posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 02:05 PM
Yes, I support victory in Iraq. No, I don't think we'll get it.
I do not support playing into the strategy of our enemies by throwing lives and money into a bottomless pit. We caused this problem and we have
an obligation to try and fix it, but we can't destroy ourselves trying.
I would provide funding to accelerate the training of Iraqi troops by sending them out of Iraq to NATO nations to recieve the best possible training
at the greatest possible rate, as those troops became available they would take over police duties in Iraq immediately and US forces would be moved
out of the higher risk areas and into a safer but still vital role in securing Iraq's borders, and I would engage in strong diplomacy with Russia and
China- key supporters of Iran- offering them the incentives and disincentives that are necessary to make them pull Iran's leash and get Iran out of
that conflict. Finally I would attempt to decrease the animosity between average Iraqis and the US by declaring our intent to leave, by truly
acknowledging the sovreignty of the Iraqi government by giving them the option to void agreements made during our occupation, and by providing
additional funding for major public works projects to be done entirely by Iraqis in low-risk areas of the country, providing both jobs and a sense of
national pride.
I believe we need to give the government of Iraq a fighting chance because we created this mess, but at a certain point they will have to sink or
If they swim, then we got lucky, and then we will truly have to "wage peace". I find it ironic that people talk about winning the peace when people
are still being exploded in the streets of Baghdad; that sounds like a war to me if anything ever did. When that stops however, we are going to have
to assemble a network of economic and diplomatic support for Iraq that focuses on relations with neighbors like Turkey and Kuwait and gives the Iraqi
people the "soft power" to choose their own destiny despite the pressure which Iran and Syria can bring to bear.
If they sink, Iraq will become a totalitarian state run by Shia extremists who hate us and who are subject to influence from Iran. I acknowledge that
possibility and am prepared to address it effectively without another war. What we see in Iraq today did not happen over night. It is the product of
28 years of short-sighted, unprincipled middle east policy making. If a new dictator rises we go right back to square one, and it could easily take at
least 30 years of wise, principled policy making to get a good result. I am prepared to begin that slow, painstaking process if that's what it comes
to, because I AM NOT prepared to be responsible for 4 years of escalating violence and another 3000+ dead Americans and hundreds of billions in damage
to our economy. If I were to do that I would literally be doing more to hurt America than Osama Bin Laden.