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JFK: ABSOLUTE PROOF the fatal headshot came from the grassy knoll

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Nygdan

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:38 AM
Evidence of Revision is well worth watching, excellent documentary.



The 1st two parts are all about JFK.

6 parts in total about JFK, RFK, MKultra, MLK

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Horus12]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:45 AM
Actually sorry my friend i do beleive that the DRIVER SHOT HIM....I f you get a good copy of the Zapruder film take a look at the driver once jfk gets hit the first time, he turns and turns again with the glint of a gun in his hand......

Serect service stand down

Pause at frame 312 and you will see the gun

why do you think Jacky jumped out the back off the car plus there is a cryptic message fom Connally

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 08:26 PM
your argument is logical, but the physics of a rifle bullet passing through a human skull are a little more complicated that you might think. As a bullet fired from a 6.5 x 52 mm Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle, the same gun alleged to be used by Oswald, enters into the head of its target, little of the bullets' energy is transferred into the target. Vincent Bugliosi, in his book Reclaiming History, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, agues that "as the bullet travels through the brain, little resistance is given, and as the bullet exits the target's head much of the matter is pulled with it creating an exit jet. It is this exit jet that caused Kennedy's head to jerk toward the shot as opposed to jerking away from the shot". This theory was proposed and shown to be true by Nobel Physics Prize winning, Dr. Luis W. Alvarez. This theory has been tested by multiple government agencies along with numerous independent scientific research agencies and has been conclusively shown to be true. When this theory is applied to the examination of the assassinaition of President John F. Kennedy, it becomes obvious that the shooter that delivered the kill shot fired that shot from the Texas Book Depository, allegedly by Lee Harvey Oswald.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Badgeman is PURE fictional. Its been shown (a'course I can't find where) that he would have had to be 7 foot tall to see over the fence to take the shot, or he would have had to be standing on a bumper to get the right angle.

The theory of someone taking a shot from the storm drain is also really hard to prove. It sounds good and that drain leads away from Dealy Plaza, but there is a video of a man getting in there (see "the men who killed Kennedy") and a shooter just doesn't have the line of sight to get off the head shot. The door on the limo is obstructing the shot.

IMO, there was a rifle team in Dealy Plaza that day.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Badgeman is not fictional. His name is Lucien Sarti. You have to realize that he is about 40 ft. behind the corner of the white wall on the grassy knoll. That's why they look so small. Also we can't see the ground level in the photo. He may have been standing on something like the fence or a crate. He missed any way. The fat guy filming in front of him felt 1-2 shots come pass his ear. so he was real. The storm drain would have been a hard shot to make and the exit would have been out the top of Jfk's head. I think James Files is the most likely to have made the temple shot. He says so himself. I'd like to see more info. and photos of the storm drain on the overpass.
The Zapruder film was edited from the beginning. I highly doubt any one saw the unedited original except those who did the editing. The best version I've seen was on Geraldo. The head shot was very different. Many frames have been removed.

[edit on 3-7-2009 by Sargoth]

[edit on 3-7-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 08:55 PM
The fatal shot was not fired from the fence, any storm drain, and most certainly wasn't shot from behind. His head appears to go forward but if you do your research and see it in slow motion, his body does NOT move forward. What made sense to me was, since his head was down before the driver fired, it had to go up before it violently went backward.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by 7forever
The fatal shot was not fired from the fence, any storm drain, and most certainly wasn't shot from behind. His head appears to go forward but if you do your research and see it in slow motion, his body does NOT move forward. What made sense to me was, since his head was down before the driver fired, it had to go up before it violently went backward.

Actually, it does. His head and body move slightly forward before moving backwards. Many people attribute this to sort of an elastic effect from the backbrace he was wearing. Notice how stiff and straight his back stays while he is bent forward. His body does indeed show a slight down/forward motion immediately before whipping back so violently.

I would like to hear you make your case for stating that the shot was not fired from any storm drain or fence. I am not a proponent of the storm drain theory myself, but I would like to see evidence.

My pet theory right now, and it has been for some time now, was that he was indeed shot from the back, but not the TSBD. Rather, I think it more likely that the headshot came from the Dal-Tex building which was South-East of the TSBD. This would explain the forward movement, the apparent location of the massive wound on the back and right portion of the head, and many other things.

It still doesnt explain the notorious "back and to the left" motion after the impact, but I have simply come to believe that nothing will explain that unless one comes to accept that the z-film was somehow altered.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:45 PM
Here's some great videos.

[edit on 19-4-2010 by Sargoth]

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 04:43 PM
I'd like to submit some closeup photos of the Grassy Knoll that I just posted online - I visited Dealey Plaza in June 2010, and took photos of the Knoll and the Texas Schoolbook Depository, including photos that show the view of where the fatal shot landed from the likely spot that the 2nd gunman was located (behind the wooden fence):

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by ChiliDog

Originally posted by 7forever
The fatal shot was not fired from the fence, any storm drain, and most certainly wasn't shot from behind. His head appears to go forward but if you do your research and see it in slow motion, his body does NOT move forward. What made sense to me was, since his head was down before the driver fired, it had to go up before it violently went backward.

Actually, it does. His head and body move slightly forward before moving backwards. Many people attribute this to sort of an elastic effect from the backbrace he was wearing. Notice how stiff and straight his back stays while he is bent forward. His body does indeed show a slight down/forward motion immediately before whipping back so violently.

I would like to hear you make your case for stating that the shot was not fired from any storm drain or fence. I am not a proponent of the storm drain theory myself, but I would like to see evidence.

My pet theory right now, and it has been for some time now, was that he was indeed shot from the back, but not the TSBD. Rather, I think it more likely that the headshot came from the Dal-Tex building which was South-East of the TSBD. This would explain the forward movement, the apparent location of the massive wound on the back and right portion of the head, and many other things.

It still doesnt explain the notorious "back and to the left" motion after the impact, but I have simply come to believe that nothing will explain that unless one comes to accept that the z-film was somehow altered.

It was altered for many reasons including the fact that the red mist is forming before the shot. His head never moves forward but appears that way because of the alteration.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by helium3

i wish i was ten years behind ,i had fun ten years ago,oh and by the way check out bill hicks and his ideas on the kennedy hit piece...

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:23 PM
Just a real quick question:

If all the bullets come from behind, then how did the top of JFKs skull land on the can see Jackie jump out the back, and trying to retrieve part of JFKs skull. If all the shots came from behind, wouldnt that part of his skull be in Connolly's lap?

(Dear JFK, sorry to speak of you so disrepectfully to make a point about your murdering bastards)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:26 PM
And by the way, the JFK mystery is a dead mystery, just like 9/11. Whoever hasnt gotten it already never will, and it doesnt matter now anyway, all the aims of the group have been achieved, proving we were lied to doesnt matter.

JFK was murdered so the CIA could stay alive, and the military industrial complex could continue to profit from viet nam.

9/11 happened to ensure a police state with less freedoms, and a perpetual state of war to justify the military industrial complex. 10 years of war later, they have achieved their goals.

Instead of worrying about the past, try to stop the next one that is surely coming.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:02 PM
I am amazed at the ability of people to twist the “facts” so they fit the conspiracy. I spent some time researching Sessions and he seems believable to me. Of course the suspicion that surrounds the site and people associated with it casts a conspiracy about it as well.

Let me help you out a little with JFK’s movement (or lack thereof) before the fatal shot. Are you aware that he was suffering from a disease that was almost certainly going to kill him, sooner rather than later? Did you know he was wearing a brace that day that would have prevented him from moving in certain manners? Did you know that they NEVER found an exit wound from the supposed neck shot? Sorry it WAS NOT a tracheotomy hole. It is also my understanding that this was a new brace? Do you really think that was part of his skull in her hand, or part of his brain for that matter. They count on the pure sickness of watching the video over and over and the images of a grieving widow to effectively draw your attention away. If you can stomach it. Watch the video, over and over. Look at the slow versions, stabilized versions, frame views, and the other videos, and carefully watch Jackie. Notice her leaning in and whispering something in his ear, just as they are passing umbrella man. And just what is that thing that flew through the air and landed on the trunk lid? Watch carefully, look at the SS officer. What did he do? It is my opinion she was not trying to escape as many say, nor was she trying to recover his brain, give me a break. It looks to me as if she was trying to recover something that she reflexively threw by accident. Watch her carefully from the first shot. Then count to 4. Four seconds is an eternity when under fire. Presidents and their immediate family have to be far more aware of how to respond in case of assassination attempts than any one would have cause to be. The continuous round the clock SS would be a constant reminder.

Spend a few moments of your time and figure exactly who Jackie was and where she came from. Add a couple other ingredients that are readily available on this site and you have the answer to this and a great many other things. If you ever do get to the truth you will feel sick at a depth that has no words. I am not going to give you the answer, you must find it for your self. What a tangled web they have weaved. If you do figure it out, you will have also figured out the situation is hopeless. After all this is a conspiracy site.

For what it is worth, When I started researching, had no idea of who what and so on. But the head movement never set right with me, ever. I let the facts as I see them determine my conclusions. If at anytime they (the facts) fail to do so, I continue to research until the facts and conclusion match.

Happy Thanks Giving to all that celebrate it.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:14 PM
While I remain on the fence on the JFK topic, I was wondering if anyone could provide any good reasons to why the 'Penn & Teller: Bullsh*t' debunking of the JFK situation doesn't hold water? Penn fires the same make and model used by Oswald 3 times in less than four seconds, AND they show how a persons head WOULD, in fact, jerk TOWARDS the gunshot. I'm open for explanation, though I must say, that episode almost had me convinced.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by 7forever
It was altered for many reasons including the fact that the red mist is forming before the shot. His head never moves forward but appears that way because of the alteration.

Hopefully, you would understand that it only appears that the mist is forming before the shot because of the interlacing of the video frames, and is not there in the frames of the original film.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by 7forever
It was altered for many reasons including the fact that the red mist is forming before the shot. His head never moves forward but appears that way because of the alteration.

Hopefully, you would understand that it only appears that the mist is forming before the shot because of the interlacing of the video frames, and is not there in the frames of the original film.

It forms betweeen 312-313 which proves deception. This is 312-313 from the actual frames and you can clearly see the fake white extend in unison with the fake mist. Greer killed Kennedy beyond any doubt.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:29 AM
Fail for the Knoll.

There would have been a bullet exit wound somewhere on the left side of JFK's head if the shot came from the Knoll, which wasn't the case.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Well supposedly we are to believe that ballistics and forensics and physics say that the ejection of blood etc caused the backwards and sideways movement. Also a goat that was shot and the video shown to the warren commision proves it was a shot from behind followed by a neuromuscular spasm. Well then is that true? lets first ask how many goats sat next to jackie? none is the answer, also that film with the goat shows no shooter so how do we know where the shot came from and the goats head is firmly locked in place so it cannot move it. what we see is all limbs splaying outwards. With the jet/rollback idea which is tested on hollow skulls or watermelons etc we know jfk wasnt a melon head and had skin hair and brains etc inside his skull but if they are right then what should have happened is that the bullet came from the right travelling to the left (trajectory in line with the daltex building) also as we are toold he moved forwards first that may be true but it is a small amount more of a slump from his neck wound but if the neuro muscular spasm occured while leant forward why didnt he splay out his limbs? and try doing that while leant forwards in a car seat i think you will smash your face into the seat in front. What serious researchers should do is look at real gsw's and the bullet type would the front of the face have been damaged? yes was it no? but i have an exciting bit of work im doing right now and if there are any weapons experts out there can you please tell me if it could be proved the shots seen actually occured about 15 to twenty foot before we believe what would that mean in terms of oswald having done it? If your answers conclude with mine ill bring you this provable snippet of info if not then its pointles anyway.

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