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Power: Gore Mansion Uses 20X Average Household Consumption

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posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Power: Gore Mansion Uses 20X Average Household; Consumption Increase After 'Truth'

Source Link:

Gore’s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).
The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth”

(Mod note: Drudge newsflashes tend to change frequently, so I included a link to the original TCPR press release above. -- Majic)

[edit on 2/26/2007 by centurion1211]

[edit on 27/2/2007 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 2/27/2007 by Majic]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:41 PM
I guess this shows just how far Al Gore will go to prove his "mankind is at fault for global warming 'theory'".

Shame on Gore for his hypocrisy and shame on those here that would use Gore as their global warming champion.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Can someone fix the link. Anyway one would expect that (god forbid he should lower his living standards) he would at least have some solar arrays or other system that would not waste electricity created by means which pollutes the environment and contribute to "global warming". He has the money, time, and resource to install eco friendly, well, everything, at his mansion, if he has not done so that IS hypocritical no matter how you try and slice it.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Fixed Link

Plus another one:

$30,000 Gore Utility Bill

Kalee Kreider, a spokesperson for the Gores, did not dispute the Center's figures, taken as they were from public records. But she pointed out that both Al and Tipper Gore work out of their home and she argued that "the bottom line is that every family has a different carbon footprint. And what Vice President Gore has asked is for families to calculate that footprint and take steps to reduce and offset it."

Yes, every family except Gore's. That equals hypocrisy.

[edit on 2/27/2007 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 11:03 AM
This is classic ...

From Drudge: Gore Responds

Gore Responds to Charges His House Uses Too Much Electricity

Last Edited: Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007, 11:00 AM EST
Created: Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007, 9:00 AM EST

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That's it. When you click on the Gore Responds headline in Drudge, all you get is what I showed above.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 11:26 AM
A hypocritical elitist enviromentalist? How strange... Do as I say, not as I do.

Upon further thought...

Yep, he's a hypocrite...

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:36 PM
a little offtopic:I keep seeing irony in different place & situations,including the topic of this thread.
I wonder if we could find more irony in different topics,like other political,energy issues or any other issues.

But anyway we should show this to many poeple as possible,especially fans of Al Gore.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:43 PM
this isn't a story its simply character bashing... its a 20 room house for Christ's sake. How many people live in it? One person, tow, three? For every person you add more energy consumption. I wonder how much energy you consumed digging this up?

Talk about hypocrisy. How about the contrast between bush minor's energy policy heavy on oil, coal, nuclear and natural gas and his ranch in Crawford which is about as green as can be?

This is just bogus.

BTW Matt Drudge is just about as reliable as a source from the Iraqi National Congress if you catch my drift.

[edit on 27-2-2007 by grover]

[edit on 27-2-2007 by grover]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:52 PM
This hypocrisy is astounding. Even if his house pulled the same as the national average from the grid I would find him hypocritical; this man and his wife have money coming out their you know whats. He should have his own wind generator, solar heating, and geo-cooling, and not be using any electricity or gas from the grid. If the man believes what he preaches I would think he would be putting his own money into putting 'green' power into the grid. He is not the average joe that cant help but take power from the grid because its hard enough to pay the bills let alone plunk 10-25k down for a solar system.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:11 PM
These " do as I say and not as I do" types have no business preaching about anything other than how to be a consumption pig. So when is Schwarzenegger going to convert his hummer to run on hydrogen? It's been a few years since he said that load of bull.

Oh how they all love to preach from the pulpit of fetid hypocrisy...

$30K?...good gawd!

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
This is classic ...

From Drudge: Gore Responds

Gore Responds to Charges His House Uses Too Much Electricity

Last Edited: Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007, 11:00 AM EST
Created: Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007, 9:00 AM EST

Suggested Searches
No suggested searches found.

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No related stories found.

That's it. When you click on the Gore Responds headline in Drudge, all you get is what I showed above.

Well, there is your problem right there: DRUDGE!! It is a pile of crap. There has been responses to this, but you are too biased to post any of them so you say there is no response - this is very biased and misleading. Considering the OP..........

from your beloved fox news:

uggh, fox news link....

From source article

Asked to explain how the Gores use the amount of electricity they do, Kreider said they have a large family and often host guests. Both Al and Tipper Gore also have home offices. And she noted that much of Al Gore's time is spent trying to bring about awareness to the problem of global warming, which as a byproduct uses carbon-emitting power.

I think this says it all though:

Daily Gut

from source article
These are the lengths that climate skeptics must go to suppress action on global warming. There is no meaningful debate within the scientific community, so the right-wing busies itself with talk about how much electricity Al Gore's house uses -- and even then they distort the truth.

I wonder what all other former heads of state pay for their monthly utility bills, especially when they are still involved as much as Gore is. Are you honestly comparing a former Vice President with an average person in regard to their energy usage? I wonder how many people are residing in the house. Workers, staff members, guests, family.... I bet that you are comparing this to an AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY - the Gores are obviously not this. This whole thread is a joke. Conservatives are so desperate right now to maintain controll that they will stoop to any level. They lost big time in the last election and now they are losing the fight on the debate of global warming - it didn't help that the worlds leading climate experts just released a pretty damning report on mans involvement.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:13 PM
I am going to guess that those of you making "practice what you preach" posts are Christians because we all know how they do that.

Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever met a Christian that actually lives an uncompromising Christian lifestyle. We should all think "god" (hah) for that.

BTW, Al Gore's message isn't that we should all stop driving and using electricity. If you haven't deemed it necessary by now to educate yourself on the biggest threat to our existence that we face because a bunch of rich oil men told you it was fake and that scientists are akin to terrorists, you will never get it.

One more question for the right-wingers that love Oil as much as God as evidenced by their willingness to let our government run illegal wars in the name of Oil with a side dish of God: How do you reconcile the existence of oil and god since God created Earth 6000 years ago and oil was created from dinosaurs that reigned millions of years ago on a yet-to-be-created Earth?

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:31 PM
excellent response Logan right on the money... averages are based on well, averages. You take 100 people and 50 of them pay $25 electric, 25 pay $30 and 40 pay $40 and 10 pay $50, then you add it all together and divide it by the number of people to get the average but that does not reflect the exceptional individual either way asa in those who pay less or those who pay more.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Tainted and Logansrun...I couldn't agree with you more. So much so, that you've taken the words out of my mouth, but I just had to weigh- in on this one. At least he's raising consciousness about this issue, he's spending his free time telling the truth about an important issue. What are the right-wingers doing?...Trying desperately to protect their interests in the Military Industrial Complex. I will say that it would be a good idea for him to switch his household over to green technology as much as is possible, and I'm willing to bet that he will do so. My question is: What are all of you who are throwing stones doing to make any kind of positive impact on society? I'll bet every researcher who has worked on developing green technology has used more energy than the average person in the pursuit of their goal...that's just how the system works....for now. I wonder how much energy is being used by all of these mega-churches around the country right now...

[edit on 2/27/07 by cosmo dag]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 01:52 PM
This thread is nuts. We can't afford to argue back and forth over who's right and who's wrong on the issue of global warming. Is it real or false, is it a left wing or right wing issue. I think the point is for people to do something.

I just finished building a six thousand square foot home, My dream house. Complete with Solar power, tankless hot water and radient heat. My roof has solar panels on three sides. My electric bill, $0.00.

The cost of the system, $35,000.00, which I planned for in the construction process.

So, Al Gore' mansion is his business. My mansion is my business. Why should anyone care? By-the-way, George Bush's ranch in crawford texas is solar powered.

Lets stop throwing stones at eachother...aren't you people tired of bickering?

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by ProfTom
This thread is nuts. We can't afford to argue back and forth over who's right and who's wrong on the issue of global warming. Is it real or false, is it a left wing or right wing issue. I think the point is for people to do something.

I just finished building a six thousand square foot home, My dream house. Complete with Solar power, tankless hot water and radient heat. My roof has solar panels on three sides. My electric bill, $0.00.

The cost of the system, $35,000.00, which I planned for in the construction process.

So, Al Gore' mansion is his business. My mansion is my business. Why should anyone care? By-the-way, George Bush's ranch in crawford texas is solar powered.

Lets stop throwing stones at eachother...aren't you people tired of bickering?

I couldn't agree more except that there are alreday numerous threads going about global warming. The issue on a worldwide level isn't political, nor is it left vs. right. The Earth is heating up, man isn't helping in the process, and we need to figure out what we can do to change our ways - most of the world agrees with this. People in this country (US) dont want to be bothered with GW. First there was a huge debate whether or not it even existed. THEN the debate was whether or not man was part of the cause. There are people with corporatist interists that want to see this run into the ground. This thread is a perfect example of this. It is one sided, biased and in no way factual in the context in which it is being presented.

I have no doubt that GW BUsh ranch may have solar power, big wuppie. He is also a head of state, and I would imagine his energy demands are astronomical - as would be any VIP of that status. The fact is Gore has done more to champion the GW movement than any other person. The fact that Gore happens to be a liberal is why he is the focus of attack from the right.

Jerry Falwell is now saying that the whole debate on GW is a plot from Satan to distract Christians from their Evangellical work to focus on climate change!! This is in response to a large number of Evangellical churches and standing up to say something needs to be done about climate change.

The whole bickering is pointless, howeverwe have to fight against people who attempt to spread mis information to support a political agenda - which this thread is a perfect example of...

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Jerry foulwell is a big fat idiot...I am embarrassed that he is from Virginia. To add insult to injury Pat Robertson is here too.

There is also a far more reasonable and intelligent branch of the evangelic movement that is beginning to tackle environmental issues. That is good, in the 19th century before all this rapture nonsense was cooked up by john Nelson Darby the evangelic movement was involved in social betterment... the anti-slavery movement came out of that as did the push for public education and womens sufferage among other things. They were progressive conservatives working to build that much tauted city on the hill. Not these damn fool televangelics and mega church pastors out to garner as much attention and money for themselves that they can.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 03:32 PM
I was thrilled to see Al Gore win an Oscar for this movie and I actually got the movie for Christmas as a gift and it inspired me to try and use less energy, and even knowing this about the Gore' households consumption of energy I will continue to try and make changes to save me money and help save the planet.

Honestly if you are going to go out and preach about saving the earth, and have that kind of money, then he should have solar panels, windmills, etc.. and be generating the electricity they are using. I definitely would have all these things here at my home if I could afford it.

What exactly are they doing to use up that much energy? Whats his excuse? And really it does not matter if anyone is liberal or conservative, we all should be held accountable for our actions.

[edit on 27-2-2007 by goose]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by goose

Honestly if you are going to go out and preach about saving the earth, and have that kind of money, then he should have solar panels, windmills, etc.. and be generating the electricity they are using. I definitely would have all these things here at my home if I could afford it.

What exactly are they doing to use up that much energy? Whats his excuse? And really it does not matter if anyone is liberal or conservative, we all should be held accountable for our actions.

[edit on 27-2-2007 by goose]

Google this topic and you can find out all you asked above.

Gore is in the process of installing solar panels, etc to his house. They are also involved in programs that you pay for your carbon footprint - basically you are paying to clean up as you consume. Our local power company has a similar option - basically you pay more for you power, but you pay for power that comes from renewable resources - wind, solar, hydro, etc.

Gore is a former head of state. They have a large estate, a big family and most likely dozens of aids, workers, staff, etc. To compare the Gore family with an "average" American family is absurd.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Gore is part of the elite. Of course they will try to get the masses to curb their energy use. Let's face it. The rich don't want the poor to use up all of their energy.

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