posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 05:54 AM
ok, a hypothetical...
say there was a new FPS you were in the process of designing. what features would you include?
for instance, various aspects of other FPS's such as the Physics engine, GFx, Leven design etc.
- Physics engine from Far Cry
- Large level design and overall non linear playability from Far Cry.
- Interactivity and minor detail from Half Life 2
- Graphical texture change on ragdoll (ie. appropreate texture for an NPC or- player being killed by an explosion.) from Red Orchestra
- Realistic damage to players and NPC's (Red Orchestra, Operation Flash Point)
- Realistic Gore factor (Bullet wounds on Players and realistic entry/exit wounds) from Far Cry
- Weapon versatility and large choice. (Rainbox 6: 3)
- Random name generation on NPC's (Call of Duty 2 & Operation Flash Point)
- Random face and voice on NPC's (Operation Flash Point)
- Interactive and player action influenced story line (Metal Gear Solid)
Please Post more... You never know