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posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:04 AM

Original Anonymous Post By: anon_98563
This anonymous post is in response to ATS thread: 2012 End of World?

Im only 13 and now im really scared? Are all these pridictions due to religion??
Who thinks this will happen?
Im really worried now.

When I read this I wanted to give you a big hug and tell you that everything will be alright.

I can't do that, but I can tell you a couple of ways that I worked thru fear to allow myself to not let fear and doom run my life.

The thing that had the most impact on my life and enabled me to not be scared was to come to terms with the understanding that death is not final.

Another thing was to allow myself to believe that I choose to be born on earth at this time with full knowledge of the things that were to come. That I actually wanted to be here during this confusing time. I am not sure why I would want to do that, but the part of me that knew before I was born thought it was the right thing to do.

Another thing that helps me when I am scared is to know that nothing that happens can overwhelm to much because our brains are wired to kick in big time endorphins during major crisis to allow us to not be shocked to death.

Young Person, NO ONE knows what if anything will happen. People just speculate and attach beliefs to their version of truth.

Just try to be a good person and know that the ultimate power in the world wants to reward you for trying to bring happiness to the sad.

When you get real scared you can surround yourself with a white light of protection any time you want to . Visualize and egg of wonderous white light that can protect you from all harm and fear. Be the white light. Find peace there.

We are energy. Energy doesn't die, it merely changes it form.

Fear not, enjoy the gift of this life that you are living. You are very strong.

Whatever happens in this world, have Faith that the real you knows you can handle whatever you came here to do.

We are living in exciting times. There is a great opportunity for we the living to move into a greater time than we can even imagine.

It's not gloom and doom. It is the beginning of a beautiful time. Just hang in there and try to find the things each day that bring you pleasure and Joy.

We are here for the JOY. The pain is just a byproduct. You have no need to fear.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:43 AM
A lot of what you see presented on this site is opinions upon opinions toward speculated theories which have most been debunked and may be debunked in time through further research. Basically, everything is based on the worst case scenario. Than its solved step by step. One reason why we do this is because, we need to. For freedom and justice. To expose wrongful and inhuman acts from not yet convicted criminals. If we were'nt capable of taking a scalpal to a mans work, that guy could do anything, and theres no telling its for the better good. Not saying everything that is exposed here is a working progress from criminals, just that its important to keep them from doing something wrong. Think of it as, supervision. Even adults need supervision. Their all not truly grown up. It's just the decieving appearance.


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 04:19 AM
Don't worry kid
these predictions are due to cranks who lead sad little lives and who wouldn't know a fact if it bit them in the ass
people have been making end of the world predictions since the human race could first communicate
and we're still here
If I were you i'd be much more worried about dealing with puberty

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways

Young Person, NO ONE knows what if anything will happen. People just speculate and attach beliefs to their version of truth.

Just try to be a good person and know that the ultimate power in the world wants to reward you for trying to bring happiness to the sad.

When you get real scared you can surround yourself with a white light of protection any time you want to . Visualize and egg of wonderous white light that can protect you from all harm and fear. Be the white light. Find peace there.

We are energy. Energy doesn't die, it merely changes it form.

Fear not, enjoy the gift of this life that you are living. You are very strong.

Whatever happens in this world, have Faith that the real you knows you can handle whatever you came here to do.

We are living in exciting times. There is a great opportunity for we the living to move into a greater time than we can even imagine.

It's not gloom and doom. It is the beginning of a beautiful time. Just hang in there and try to find the things each day that bring you pleasure and Joy.

We are here for the JOY. The pain is just a byproduct. You have no need to fear.

Wow, I mean WOW. That is some of the best advice for living I have read anywhere! I love you so much babe. I wish I had wats left, I will in two days though. I have another acount I can give you one from, but I will wait until the first of the month so I can give it too you twice!

Beautiful advice for all facets of life, I am going to print it out and stick it on my wall!

Read IA's post as many time as you need to young one and never forget it.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

I love you so much babe.

I am sorry to sting you like this LGM, but please don't most statements like this that imply a special relationship as if we are more than friends.

I live in Missouri, You live in Michigan. You are married. I am not.


Your Friend,


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:00 PM
Keep in mind that there are always more than one way to look at something. Take 2012, and the whole Mayan calendar issue. There are those that believe that a major event, perhaps even the ending of an age, will occur in the year 2012. There are also a lot of people, and I've read a very good run-down on ATS about this, who believe that the Mayan calendar ends at 2012 for the same reasons we do not put fifty years worth of dates in our day-planners: there's really no need, and it would become cumbersome. I sincerely hope there's noone out there who believes that the world ends on December 31st, 2007, simply because January 1, 2008 isn't printed on the same calendar.

Although I maintain an open mind, I fully expect 2012 to come and go in much the same way Y2K did. Some will call me close-minded, unenlightened, or even stupid, but in just 5 years time, we'll find out.

The Maya created amazing art and architecture, and we like to romanticize these things, while ignoring the other side of the coin. The Maya were a truly barbaric people, with an intense caste system, where human sacrifice was both spectacle and religious. The Maya themselves did indeed have a wonderfully complex calendrical system, but then, so have other cultures, and we do not fearfully anticipate doom when any of those calendars end, typically because most use a repeating calendar of months, and the years are inherently kept up with. I tend to disbelieve that a people steeped in barbarism could be "enlightened" to the point that they could so easily stare into the future and snatch the date of the apocolypse from the ether.

Every generation which has lived has feared that theirs may be the last. For two thousand years, Christians have awaited the second coming of Christ, and the Jews are still awaiting the messiah.

My advice is, plan for the future, and enjoy your life. If the world is destined to end in 2012, 2038, 3615, 5,000,000,000,000 (Roughly when the sun explodes), then que sarah, sarah. Worrying about it will only ruin your present, not improve your future.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by BlaznRob

My advice is, plan for the future, and enjoy your life. If the world is destined to end in 2012, 2038, 3615, 5,000,000,000,000 (Roughly when the sun explodes), then que sarah, sarah. Worrying about it will only ruin your present, not improve your future.

Very well said, as all the replies have been meant to affirm life, not fear of the end.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by BlaznRob

Although I maintain an open mind, I fully expect 2012 to come and go in much the same way Y2K did. Some will call me close-minded, unenlightened, or even stupid, but in just 5 years time, we'll find out.

Sorry but 2012 is not about the Mayan calender, it is the crossing. We cross the center of the galaxy at that moment, it is the symbol that is why they crucified Jesus on the cross the meaning is deep.

It happens at exacty at 11:11 UT on the winter solstice, according to the US naval observatory. It is the rebirth of man.


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:09 PM
I did some research on what you said. Although incredibly interesting, I can find no scientific, or secular source discussing the photonic belt. I found numerous new-age, and UFO related sites, which rely on 'channeled' material to make their predictions of whats to come. Suffice it to say, noone I found has any actual evidence or proof of the things they're saying.

As I said, however, it's very interesting, and I'd love to be a part of what they're predicting, ie: new enlightenment, peace, prosperity, etc. etc.

However. Just as we must continue to live in the present, and not fear impending doom; we must live in the present, and plan for the future of the world as it is. Do not get lost in the idea that at some point soon, everything on Earth will change for the better, and a new era of enlightenment will come about. Because what if it doesn't? What if it does, but 100 years later than some have calculated?

We must live in the here-and-now, and always plan on living in the here-and-now. Don't disregard education or employment on the belief that you wont need them five or ten years down the road.

Edited for a typo.

[edit on 27-2-2007 by BlaznRob]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Original Anonymous Post By: anon_98563
This anonymous post is in response to ATS thread: 2012 End of World?

Im only 13 and now im really scared? Are all these pridictions due to religion??
Who thinks this will happen?
Im really worried now.

Dear one, no need to worry. The year 2012 is something to be embraced, not feared.

There are two schools of thought concerning 2012.

(1) Things will get much better

(2) Things will get much worse

The second school of thought really didn't develop until relatively recently. I don't even know where people get the idea that the "end of the age" is necessarily bad. I look forward to it and so should you, my friend. Don't be afraid. Just know that everything will be okay and will be as it should be. God bless.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by BlaznRob
I sincerely hope there's noone out there who believes that the world ends on December 31st, 2007, simply because January 1, 2008 isn't printed on the same calendar.

Not to nit pick, but the date of the supposed climax is December 21, 2012, not December 31. I had to correct it...I hope no offense was taken.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:59 PM
I was illustrating a point. Notice I used 2007 and 2008. This wasn't a reference to the supposed end; I was pointing out that noone believes that there won't be a next year, because it isn't on this years calendar.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

I love you so much babe.

I am sorry to sting you like this LGM, but please don't most statements like this that imply a special relationship as if we are more than friends.

I live in Missouri, You live in Michigan. You are married. I am not.


Your Friend,


OMG!!! I love a lot of people, I love my friends too. Unbeliveable.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
I live in Missouri, You live in Michigan. You are married. I am not.


Your Friend,


I live in Arkansas and I love you too. (and i'm single)

Seriously though, I love what you wrote. I can't give out WATS but I do what I can.

To the young one,

Just keep in mind that life is an adventure. Sometimes you will be in deep valleys and other times you will be on the tallest mountain. Learn as much as you can from both of those moments cause the majority of the time you will be in between them.

Life is a gift, and the best way to say thank you for that gift is to enjoy it.

Don't worry too much. You will make it thru just like the rest of us.

Love and light,


posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 10:32 PM
This is a date to be celebrated and not feared. There has been much disinformation so people will not understand what is really happening.

It is one of the reasons why so many people are noticing 11:11 on the clock. Here is a copy paste form the Naval obsevatory.

2012 2012
Perihelion Jan 5 00 Equinoxes Mar 20 05 14 Sept 22 14 49
Aphelion July 5 03 Solstices June 20 23 09 Dec 21 11 11

It happens at 11:11 and is when we line up with the center of the galaxy and is in my opinion the beginning of something wonderful. It wont be like BAM there it is, we are feeling the effects more and more everyday. We are in the quickening phase this will peak at that moment.

Here is the link for the Naval Observatory's Earth seasons page. They are exact.

Edit to add: mr wupy thank you for showing the OP everyone can love each other! I have learned on my path to love everyone unconditionaly. We all have our reasons for being here, in fact the threads author even implied this in his/her post.

Dont worry it didnt sting one bit. I walk through fire dont forget, it creates a thick skin when you witness the things I have.

[edit on 27-2-2007 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy

Originally posted by interestedalways
I live in Missouri, You live in Michigan. You are married. I am not.


Your Friend,


I live in Arkansas and I love you too. (and i'm single)

Seriously though, I love what you wrote.

Thank you mrwupy, that makes me feel happy to know!

To the young one,

Just keep in mind that life is an adventure. Sometimes you will be in deep valleys and other times you will be on the tallest mountain. Learn as much as you can from both of those moments cause the majority of the time you will be in between them.

Amen, unless you are gifted with being bi-polar.

Don't worry too much. You will make it thru just like the rest of us.

Yep, and a little flirting along the way can surely bring a smile to your face!!!

Seriously, ATS is a great way to relax and get excited, to become infuriated and laugh all in the same community of often like minded people. Just don't take any one thing too seriously. No one I know of has all the answers. It reminds me of the quote from Alice in Wonderland, "I have believed six impossible things today and it isn't even time for breakfast" (Or something like that)


I am not sure how to quote within a quote so forgive the error of the structure of this post.

Edit to add: Thanks to those who overlooked the fact that I posted in Ancient and Lost Civilizations. Don't even know how it happened like that.

[edit on 28-2-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by interestedalways

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

I love you so much babe.

I am sorry to sting you like this LGM, but please don't most statements like this that imply a special relationship as if we are more than friends.

I live in Missouri, You live in Michigan. You are married. I am not.


Your Friend,



posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by BlaznRob
I was illustrating a point. Notice I used 2007 and 2008. This wasn't a reference to the supposed end; I was pointing out that noone believes that there won't be a next year, because it isn't on this years calendar.

I see so many say that it's December 31, 2012,instead of the correct date of December 21...I automatically assumed you were saying the same...To be honest, I guess I wasn't paying attention to the years you were posting. My mistake.

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