Thank you for asking these questions Flyersfan. I will answer below:
1 - Your stand on the rights of Americans to own and bear arms....
This is simple: You have the right.
The US of A was a Nation founded by men who knew one thing – without the ability for the people to protect themselves a Government could bring down
tyranny upon them. This is still relevant today. In my mind gun legislation needs to be repelled with the only law being simple: Those who buy guns
simply have their guns placed on file, so that if a bullet is shot from it the Police know through the use of forensic evidence.
Furthermore to ban guns is irrelevant you will never eliminate them and to outlaw them places them only in the hands of criminals.
2 - Your stand on abortion laws ....
Abortion law is something that hits close to home for me. As I have mentioned before I have been on the receiving end of this with an ex-partner of
mine having an abortion. It is something that creates diverse emotion for us all and thus is something that needs to be spoken about very
The problem is if it should be legal or not? What instances it should be legal? In my mind it needs to be legal. Accidents do happen, children
(teenagers) do get pregnant and in my mind all banning it would do would be to move us back to the Victorian era where doctors did it illegally.
However I think the true answer to this is how to reduce the rates of people getting abortions. We need to look at why people are having them and part
of the problem can be explained by how Holland lowered the rates of abortion in the Nation. This was done through education and prevention. Sexual
education needs to be raised in the classroom, girls who are sexually active need to be taking the pill and boys and girls both need to be given
condoms for free. They also need to be taught what children will do to them and their lives along with women being educated about what abortion can do
to them mentally.
Also a revamping of the adoption system should be looked into so that those who would have had an abortion might keep them to be adopted.
3 - Your stand on changing the Constitution to exclude gay marriage .....
Homosexual marriages are rather simple. The State should allow it, but any religious group who does not desire to do a ceremony should not. It is up
to Christians if they think that homosexuality is moral but the Government does not. Such things should be left down to the individual.
4 - Your economic platform ....
I am a contemporary socialist. I believe that the gap between the rich and the poor is almost laughable but I do not support the idea that many
Marxists support of a universal single wage. Wages should be based upon the skill the job requires, Doctors, Teacher, Managers, etc, should all get
paid more than someone who works in a shop due to what they have achieved. However a doctor (brain surgeon) should not get more if he lives in a
different area. This should apply to all jobs. Furthermore, people should have to have several years experience before they can gain a high status
5 - Your stand on the 'death tax' .....
I am a supporter of inheritance taxation. Everyone needs to put something into society and being born into money is not doing that nor is taking over
your parents business. I support the idea that anything over $100,000 USD should be taken in by the Government and placed into community projects –
after all, it was the people who gave them their money. If you yourself can not achieve enough to support yourself even with $100,000 there’s a
large problem. Society needs to be based around what people achieve not what they are born with.
6 - Your stand on the war in Iraq and how/when (IF?) to end it .....
Firstly the United State’s needs to openly say they will withdraw as quickly as possible.
Secondly they need to start to interact with terrorists. It worked for the British in Northern Ireland and without any dialogue nothing will
Thirdly it should happen as quickly as possible.
Thus the Government should set down a simple timeline meeting with the terrorists, local Islamic leaders, etc and getting the Islamic Governments to
begin to replace them with troops along with the U.S. helping them how they can (removal of sanctions as an example.) They need to open dialogue and
make it clear they will remove from Islamic Nations as long as the terrorism stops.
7 - Your stand on our security wall on the southern US border (and then on the Northern border?) ...
It’s not something that will solve the problem directly. Buses, planes, boats will still get through along with cars. So all the illegal immigrants
have to do is to use another method although it will be a worthwhile temporary measure. During this period the immigration system needs to be sped up
with applications getting reviewed within weeks rather than months. To do this more money needs to be placed into it (which can be taken from things
such as the Iraq war budget).
8 - Your stand on other security issues such as security in our ports etc ...
The ports should be Government controlled; more money should be placed into increasing surveillance measures so that they can detect any problematic
and suspect packages. The problem is nothing will ever be 100% safe but leaving it in the hands of a private business could be hazardous to the
Nation’s security.
9 - Your stand on intelligence gathering within the USA in regards to terrorism and constitutional rights -
If you are in a public place such as on the street, a park, etc, than you are open to anyone seeing it and thus things such as the CCTV cameras and
surveillance in public is fully legal. However anything that is conducted in the privacy of someone’s home should only be acceptable with a court
10 - Your VP and cabinet appointments? (any for me? Just teasing on that )
I’m working on this at the moment.