and laying new water lines so they could have clean
water. They installed electricity, built hospitals, roads and schools. Since the occupation, Palestinian-Arab literacy rates have risen so that they
are comparable to the western world, as has their health care and life expectancy. Before the Intifada, the economic opportunities provided by the
occupation (jobs and trade) gave the Palestinian-Arabs a standard of living that was better than any of the neighboring Arabic states, and their birth
rate is now among the highest in the world, with one of the lowest infant mortality rates.
That�s not bad for being the victims of a �genocidal� occupation.