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My UFO experince

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posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:12 AM
Good day,

This is my personal account of what I believe was the sighting of 2 UFO's over central Alberta Canada. I am asking if anyone can provide any insight or information to my account. Please keep in mind that at the time I was a teenager and I do not have any photographic evidence of this account.

As a teenager during summer vacation, between June and August, I believe I witnessed two UFO's flying extremely high in the night sky over central Alberta Canada. The time frame is some what suspect as I can not remember exactly what month it was but the the year was 1994. I had just spent the evening playing some video games with my cousins and we decided to go to the local corner store to pick up some pop and chips during a midnight walk.

On our way back to my place we decided to take a short detour through the park that was near by. During this walk something caught my eye in the night sky. It was two very fast moving shimmers of light. Being interested in space and things related to aircraft I thought this might have been two satellites flying over or two high flying aircraft. My cousins decided to head back home and I stayed in the park to do some star gazing. There wasn't any could cover and the night was warm as it was summer vacation.

I decided to park myself on top of a small hill and look at the constellations above. As I was enjoying my pop I noticed two other fast moving shimmers of light. What really made me pay attention was that they were moving in a direct line to each other one moving north to south the other moving south to north. As well thee was no aircraft noise what so ever. As these two shimmers of light moved closer to each other they began to slow down and then stop. The did not emit any colour except white light. As the continued to slow down they finally came to stop and appeared to be very close to each other. A few moments latter the object that traveled south to north sped off west and the other object went east each object clearing the horizon in under a few seconds. Both of which traveled at speeds that are not possible of conventional or even military aircraft. Again they moved in strait lines.

To prevent anyone from throwing idle comments at my post. I was not under the influence of any alcohol or narcotics at the time. I like my beer every so often but I have no time for drugs of any sort.

I ask if anyone else has witnessed these objects or might have some sort of report that may help add "teeth" to my story it would be appreciated. I'm going to attach a mapquest link to give a relative position of where I was at the time of the incident. The park I was at is just south of Duncan Cresent


Facta Non Verba

[edit on 25-2-2007 by Arcticnull]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:16 AM
You might check that link to the park.

I can't access it.

Most times paranormal events seem to stick real clear in one's memory I've noticed.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:22 AM
Thanks for the note on the link I'm not sure quite how post one in here yet but I'll learn. IF you do a search on map quest for Everitt Cresent in Red Deer Alberta you'll see where I was roughly

As to your comment about experinces being very clear this one is.

I wasn't abducted or anything of that nature. I just watched two very bright points of light move in very strait lines , hover, and then move faster than any man made aircraft.

Thanks for the note.


Fact Non Verba

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:00 AM
Have you taken time to review that list of abductee questions?

I hate to keep "popping up" at junctures like this... but this is where I am needed. If you were alone or with a couple other folks when this sighting occurred, I HIGHLY recommend you goto the thread I posted:

How you can tell if you are a Victim of Abduction...

Answer those questions, even to yourself... just to get a feel for what I'm talking about... you might have some interesting "things" pop up at you that you didn't expect...

Enlightening, to say the least...


[edit on 25/202/07 by Southpaw11]

[edit on 25/202/07 by Southpaw11]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 03:20 AM

I read your post and here are the answers to you questions.

Please don't read to much into my ptsd symptoms, I'm a fomer soldier and no I'm not from the U.S.A.

Here ya go:

Are you of Irish, Celtic, or Native American descent?

Are you adopted?

What "monsters" were in your room as a kid?

Have you ever seen a "bigfoot"?

Have you ever seen a "man in black"?

Have you ever seen an "alien"?

Have you ever seen a "red eyed guy with a black cloak"?

Have you ever seen "shadow people" or "watchers"?
never heard of this reference and no I've never seen these things

Have you ever seen a "Nordic"?
What's a Nordic

Do you have an unusual affinity with animals?

Have you ever noted unexplained puncture wounds on your body?

Have you ever noted unexplained red splotches or spots on your body?

Have you ever noted unexplained "scoops" out of your skin anywhere on your body?

Do you have a neck injury at the T3 or immediate surrounding area?

Do you have a back injury at the L5/S1 or immediate surrounding area?
Yes due to falling off the back of an APC in 2001

Do you ever see owls?

Have you ever seen pink phorphorescent lights?

Have you ever seen a UFO?

Whether you've seen a UFO or not, do you feel "aliens" are here to "help us"? Why?
If they did offer to help us human beings are to dumb to say thanks and take it

Have you ever detected the scent or odor of SULFUR or BURNT MATCHES, SOGGY CARDBOARD, MOLDY LEATHER in your home?
moldy leather only after a month in the field from my combat boots

Have you ever detected unexplained bruising on your body?

Have you ever experienced "missing time"?

Are you unusually empathetic and/or compassionate?
Depends on my bood

Do you ever get the feeling there is "someone there"?
Not since my onset of an operational stress injury followed by my symptoms of ptsd

Have you ever noted things out place, when you KNOW they were "placed correctly"?
all the time, then again that's because of my effected memmory

Ever wake up with your clothes on backward?
only once after a long night at the mess
With your shoes on the wrong feet?

see above

In the wrong bed?
see 2 above

In the wrong house?
see 3 above

Ever develop a pattern of waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning?
Due to my medications and ptsd symptoms , yes

Ever have dreams so vivid you wonder if they were real?

Ever recall scents or odors from "dreams"?

Do your Parents or Grandparents have UFO stories to tell?

Do you ever have "endtimes" visions, many times with the wrong scenario, wrong dates, etc?

Do you have strange or unwarranted fear or phobia of Clowns, Racoons, Midgets, Children?

Do you ever hear noises on your roof in the middle of the night?

Have you ever seen ghosts of loved ones?

Have you ever detected a "lumplike" object attached to your right testicle? OR lacerations or bleeding on the scrotum AFTER the event?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Arcticnull

I read your post and here are the answers to you questions.

Please don't read to much into my ptsd symptoms, I'm a fomer soldier and no I'm not from the U.S.A.

Don't worry Brother, you are NOT alone. Not by a long shot. In the end we ALL take THAT punishment for our FAMILIES and nothing more... Yeah, bro... not even CLOSE to alone... right here with ya...

Here ya go:

Are you of Irish, Celtic, or Native American descent?

Me too. 45% of Sims' abductees are of this genetic descent. I think you're probably a King, and just don't know it... but... shhhh.... that's just tween you and me, k?

Have you ever seen "shadow people" or "watchers"?
never heard of this reference and no I've never seen these things[/quote

[quoteHave you ever seen a "Nordic"?
What's a Nordic

Tall blonde people. Bright blue eyes, usually. More "beautiful than beautiful", if that makes any sense at all... Sometimes, thought to be the "Annanaki"... sometimes thought to be representative of the missing 10 Tribes of Israel... among other explanations...

Basically you'd know if you saw one... LOL!

Do you have a back injury at the L5/S1 or immediate surrounding area?
Yes due to falling off the back of an APC in 2001

Now THIS is interesting. I've got a Marine who apparently sustained the SAME injury in Iraq when they ran over an anti tank mine in their humvee. He has some "mysterious" circumstances though...

Did you notice this injury IMMEDIATELY? Or did it crop up later on, with blame being passed BACK to that event (falling off the APC)?

Another of my guys, another Marine, a Huey Crew Chief, had the same injury only it didn't show up til EIGHT MONTHS after the decksmack that supposedly caused it. Does not compute.

Have you ever seen a UFO?

No surprise. This is "normal" for you too, isn't it? Not like an "every nite" type of thing, but you see your fair share of ET and his flyin' hubcaps, no?

Neat, arent' they? *evilgrin*

Whether you've seen a UFO or not, do you feel "aliens" are here to "help us"? Why?
If they did offer to help us human beings are to dumb to say thanks and take it

Amen to that, Brother!

Have you ever detected the scent or odor of SULFUR or BURNT MATCHES, SOGGY CARDBOARD, MOLDY LEATHER in your home?
moldy leather only after a month in the field from my combat boots

Okay. But does that stink show up immediately, or is it at about 4am the next morning?

Do you ever get the feeling there is "someone there"?
Not since my onset of an operational stress injury followed by my symptoms of ptsd

Hey, bro... tell me more... are you saying you might have been "left behind" (yeah, I get it)... or are you saying the feeling of someone "watching you" STOPPED after your incident?

Have you ever noted things out place, when you KNOW they were "placed correctly"?
all the time, then again that's because of my effected memmory

Are you SURE? Ever see the movie Manchurian Candidate? The NEW one... VERY good. If you HAVE seen it... go watch it AGAIN. And right after THAT watch "Taken"... THEN you'll be able to pull the "military abductee veil" OFF yer head brother. TRUST. Watch both of those again. It might start to make more sense.

Ever wake up with your clothes on backward?
only once after a long night at the mess

Okay. But what time did you wake up and notice it? Did ya wake at 0300 that nite/morning?

Ever develop a pattern of waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning?
Due to my medications and ptsd symptoms , yes

Yes, but what about BEFORE the PTSD? Trust me, bro... You are the closest to "me" so far... I'm interested to see what you find when you change your vantage point. THINK. HARD. LOL! I almost missed some crucial information that's why I say that...

Have you ever detected a "lumplike" object attached to your right testicle? OR lacerations or bleeding on the scrotum AFTER the event?

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:12 PM

I felt the need to respond again to your thread.

Just because a person has seen a Unidentified Flying Object certainly doesn't mean a person has been abducted.

I am sure that there are many sightings that are even explainable and aren't manned by Extra Terrestrials who are taking us away and doing things to us.


I am not trying to step on your toes here, I believe you are trying to be helpful and all for the most part, but I noticed Articnull is a brand new member and I don't think he came to ATS to be convinced he is an abductee.

All in the name of goodwill to my fellow ATS members.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 05:26 PM

You are truely reading into my operational stress injuries.

About my back was from falling the roughly 9 feet to the ground and landing on built up peice of icy ground. There's no ET relationship there. Just me , gravity, mother nature and Canadian winters. Yes I did notice this injury immediately because it compressed a disc in my back.

Seeing UFO's is not a normal or natural occurance to me. I've only seen them once and that was when I was a teenager.

As to the smell of my boots being moldy, that was just some soldier humor.

I was never left behind and I've never felt that someone was watching me.

I was never a Manchurian candidate. The only reason why I have an operations stress injury is becuase of what I've seen and done in my career.

The reason I wake up so often in the middle in the of the night is because I have nightmares. Again due to my OSI

I think I've asnwered enough questions I'd like this post to carry on with my original question. That being if anyone has any other knowledge of the UFO's over Red Deer Alberta in the summer of 1994.



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