posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:24 PM
NO! I don't believe that spirits communicate LONG TERM. About half the people on this earth believe in REINCARNATION and they do not smell their
dead loved ones who drop by for a pointless visit out of bordom or something because they know they are living somewhere else to continue learning
things. So, it's probably in your mind, unless they passed recently and are not in another body yet. (If you don't believe in reincarnation I'm
not sure what you think we are doing here in the school of life, especially with so many educational slackers and TV watchers.)
But as far as smelling PRE-DEATH, yes I can. Just like some dogs know when their owners are going to have a seizure, or dolphins can pick up on the
part of a human body that needs healing or the animals in the Asian Tsunami all ran to high ground before it hit. For me it smells SOUR and maybe a
bit like wine or something but not like body odor or obvious, repulsive rotting meat. My mother smells like that now, but no one else seems to be
noticing or are too polite to say anything. She is not that old, wears expensive perfume and is very clean, so it is not lack of hygene. It fills
her bedroom permenantly now and wherever she is briefly as well. So, only time will tell...