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will i lose my right to own property ?

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posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:10 AM
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the NWO folks advocate taking away property rights. This makes no sense to me. Wouldnt this hurt the rich elitists even more so than me ??? Why would someone like rockefeller promote such a philosophy if they stood to lose all their family property ?

Also, I dont understand this whole corporate-led takeover and enslavement conspiracy theory. If we're all slaves with no property working on some commune, who the hell is going to buy their products ???

To me the whole idea of an NWO takeover (the conspiracy viewpoint) makes no sense if it will hurt the very corporations that seek profit.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:21 PM
what makes you think that the nwo will make it so that no one will buy products?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:29 PM
Please send all deeds, and papers to 555 Government Street, San Antonio, Texas care of Royal76

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the NWO folks advocate taking away property rights. This makes no sense to me. Wouldnt this hurt the rich elitists even more so than me ??? Why would someone like rockefeller promote such a philosophy if they stood to lose all their family property ?

Also, I dont understand this whole corporate-led takeover and enslavement conspiracy theory. If we're all slaves with no property working on some commune, who the hell is going to buy their products ???

To me the whole idea of an NWO takeover (the conspiracy viewpoint) makes no sense if it will hurt the very corporations that seek profit.

The abolition of private property is the doctrine of the Communists, not the wealthy capitalists.

The Communist line follows the phrase "Property is theft!" In other words, Communists view the entire earth not as "property" per se, but as Mother Nature giving us a temporary home. To think we can "own" it would be ridiculous.

The wealthy elite love private property, and wouldn't let it go without a fight. You are 100 percent correct: it's the property that makes them "wealthy elite" to begin with. And according to the Communists, this is precisely reason that private property has to go.

It's interesting that all the crazy, wild anti-Communist propaganda has come from the same sources: rich, elitist capitalists.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 05:19 PM
So what makes you think they cant go back to the days were Lords, Earls and Royalty were the only ones allowed to own land ?. I sort of picture this whole NWO thing as the collective decendants of these royals trying to go back to the pre-magna carta days were they had exclusivity over everyone and everything.

They wont win, it was an ambitious plan to start with and the internet is now the resistance and unless they shut it down we will all be better informed of their deeds.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 07:31 PM
The elite protect property rights with all their being. What most people don't realize is that everything is already owned including your labour. Everything has been pledged against your gov't debt that you willingly contracted into. The only thing left are intellectual property rights which are currently being decided by creeps in the U.N. They are deciding on how to legally steal your ideas even before you have them.

If you really own something you can't be taxed on it. You are a modern feudal serf renting your house, your land, your car. Absolutely everything except the odd piece of chinese crap sold at walmart is already owned by the Rothchilds, Rockefellars, Cecils, the Jesuits, various members of the black nobility.
If you think I'm kidding, just read through a blacks law dictionary and find out what words really mean in a court of law.
Do you have a legal title to your house or equitable title? Do you know what a manufactuers certificate of origin is? Do you know the difference between real property, chattel property, private property, public property? Do you know what land patents are? Have you ever actually paid for anything with lawful money or did you just discharge a debt with legal tender?
Do you know what military script is? How about a promissary note?
Are you even free? Did you parents sell you into bondage via a birth certificate in order to recieve a child tax credit or benefit? Did you renounce your slavery when you turned the age of majority? Did you volunteer to fill out a income tax form and volunteer to get a social insurance/ social security number in order to get a benefit.
If you study legal maxims you will soon realize what is really going on.
The gov't took your birth certificate and created a bond against your future taxable income earnings in order to borrow more money from the international monetary fund. Every gov't except the "axis of evil" is a member of the IMF. All the people have been pledged by their parents or guardians voluntarily into bondage against the nations debt. This is the NWO or the one world gov't everyone is afraid of. This happened back between 1867-1935. All gov'ts became bankrupt corporations pledging their resources, parks, and people against the debt. The people lost their common law unalienable God given rights in exchange for benefits, priviledges, & duties. Every country is a corporation. Corporations are chartered. Anything chartered is a ship. Ships and commerce operate in maritime/admiralty law. Other know as commercial law. Ever heard of uniform commercial code? Code, statues, ordinaces, & by laws are for members & officers aboard a ship undertaking a maritime voyage. Thats why in Border crossings became "ports of entry", Judges, & police are paid by the "Port Authorities".
This is why you have citizen"ship", you sometimes get owner"ship", when someone goes bankrupt the enter into reciever"ship".
The ships that travelled back and forth between the 13 colonies, India, the new World, & Old Europe were called Revenue Cutters.
In Canada the people send their income tax to Canada Customs & Revenue Agency. The country is in Receivership cause of it's national debt. The people make their cheques out to the "Receiver General".
Canada is a bankrupt corporate entity undertaking a "maritime Voyage".
The people all hold a gov't office called the "taxpayer". When a kid pays sales tax on candy he is a "tax_payer". Notice the difference in the way the words are spelled. This is what the BAR associations of Lawyers are all about. BAR = British Admiralty Registry. The commercial law is a private legal franchise that has spread througout the world. Eveything now a days is legal instead of lawful. Officers must remunerate part of their military script during war time to support the war effort. Do you ever wonder why Gov'ts are always in a state of war? War on terror, war on drugs, war on poverty, war on illiteracy, war on cancer? etc. etc
I could go on but either you get it or you don't.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 02:19 AM
No one can argue the truth only ridicule it, violently oppose it, then accept it as self evident!

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 04:38 PM
private property was created by the nwo/illuminati to satisfy to the "people of want". they used this idea as a cornerstone of wealth. and planned later to rip the very idea from the peoples hands, leaving them with nothing.

i cant remember where i heard this; so its hearsay.

the truth is property is a fabricated illusion. no one has a right to property- not you, not i, not them. its more of an agreement amongst people. when the time comes that they try to take from you; i suggest you flip the script and take from them.

this construct has had so much time in modern civilization, it wont just go away.

the quicker we all openly refuse such forms of control the weaker the elitists become. the only reason they are elite is becuase we allow them the privilege of leadership. take that away, they have nothing.

[edit on 25/2/07 by Glyph_D]

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 04:49 PM
In the U.S. the elimination of property rights has already begun, Google Kelo v. CIty of New London.
This doesn't mean the termination of all property rights-just for the common man. As stated aptly above, the middle and lower class is being reduced to the state of serfdom.
A misconception seem to be that the NWO is avowedly Communist. Whereas, I see it as Fascist in nature. That means a centrally controlled economy but with limited property rights for certain individuals (corporations mostly) and those of the select few. Study the economic structure of Nazi Germany to see how it worked. It's happening almost point for point here.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 02:17 AM
passenger, I see many direct correlations with Nazi Germany. Who really won the war?

BattleofBatoche, great post man. You seem to be very well informed in this subject. Why is the particular NWO takeover during 1867-1935? I would have thought it was in place before the civil war ended, but not in the whole country yet. The idea of a free country was never really started...It is my belief that England let the America's win the war under the illusion of freedom. We still have economic ties with Britain as in more or less direct control of our economy.

Interesting subject, I need some time to think the implications of control overnight.


posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by passenger
In the U.S. the elimination of property rights has already begun, Google Kelo v. CIty of New London.
This doesn't mean the termination of all property rights-just for the common man. As stated aptly above, the middle and lower class is being reduced to the state of serfdom.
A misconception seem to be that the NWO is avowedly Communist. Whereas, I see it as Fascist in nature. That means a centrally controlled economy but with limited property rights for certain individuals (corporations mostly) and those of the select few. Study the economic structure of Nazi Germany to see how it worked. It's happening almost point for point here.

This is true. People are mis-informed if they think there really are property rights. Look up imminent domain. Your land can be condemned, seized, zoning changed, confiscated if your kid is arrested for dealing drugs. The city wants to put a right-of-way or highway through your property. Kiss it good by.

Only the very rich have any property rights (or any real rights at all).

My advice on rights - keep your head down and don't get into the legal system (i.e. be arrested for anything.)

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 07:57 AM
We lost the right to own property long ago. There is only one state left, Texas, that will allow allodial deeds/titles which mean the property is absolutely completey 100% yours. It is permit free, tax free and you can do whatever you want with it. Texas is phasing these out. As allodial properties become available through death or abandonment the state and towns are buying them to ensure they arent available for true ownership anymore.

All of us who "own" property are subject to property taxes which are nothing more than rent payments to the town for the land we supposedly own. We cannot alter anything without filing for permits and paying fees. We do however own the building on the land. But not the land. If the government tried to forclose due to tax avoidance you could theoretically remove the building from the property. That is a very expensive process so nobody does it. When the government comes to kick off of their land they win by claiming you building(s).
That is of course as long as you do own the building and are not paying your mortgage currently.

So far we've lost the right to property, the right to life, and liberty is taken bit by bit for "temporary" reasons and never given back.

We're still free to pursue happiness. Just as long as its the PC happiness the government defines as happiness.

All this NWO fear crap is too late. We lost this war years ago. Sad thing is very few of us ever even realised we were at war.

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 08:59 AM
Wow.....where does one begin??

when you say 'Property', i figure your meaning Real-Estate?
rich elitists, losing property? No, they don't lose property, they will
'transfer' property...say by donating it to the State, or National Historic & Scenic Places, or perhaps by creating a sheltered Trust/Endowment or something that is 'Lawyer-esque' and quite beyond the reach of us Serfs.
the list is alnost endless....and the elitiests will skim tax credits or other ongoing advantages in the process so that the other bulk of their wealth will remain out of the reach of the taxing authority....can't you just hear the hum of a well protected NWO machine driving our society&government
right now

Originally posted by admriker444
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the NWO folks advocate taking away property rights. This makes no sense to me. Wouldnt this hurt the rich elitists even more so than me ??? Why would someone like rockefeller promote such a philosophy if they stood to lose all their family property ?

Also, I dont understand this whole corporate-led takeover and enslavement conspiracy theory. If we're all slaves with no property working on some commune, who the hell is going to buy their products ???

To me the whole idea of an NWO takeover (the conspiracy viewpoint) makes no sense if it will hurt the very corporations that seek profit.

About 'buying' the products divvied out by the Fascist-Corporatology,
your going to everyday buy that processed food
your going to fill up on fuel to get to that work station every day
Nations pulled into wars, will buy guns & ammo & war weapons from Corp.s
If your unaware of the different 'conveyor belts' which were developed to govern your life.....????

lastly, the Oily-garcs who got to top by sublime predatory skills to become the elites of the fascist-corporatocracy are not so near sighted to seek only Profit in the form of USD or gold or land...
'profit' is a diabolical shape-shifting concept

prior posters nailed your question already, you or I don't own property, we annually 'lease' it from the state,
unless you have chosen to be only a lowly consumer (serf)

posted on Mar, 1 2007 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by admriker444
I seem to recall reading somewhere that the NWO folks advocate taking away property rights. This makes no sense to me. Wouldnt this hurt the rich elitists even more so than me ??? Why would someone like rockefeller promote such a philosophy if they stood to lose all their family property ?

Also, I dont understand this whole corporate-led takeover and enslavement conspiracy theory. If we're all slaves with no property working on some commune, who the hell is going to buy their products ???

To me the whole idea of an NWO takeover (the conspiracy viewpoint) makes no sense if it will hurt the very corporations that seek profit.

The abolition of private property is the doctrine of the Communists, not the wealthy capitalists.

The Communist line follows the phrase "Property is theft!" In other words, Communists view the entire earth not as "property" per se, but as Mother Nature giving us a temporary home. To think we can "own" it would be ridiculous.

The wealthy elite love private property, and wouldn't let it go without a fight. You are 100 percent correct: it's the property that makes them "wealthy elite" to begin with. And according to the Communists, this is precisely reason that private property has to go.

It's interesting that all the crazy, wild anti-Communist propaganda has come from the same sources: rich, elitist capitalists.

However, in the Soviet Union, there still were the rich. Who owned private property and who purchased American and other goods.

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