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Is our universe a living being

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posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 11:22 AM
I feel we are inside whatever "God" is... yes so I believe the universe is a living being... I think the planets look a lot like cells... and there was this graph of our solar system... made it seem like a cell as well.. you know the whole cell membrane/Nucleus etc...

Also there are billions of tiny creatures on our bodies no?

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by mikromarius
All this muttering about Phi being so universal. BS. It is Pi which is universal. Phi is just Pi in time and Epsilon, the cell division constant. Phi is limited to this world, which is created as an image of Man within the Image of God. The BS that you can see Phi in spiral galaxies etc is just silly, I think. It's not phi, it is Pi and revolution. Before the cell starts dividing according to this terrestrial beauty concept which is limited by such things as gravitation, oxygene level etc, it is round: Pi. Pi is concept, Phi is just one of millions of possible spirals visible in our world. It is limited to biologically created stuff. Perhaps the next world will divide it's cells according to a totally different spiral concept. Phi is a product of creation. Pi however is the ultimate perfect. As perfect as a perfect circle. It is eternal, but still it can be drawn by a child in a second. A spiral can never be completed unless you are God who is the beginning and the end. Well that's how I understand it anyway.

Edit: you can infact draw a perfect complete spiral: the number 8 which is basically two spirals intersecting eachother...... Would be much easier to visualise this in 3D I guess. Have to wait until I get a G4 with Maya I guess (drewl drewl)....

[Edited on 29-12-2003 by mikromarius]

Mik, I'm shocked you would make such a mistake as this!! You need to study up on what PHI and PI are a bit more. Both of them are in fact found throughout the micro and macro universe. PHI is NOT limited to this world or any such thing. Nor is it BS, it is just Mathematics, like it or not. There is no battle between PI and PHI either and do not get offended by any Religious implications either.

PI: A transcendental number, approximately 3.14159, represented by the symbol, that expresses the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.

PHI: aka(Golden Mean Spiral, Golden Ratio, Golden Section) PHI=1.618033... (phi=0.618033...)

Golden Mean can be assumed to be either one of two values:
PHI = 1.61803...
phi = 0.61803...

The Golden Mean, the number, is the only number in which, among other things, satisfies the mathematical relationships:
PHI = 1/PHI + 1 ; phi = 1/phi - 1
phi = 1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + 1/(1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + 1/(1 + ...)]])]]

One of the characteristics of the Golden Mean Spiral is that it continues on in ever diminishing spirals.

The Fibonacci sequence possesses a unique property. Different from the Golden Mean, the Fibonacci begins at 0 or 1 but quickly approximates the Golden Mean with ever increasing accuracy. The Fibonacci sequence seems to be strongly attracted to the Golden Mean Sequence (phi ratio) and attempts to approximate the phi ratio (1.6180339�). This accuracy increases until it asymptotically reaches its limits. At that point, one could not tell the difference between the two spirals except at or near the beginning points. Understanding this aspect of the Fibonacci is crucial.

This characteristic of the Fibonacci (always attempting to approximate the Golden Mean with greater accuracy) can be used as a metaphor for our human condition, which will help us gain deeper insights into the nature of spirituality.

If the Golden Mean is used as a metaphor for spirit and the Fibonacci is used as a metaphor for physical incarnation (spirit incarnating into the physical and attempting to perfect itself to the ideal), then metaphorically, our physical incarnation begins as a Fibonacci life form.

Sacred Geometry is made up of ALL of these. They are all important.
Pi - ( ) - 3.1416... : 1 - Pi is found in any circle. If the diameter is 1, the circumference is 3.1416 (C = D).
Square Root of Two - (2) - 1.414
Square Root of Three - (3) - 1.732
Square Root of Five - (5) - 2.236
Phi - (�) - 1.618 : 1 - Phi is the Golden Section of the Greeks. It was said to be the first section in which the One became many.

Start with this!!

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 01:07 PM
It's actually a more profound question than one might think...

Is the Universe alive?

Well, how do we define life?

The ability to reproduce? The ability to repair one's self? Response to stimuli? The ability to take in nutrients, and reprocess them, by taking energy from them, etc.?

Interestingly enough, by almost every definition you could come up with, the answer is "yes"

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm

Originally posted by mikromarius
All this muttering about Phi being so universal. BS. It is Pi which is universal.

Mik, I'm shocked you would make such a mistake as this!!

Bull!� WhereverPhiwas Pi was there before it all staring turning around. Before onbe became two. Its how anything is. It just is like that. The Father is lonely. LOVE HIM for gfods' sake!


posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 05:51 PM
The darkness is the dead matter from which the light forms living matter.

The universe is thus a living thing and it is capable of repairing itself when need be.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 05:52 PM
It'sd still pi which corresponds! Its the dragon to kill all dragoins. Because it does not exist! Why do you think Satan was born in Egypt? He fell I tell you!� He mess ed again and again over how miseravble I was,. Well no matter how clean or Ari he is, he wont doiin my worrl I dont need thad bugger


posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 05:53 PM

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
PHI = 1.61803...
phi = 0.61803...
PHI = 1/PHI + 1 ; phi = 1/phi - 1
phi = 1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + 1/(1 + 1/[1 + 1/[1 + 1/(1 + ...)]])]]
begins at 0 or 1 but 1.6180339�). This accuracy increases until Fibonaccigain deeper insights into the nature of spirituality.
Pi - ( ) - 3.1416... : 1 - Pi is found in any circle. If the diameter is 1, the circumference is 3.1416 (C = D).
Square Root of Two - (2) - 1.414
Square Root of Three - (3) - 1.732
Square Root of Five - (5) - 2.236
Phi - (�) - 1.618 : 1 - Phi is the Golden Get the #out�vhere

Start with this!!

Walk along. And I like Ameriucands for one frekin thing: NO BULL#!

Blessings,Mikrnomarius (freak how diffuicult it should be to write your own name thesedays)

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:05 PM
The words you keep a sin is thw woerds you shoujld kiiieeeep a soN

Its not yesrselves Its you thiss tiimse N r11d


Edit: Im gonna be even more cryptorious when the time comes to a re REAL Change

[Edited on 29-12-2003 by mikromarius]

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:12 PM
Rooooar! Min Venn!

Mikromasriuys Yeah!

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:15 PM
This though t just occured to me:::: What If I wa Hel? What if I was the crouwn?


posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:21 PM
I jUst had this OnceLVEMR

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:22 PM
This Earth is swollen with disease and man-mutated elements--poisoned from toxic chemicals and too much rotting (and living) flesh. The land is overused and the water is putrifying. Many countries are already doomed with overwhelming pestilence. You think your world is ending because of a war, theirs already has because everyone they ever knew is dieing of AIDS in the street. If this planet were alive, it would weep to drown us all, and start over again with the fishes.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:29 PM
I think you guys scared Druid away. Or maybe he is just seeing how out of his depth he is, hehe.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 06:49 PM

can't agree with you more.

those fearmongers crying about Iraq just want to direct you from the bigger problems,

such as humans raping the earth and mankinds moral and spiritual decay.

the universe has its own 'flush cycle' and many will be flushed I believe.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 09:32 PM
link more drinking and typing, eh?

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