posted on Dec, 21 2003 @ 08:49 AM
Firstly: Welcome to ATS, Druid. We'll probably have many interresting and heated discussions in the future.
Secondly: I see the Way as being our galaxy. I see the Truth as the true constellations (contrary to Babylonian astrology which our astronomical names
and borders etc. are built around) as outlined in the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation. And I see Life as God's power over this universe and
those who dwell in it: Love.
Is Jezjuah a living being? Indeed he is. The Earth was the second physical entity God created, which he later recreated or replaced with a new Earth.
In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. Heaven was the first entity he created. Heaven (the constellations), Earth (the science of Geography)
and Light (Divine Truth) is the original Word of God. When he created Heaven and Earth, he created them in the sense that he mapped the Heavens and
the Earths. The anti version of the Word or Name of God is the Name of the Beast, Babylonian astrology (the Zodiak), a perverted form of Egyptian
astrology (the Mazzaroth).
Peter was given the keys to Heaven which gave him the power to chain the constellations in Heaven and on Earth. Whatever he chained on Earth would be
chained in Heaven, meaning that he was given the power to decide who should be in Heaven and who should be on Earth. The Vatican and her lovers have
an anti version of this, it's mostly the same as the original Zodiak of Ba'al who is Satan. They have sought sent to Heaven even the Serpent/Dragon,
but his place isn't found in Heaven (Rev. 12:7f). The constellation of Draco doesn't even exist. It is the right arm of the Father, and in the
Bossom of the Father is the Only Begotten (John 1:18). Further the constellation of Ursa Major, called the Big Bear, Karl's Cradle or the Big Dipper,
is the Son of Man (Acts 7:55f). The head of the victorious Word of God is the head of one of the fishes in the constellation of Pisces and his horse
and his body is the constellation called Pegasus in Rome (Rev 19:11ff) and Orion (which I call either just Ori or Oriai) is the rider on the first
horse of Rev. 6. And so on. The Name of God is explained in the bible in detail. While the Name of the Beast we can see in every book on
astronomy/astrology available today in mostly the same form as in ancient Babylon. Most of the names they have chosen for the false constellations are
highly blasphemous. Hence the part of Revelation which explains how the Beast is overwritten with names of blasphemy (Rev. 17:3). The ten horns is the
Egypto-Babylonian system of ten day weeks or Decans, which geometry is 666. The seven Heads are the seven astrological planets which have been given
names sfter the Greco-Roman gods based on the Babylonian Ba'als, the enemies of the seven stars of God since the beginning of time. They have
replaced YHWH Sebaot with the Roman version of Ba'al, Sol etc. etc. But now we are starting to line up the planets carrying these blasphemous names
as footstools for the Christ when he returns. The footstool of God is the Earth. First out is Mars. God has the new name for this planet ready.