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U.N. Data Shows U.S. Greener than EU

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posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:16 AM

U.N. Data Shows U.S. Greener than EU

Source Link:

Finger-pointing critics often vilify Americans as the sole cause of global warming. But the typical image of SUV-driving, energy-hogging Yankees may be bogus -- a new analysis of U.N. data reveals that U.S. efforts to reduce greenhouse gases actually beat European policies.

"Despite constant criticism from environmental activists at home and across Europe claiming the U.S. government is doing nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, new evidence suggests America's efforts are more..."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Certainly interesting. The euro finger pointing wont stop at this though. If its not the environment it will be the war on terror, foreign policy, economy, etc. None of which is really at the heart of the fingerpointing.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Yes USA is reducing it's emissions faster than EU, simple reason for that could be that US is now using the same systems that were in place of european factories etc much earlier, further reduction is more expensive and technically challenging to EU than to USA untill the levels are even.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:55 AM
IMO finger pointing by the EU is just another case of U.S. envy because we came from there and then passed them by (
blew their doors off in the process). We are and have what they can't ever be, or ever have. I think the EU is also a little miffed that most here don't envy the EU in the least. EU - perhaps a nice place to visit (after checking out the entire U.S.), but even people who threaten to move there (like the Baldwin's) don't. On the other hand, there's a veritable flood of people coming this way.

Bottom line is that it might be about "emissions" this time, but there will always be something to point fingers about.

[edit on 2/26/2007 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by northwolf
Yes USA is reducing it's emissions faster than EU, simple reason for that could be that US is now using the same systems that were in place of european factories etc much earlier, further reduction is more expensive and technically challenging to EU than to USA untill the levels are even.

Expensive and technically challenging? You guys the ones introducing it in the first place, not to mention have a larger GDP.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 04:31 PM
First of all, I just have to say I love the source being used.

Especially for countering the new documentary by mister Gore.

Has anybody writing here seen it?

Anyway, let's check out this article deep and deeper.

Now please explain to me this action - if US is really "Greener" then Europe?

NASA’s top climate scientist says NASA and the Bush Administration have tried to silence him

NASA's top climate scientist James E Hansen says Bush administration has tried to keep him from speaking out since he called for prompt reduction in greenhouse gases linked to global warming; NASA's headquarters has ordered public affairs staff to review his lectures, postings and papers and requests for interviews with him; Dean Acosta, deputy assistant administrator for public affairs, says government scientists are free to discuss their findings but should leave policy statements to policy makers.


Why want to silent a scientist, when everything is going smoothly?

In the 2007 State of the Union speech at the beginning of January that year, President Bush announced various strategies and investment plans for cleaner technology and reduce US greenhouse gas emissions - yet the The Worldwatch Institute and others criticized the proposed measures as being Too Litte and Too Late!

As the BBC notes, some terminology has been used very misleadingly. For example, claims of emissions reductions may actually involve emissions rises.

And care to explain these quotes from mister president?

Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear

"I told the world I thought the Kyoto deal was a lousy deal for America. It meant that we had to cut emissions below 1990 levels which would have meant I would have presided over massive lay offs and economic destruction."

Well - Kyoto is a "lousy deal for America" ey?

But does a "lousy deal for Mother Earth" count here?


New US move to spoil climate accord

The documents [part of the Bush administration’s submission to the 2005 G8 action plan for the Gleneagles G8 Summit] obtained by The Observer represent an attempt by the Bush administration to undermine completely the science of climate change and show that the US position has hardened during the G8 negotiations. They also reveal that the White House has withdrawn from a crucial United Nations commitment to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions.

The documents show that Washington officials:
  • Removed all reference to the fact that climate change is a “serious threat to human health and to ecosystems”;
  • Deleted any suggestion that global warming has already started;
  • Expunged any suggestion that human activity was to blame for climate change.

Earlier this month, the senior science academies of the G8 nations, including the US National Academy of Science, issued a statement saying that evidence of climate change was clear enough to compel their leaders to take action…. It is now clear that this advice has been completely ignored by Bush and his advisers.

Well - why do such actions, if you are doing so well in tackling global warming and reducing greenhouse effect gases? That just kind of does not compute. And why is Bush Administration also accused of interfering with UK's attempts to tackle global warming? Why all of that, if everything is going so "Smoothly" in the United States? Kind of Funny ain't it?

[edit on 26/2/07 by Souljah]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Why want to silent a scientist, when everything is going smoothly?

Can you prove he has in fact been targeted to be silenced? I doubt it. All we have is his word against the administration and when you consider he has been one; if not the most out spoken against Green house warming known to have an agenda.

Same goes for Gore he is a Wacko and I truly doubt he really knows what is going on other then what the green jeans crowd is feeding him. They had him in their pocket and he knows it. If he runs again although he claims he will not; any fool knows who his backers will be. Enough said.

[edit on 2/26/2007 by shots]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 04:47 PM
Everyone already forgot about the oil companies offering large sums to scientists and journalists to publish articles that are contradictory to the recent UN report about global warming?

Also, the source newspaper to me is about as good as a tabloid, and I'm not basing that on just this article but the general displeasure I've had having to read articles comming from it.

Heck your better of reading World Net Daily.

Next, also, its funny how your all talking about the EU bashing the US while at the same time doing nothing but chestthumping like a chimp while bashing the EU with backward and false statements.

And, people in any one of the EU memberstates envying people in the US for the messed up situation they are in atm?? Hah, right, sure, I envy you ... ok, and now we return to reality ...

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by shots
Can you prove he has in fact been targeted to be silenced? I doubt it. All we have is his word against the administration and when you consider he has been one; if not the most out spoken against Green house warming known to have an agenda.

Actually in 2005 and 2006, Hansen claimed in interviews with the Washington Post and the New York Times that NASA administrators have tried to influence his public statements about the causes of climate change. But I guess you do not read or belive those two newspapers anyway right, so ofcourse we are faced with a problem. Anyway, why would he lie anyway? As you can see in my previous post, US government is not exactly gladly showing everybody their results in tackling global warming. Actually they are kind, well you kno, lying about it - just in a fancy and smart way.

Censorship Is Alleged at NOAA

James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who sparked an uproar last month by accusing the Bush administration of keeping scientific information from reaching the public, said Friday that officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are also muzzling researchers who study global warming.

Hansen, speaking in a panel discussion about science and the environment before a packed audience at the New School university, said that while he hopes his own agency will soon adopt a more open policy, NOAA insists on having "a minder" monitor its scientists when they discuss their findings with journalists.

"It seems more like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union than the United States."

Looks more like Scientists Afraid to Speak Out to the public.

Why is that?

Sounds like somebody is threatening them.

The only ones who speak out, are those who deny that global warming is caused by man, but my universe or by some other higher force then Man.

Same goes for Gore he is a Wacko and I truly doubt he really knows what is going on other then what the green jeans crowd is feeding him. They had him in their pocket and he knows it. If he runs again although he claims he will not any fool knows who his backers will be. Enough said.

So I guess you have not seen the documentary. It is very enlightening I must admit - but I see you have already made your opinion before even seeing the movie, and that you decided not to belive him on the basis of his political orientation. Would you belive him, if he was a republican - but Gay?

Anyway - here are some fast facts about global warming; will BBC be OK?

Climate change: In graphics

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that temperatures are most likely to rise by 1.8C-4C by 2100. But the possible range is much greater; 1.1C-6.4C. The maps above show how a range of three different scenarios will affect different parts of the planet.

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas, its rise since the industrial revolution is clear. Burning coal, using oil and deforestation all place CO2 into the atmosphere.

Climate is changing - and warming; and it is not just mister Gore who talks about that. It is not something that the "green jeans crowd" is feeding him. It is something we ALL have been feeding to this Planet of ours for a long, Long time. And I think the Planet has just about enough.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:21 PM
I live in the EU and the only news channel I watch is an European news channel, Euronews.

I have never seen (or read, or heard) people in Europe "vilifying the US as the sole cause of global warming".

I have seen many times references to the fact that the US is the biggest source of what is supposed to be greenhouse effect gases, and I have seen one or two weeks ago a reference to that report, saying that the US has been better at reducing their emissions than the EU.

Why do those people need to see enemies and adversaries everywhere, even when we are supposed to be working together to reach a common goal like reducing the greenhouse effect?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Actually in 2005 and 2006, Hansen claimed in interviews with the Washington Post and the .

Which is exactly what I have already stated.

All we have are his claims and allegations. I asked you if you can prove it as fact and all you give me is more claims, will not work show me proof.

[edit on 2/26/2007 by shots]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
IMO finger pointing by the EU is just another case of U.S. envy because we came from there and then passed them by (
blew their doors off in the process). We are and have what they can't ever be, or ever have. I think the EU is also a little miffed that most here don't envy the EU in the least. EU - perhaps a nice place to visit (after checking out the entire U.S.), but even people who threaten to move there (like the Baldwin's) don't. On the other hand, there's a veritable flood of people coming this way.

Bottom line is that it might be about "emissions" this time, but there will always be something to point fingers about.

[edit on 2/26/2007 by centurion1211]

Kind of what I was thinking.

And as far as emissions go, why doesnt someone get on chinas rear about their emissions?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:48 PM
China was basically exempted from having to do anying in the so-called kyoto accords. That was despite the fact that China was already one of the worlds gross polluters, and the fact that they are only increasing the pollution they produce with their increased imports and use of gasoline and other crude oil based products. This was one of the main reasons that the U.S. did not ratify the kyoto accords. The U.S. would have had to cripple their industrial base, while china and others wouldn't have to lift a finger.

Can we say level playing field people?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:49 PM
Pardon me but I cannot take anything from Reverend Sun Myung Moon's paper seriously. The Washington Times may just be the most agenda-driven newspaper in this country - the FOX news of fishwrap.

These "journalists" will shamelessly print anything the Bush administration wants.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by befoiled

Well said befoiled, I my self would not trust a single word spewed by these people, matter of fact I'm giving you a ATS Way Above for it.

You have voted befoiled for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

[edit on 26/2/2007 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 08:48 PM
You know why noone in the west calls out to China to do something about their emissions?

You know what would happen if China would have to invest extra in more modern and cleaner production methods?

Yup yup, you'll feel like the doubling of gas prices is sweet compared to the exponential price growth that would go paired with China being forced to get with the program.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by Souljah

Why want to silent a scientist, when everything is going smoothly?

Can you prove he has in fact been targeted to be silenced? I doubt it. [edit on 2/26/2007 by shots]

Can you prove Washington Times is areliable news source? I doubt it.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 09:34 PM
All you have to do is look at the percentage of the worlds population that lives there and the percentage of the worlds resources used and then you can clearly see anything that says otherwise is purely spin.

Its something like the American 5% of the world population uses 50% of the worlds resources.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Anyway - here are some fast facts about global warming; will BBC be OK?

Dude, they cant say for sure how hot it will be in a week, but they have it all figured out for 90 years from now?

Im sure I can find a graph from the 60s showing the world covered in ice by now.

Tell the BBC that if they know someone who can predict the weather that well they should buy The Weather Channel!

[edit on 26-2-2007 by cavscout]

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:24 AM
What is up with some of my fellow countrymen? Have some of you just become totally soft in the head from all the commerials you grew up on? You are like corporate bootlickers. Whats up with that? Get real...

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