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In the War on Terrorism President George W. Bush has used these war powers to justify several controversial acts, e.g. NSA electronic surveillance program. The administration has used a legal theory known as the unitary executive theory, to explain that in his duty as Commander-in-Chief the President, with his inherent powers, cannot be bound by law or Congress. In the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy this was used to suggest he was not required to abide by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The same rationale was used to deny detainees in the War on Terror protection by the Geneva Conventions resulting in a global controversy surrounding apparent mistreatment. Also it is thought that the McCain Detainee Amendment, which was adopted to address prisoner abuse, might be ignored after President Bush added a signing statement invoking his rights as Commander-in-Chief, to that bill
"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
Originally posted by Lexion
To all of you naysayers :
Are you now, or ever been in the military ?
Do you know the pride of raising your right hand, and serving your country ?
Do you know the rigours of military life ?
Have any of you, ANY of you cowardly, monday morning hypocrits EVER
had the nads to do anything other than criticize our country and government ?
It's easy to talk, bitch and complain. Easy.
It gets tough, when you actually have to do anything.
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, and probably some type of ban,
I am so sick of the yellow-belly people that talk the crap that I see in threads like this.
I served. I am proud of that damnit. PROUD !!
I am a proud vet,
Originally posted by MikeboydUS
They are used in a manner similar to Cavalry Scouts.
Originally posted by semperfoo
If this is true it makes you wonder if the Generals know something that we dont....
Faulty Chips Could Cripple U.S. Attack On Iran
Man I dont know if its true. Im not the biggest military buff here. But If china has infact intentionally sold us faulty chips to "get the upper hand" on the US, then an attack on irans nuclear facilities could potentially fry our equipment due to EMP.
the article states that its becoming better known amongst the military brass. So if those generals knew about this it would only make perfect sense to voice their objectivity in a possible fight against Iran.
Decide for yourself... I thought It was BS until I started reading into it a bit more. Now Im not so sure.
[edit on 122828p://2802am by semperfoo]
The fleet of 54 V-22 Osprey aircraft used by the Marines and Air Force was grounded this week after a faulty computer chip was discovered in flight-control computers.
Observers said the continued problems don't bode well for an aircraft that Marine generals say they intend to dispatch to a war zone this year.
Senior Marine generals have said repeatedly that they plan to deploy the first operational V-22 squadron this year, probably to Iraq or Afghanistan. Military officers overseeing the V-22 program are 'very confident,' Darcy said, that the latest problem 'is not going to impact' that timeline.
According to this well-informed source, “We had no warning” of the North Korean test because “the Chinese took down our look down capability” with a frequency-focused EMP. “And we were going, ‘What the # just happened?’ Nobody knew. Even after it happened nobody knew. Because it leaves no signature.”
Since “an electromagnetic pulse goes on through and it’s gone,” such egregious aggression could not be proven, and was not an act of war.
It was a wake up call. Because the advanced NSA spy bird—”a little higher than Keyhole 14”—was supposedly “hardened against everything from solar flares to enemy action,” Hank was told.
In a confrontation in the Persian Gulf or off Taiwan, where another U.S. task force has also been deployed, it will not matter if some “Made In Colorado” hardened chips shut down in time to dodge aimed or accidental pulses. Because complex electronic circuitry is assembled in a cascade-inviting daisy chain, if one microchip fails, even if the other dozen chips connected to that circuit come back online, the device they’re directing won’t.