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Family Member Worked At Secret Facility....

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posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:09 PM
Well, my family took a trip to the midwest this past summer. When we where there we met family members and family friends we hadn't seen for years. One of them was a middle aged man who had left the military a couple years back.

As we talked he told me about where he had earlier worked. He described that it was only found on maps made before or in the 50's after that it dissapeared. He said that it was somewhere (can't remember exactly where) in California, where he previously lived. He said that animals that had been around the area would turn a tint of orange, and they would grow deformities around their body. His son who drove by once also claims to see these strange things.

As he moved up in ranks he saw more. He worked with scientists who would be fifty, and look like they were eighty from whatever they were working with. He wore suits to keep himself from having the same effects, why the scientists didn't I do not know.

Maybe the strangest thing was what he guarded. He guarded what he says was, a real star wars. Personally I do not watch the star war movies so I do not know what the movies star wars is. But, he described it as a large machine that could go into the sky, and literally obliterate another countries missiles or nuclear weapons heading to hit the United States. Apparently it had pinpoint accuracy and was near perfect.

It is all pretty crazy. I thought you would all enjoy his experience, if you have any questions I'll try to answer as best as I can.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by tha son
One of them was a middle aged man who had left the military a couple years back.....

....He described that it was only found on maps made before or in the 50's after that it dissapeared.

Maybe the strangest thing was what he guarded.....

If he is middle aged, that would mean that the place was'nt on the map after he was born.

But if it "disappeared", how could he have worked there, or guarded anything there?

I am confused. Maybe you can help me sort through my confusion.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 04:04 PM
The place itself did not dissapear, just the facility being on maps. He happened to see a old map where he saw it, but current maps don't have it.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by tha son
The place itself did not dissapear, just the facility being on maps. He happened to see a old map where he saw it, but current maps don't have it.

Okay. So no stealthy invisible secret bases then?

So is there anything else you can tell us, without endangering his anonymity?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 10:50 PM
We all have relatives like that. A little bit of color in the family tree.

Must of us just smile and listen politely to their stories. At the end of the family reunion we all go home and just sigh when we think of poor old uncle and wonder if professional help could do anything for him.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 04:40 AM
I have a quick question.Are you lying?Seems alot of people know alot of people who work at secret bases(its always hearsay).Then post a fairly generic story with nothing to back it up.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 10:08 AM
Dave- hahahaha I definitely met those kinds too. I have to admit he was weird, but at the same time he was in the military, he was stationed in the same area in california, and he just didn't seem like a liar to me.

azar (I think that was your name?)- No, I'm not lying. I didn't know this was a generic story like many others, but ok. I don't see the reason of wasting my time writing out a false story on the internet to you guys, whats the point of that, I just shared a story.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by tha son

As we talked he told me about where he had earlier worked. He described that it was only found on maps made before or in the 50's after that it dissapeared. He said that it was somewhere (can't remember exactly where) in California, where he previously lived.

Has anyone ever forgotten where they have EVER lived? I don't think so...

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone

Originally posted by tha son

As we talked he told me about where he had earlier worked. He described that it was only found on maps made before or in the 50's after that it dissapeared. He said that it was somewhere (can't remember exactly where) in California, where he previously lived.

Has anyone ever forgotten where they have EVER lived? I don't think so...

I think he was saying where his Uncle lived not where he lived.


posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:42 PM
sometimes I forget where I lived my senior year in collage but thats a different story all together...damn booze. Was it belmont of fresh pond? No wait maybe it was allston wait no allston was sophmore year. Crap. It happens. but I doubt a military man would forget where he lived in relations to a span of years where he was working on a Star Wars defense system.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:35 PM
I think it is more likely that "tha son" has forgotten where his uncle said he (uncle) lived.

All blown out of proportion, and out of context already, imo.

Not that I believe the story 100%, though.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Originally posted by BASSPLYR

sometimes I forget where I lived my senior year in collage

Lotta booze, eh ?
You mean "college" ?


posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 06:07 PM
OK let's get back on this topic you goofballs! I can't remember where I lived Freshman year either by the way, so I am with y'all on that one!

Ok, to the OP (Tha Son)(sp?), anyway sorry but how about some more details?? Can you call that uncle and find out some more detail for us?? Fill in the holes so to speak?
At least get his credentials such as rank, occupation in the military at that time and so on.

One big thing to remember is that the military sub contracts nearly everything!!! My father has been to places quite alot that are building a component that the military needs but they just have no idea what it is going to be used for!! It is so compartmentalized that it's almost impossible unless you are a higher up on the chain of command. It is just a very easy and failsafe way to spread a project out in such a deverse area that the sum of the parts matters but not the individual parts really. Most people would not even know what they were looking at if they saw it anyway!

Anyhow, look forward to reading more on this topic..Peace, Mondo

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Would it be possible to tell us WHO he worked for in the military i.e. the army, Seals, Delta force etc.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Probably just got to guard either the boeing with the giant chemical laser in it for anti missile defence or some other prototype laser weapon vehicle thing.

Cool, vague and i gotta say i have a story like this too but it was a truck driver who i hitched a ride with. Apparently he delivered a trailer to a secret base (can't remember if it was groom lake or not).

Basically all he got to see was a fence from about ten miles away and a big flat peice of cement that he parked on, they brought him for a flight in a helicopter and came back to the truck ( no trailer)
cool story to hear when your making a journey from kamloops to vancouver through the mountains.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 07:23 PM
hahahaha, where my UNCLE lived you guys...not me. I really don't know him that well, but I am also very interested with it all. I think I'll call up some closer family and get his email and pry some info out of him. When I get it, you guys will be the first to know.

I'll try to get everything you guys said, without seeming like I'm contacting him solely to find out about his military life.

posted on Feb, 28 2007 @ 12:24 AM
is your uncle a former user of lsd?

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 02:39 PM
As far as the "star wars" project, we all know thats true and has been tested successfully, thats nothing secret. So I guess its the orange stuff we need to focus on correct?

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