posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 07:40 PM
I see it again! The Celebration\Orlando light!. It moved after awhile and went behind trees. Nothing unusual about it's movement besides
slowness...also changed colors. May be illusion. Cell phone not picking it up. I'm interested but not worried so much.
Why you are here.....I'll enlighten you on the second most interesting thing i've seen. Didn't seem to be much interest in the green tear
drops...orrrr, not much in the way of available explanation to try.
This time was different. I've seen this myself and heard it from 2 other sources in different places at different times. I use to work(Ft.Laud area)
overnight, We're talking....1992ish. I was walking home as I lived very 4:30am. I saw a red light, solid and small. Figured plane at
night up really high. In opposite direction heading towards it was a very clear obviously a helicopter. I thought they'd miss seeing as how that
plane must have been pretty high. This wouldn't be the case at all. The red light circled the helicopter kind of and appeared to bump it! No bull...I
saw this! At this point the light rushed off in the direction it came from and the helicopter did the same!!!!
This was strange and I guess It's possible I didn't see what it looked like a saw BUT.... and this is the craziest mind numbing part! That rag mag
"The Sun" of all mags printed a story like 1 week later from Colorado and it was described identically except the light was green!!!!
I think i've heard this on a history channel special too but can't be too sure.
Anyone else heard of this kind of event?
[edit on 27-2-2007 by WAZZIT32]
[edit on 27-2-2007 by WAZZIT32]